
In just 4 minutes, the goal was invalid and a penalty was awarded! VAR intervened three times, and the former European Cup winner was out

author:Poetry says sports

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In just 4 minutes, the goal was invalid and a penalty was awarded! VAR intervened three times, and the former European Cup winner was out
In just 4 minutes, the goal was invalid and a penalty was awarded! VAR intervened three times, and the former European Cup winner was out
In just 4 minutes, the goal was invalid and a penalty was awarded! VAR intervened three times, and the former European Cup winner was out
In just 4 minutes, the goal was invalid and a penalty was awarded! VAR intervened three times, and the former European Cup winner was out
In just 4 minutes, the goal was invalid and a penalty was awarded! VAR intervened three times, and the former European Cup winner was out
In just 4 minutes, the goal was invalid and a penalty was awarded! VAR intervened three times, and the former European Cup winner was out
In just 4 minutes, the goal was invalid and a penalty was awarded! VAR intervened three times, and the former European Cup winner was out
In just 4 minutes, the goal was invalid and a penalty was awarded! VAR intervened three times, and the former European Cup winner was out
In just 4 minutes, the goal was invalid and a penalty was awarded! VAR intervened three times, and the former European Cup winner was out
In just 4 minutes, the goal was invalid and a penalty was awarded! VAR intervened three times, and the former European Cup winner was out
In just 4 minutes, the goal was invalid and a penalty was awarded! VAR intervened three times, and the former European Cup winner was out

Denmark's dream shattered for the European Cup: VAR intervened three times, and the former champion was unfortunately out

Waiting in the storm: an unusual pause at the European Championship

When June 30, Beijing time came, the hearts of fans were already touched by the focus of the 1/8 finals of the European Championship - the match between Germany and Denmark. However, this matchup, which was already in the spotlight, was added to the unusual color by a sudden bad weather. In the first half, the two teams went back and forth on the pitch, attacking and defending each other, but neither was able to break the deadlock. However, in the 35th minute of the game, the referee suddenly blew the whistle to signal that the game was interrupted. The players walked out of the pitch and returned to the locker room to wait for the referee's notice. It turned out that due to the bad local weather, lightning and thunder over the stadium, hail and heavy rain, the game had to be suspended.

Such a timeout is undoubtedly an ordeal for the fans. But in this long wait, we can't help but sigh that the charm of football is not only the fierce confrontation on the field, but also the unpredictable sense of unknown it brings us. This sense of unknown, like the weather, is sometimes sunny and sometimes hazy, but it is this unknown that makes us full of love and anticipation for football.

Just four minutes: Denmark's roller coaster from heaven to hell

When the game finally resumed, the mood of the fans became tense. However, what was unexpected was that the start of the second half changed dramatically in just four minutes. The Danes scored in a goalmouth scuffle through Anderson. The whole team was jubilant, as if they had seen the dawn of victory. However, just as they were celebrating wildly, the referee listened to the VAR referee and signalled that Delaney was offside and the goal was invalidated.

The decision undoubtedly poured cold water on the Danish team. But what made it even more difficult for them to accept was that just two minutes later, they suffered another blow. Anderson was awarded a penalty for handball in the box and the referee converted the penalty after confirming it through VAR. Kai Havertz then came in to give Germany the lead. In just four minutes, the Danish team fell from heaven to hell, from leading to behind, such a rollercoaster experience is undoubtedly a great test of their psychological endurance.

Three VAR interventions: fairness and controversy in football

In this match, the three interventions of the VAR referee became the focus of heated discussions. From Delaney's offside in the first half, to Anderson's handball being awarded a penalty in the second half, to Wirtz's goal being disallowed in stoppage time in the final moment, every decision by the VAR referee tugged at the heartstrings of the fans.

The use of VAR technology has been debated. On the one hand, it does improve the fairness and accuracy of the game, reducing the referee's misjudgments and omissions; On the other hand, it also makes the game more complicated and cumbersome, and sometimes even affects the flow and enjoyment of the game. But in any case, the introduction of VAR technology is one of the inevitable trends in the development of football. In the game, its role is irreplaceable.

History repeats itself: Denmark's spell against the hosts

With the end of the game, the Danish team also regrettably bid farewell to the stage of this European Championship. They have played against the host nation a total of six times in their history, but all of them have ended in defeat. This time against a strong German team, although they performed well, they were unable to break the curse in the end.

For the Danish team, although this trip to the European Championship was full of regrets and losses, it also allowed them to see their own shortcomings and areas for improvement. In the days ahead, they will continue to train hard and improve their strength to prepare for the next challenge. And for the fans, although the game is over, their love and attention to football will never stop. Let's look forward to the next European Championship!

Germany VS Denmark: The blood and regret of the 1/8 finals of the European Cup

When the bell rang at 3 o'clock in the morning, I couldn't contain my excitement and sat in front of the TV on time, waiting for the focus of the European Cup 1/8 finals - Germany vs Denmark. As a veteran football fan, I know that this match is not only about the fate of the two teams, but also a severe test of the strength of both teams.

The German team, a traditional powerhouse in football, has always been known for its rigorous tactics, strong overall strength and excellent teamwork. In the group stage, they topped Group A and showed good competitive form. The Danish team, although slightly inferior to Germany in terms of overall strength, also showed tenacious fighting spirit and excellent tactical execution ability in this European Cup. Especially in the group stage, they were able to remain unbeaten against strong opponents and successfully qualified as the second in the group.

From the start of the game, the German team showed a strong desire to attack. They are constantly creating a threat through their clever passing and movement. The Danish team, on the other hand, defused the German team's offensive again and again with excellent defense and quick counterattacks. In the first half, the two sides went back and forth, attacking and defending each other, but neither could break the deadlock.

However, the second half was full of drama. Denmark scored from a corner kick when Delaney assisted Anderson. However, the referee ruled that Anderson was offside when receiving the ball and the goal was invalidated. The decision was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Danish team, but it also left a valuable opportunity for the German team to counter-attack. Sure enough, it wasn't long before Germany took the lead with Kai Havertz's penalty.

After taking the lead, the German team did not let their guard down and they continued to maintain a high-intensity attack. Denmark, on the other hand, are in a difficult situation and need to recover their scores in a limited amount of time. However, as the game progressed, the Danish attack gradually lost its structure, while the Germans became more and more courageous. In the 69th minute, Musiala received a pass from Sane and scored a solo goal to seal the win for Germany.

Looking back on the whole game, the German team undoubtedly showed strong strength and excellent tactical execution. They remained calm and focused throughout the game, both offensively and defensively. In particular, the performance of the two young players, Kai Havertz and Musiala, is even more eye-catching. They showed great individual skills and teamwork in the game, which contributed to the victory of the German team.

The Danes lost the game, but their performance deserves respect. They showed tenacity and excellent tactical execution in the game, especially in defence. Through close teamwork and excellent individual ability, they have been able to defuse the German team's offensive time and time again. Although they failed to achieve victory in the end, they were good enough.

Of course, football is just as uncertain and dramatic as it is. In this game, we saw the strong strength and excellent performance of the German team, as well as the tenacious fighting spirit and excellent tactical execution ability of the Danish team. Regardless of the outcome, this match will become a classic battle in the hearts of our football fans.

However, we also have to face a reality: football is not only a contest of strength and tactics, but also a contest of players' mentality and will. In this game, we saw the calmness and focus of the German players, and also the tenacity and hard work of the Danish players. These qualities are the most valuable assets in football.

In conclusion, I would like to say that although the game of football is full of competition and confrontation, what is more important is the joy and passion it brings us. Whether the team we support wins or loses, we should be proud of their efforts and dedication. Because in this world of football, there are no eternal winners and no eternal losers, only those players and fans who dare to fight, dare to challenge, and dare to pursue their dreams.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Soccer Battle: Poetry about heroes

The battle of Jin Ge Iron Horse is not endless, and the green field is like a rainbow.

The Germanic chariots rolled in, and the Danish cavalry charged bravely.

The sunrise of Yunkai is thunderous, and the lightning and thunder are endless.

Heaven is like jealousy of talents, and hail is like a fist falling into the sky.

Don't wait for the storm for the time being, and return to fight like a rainbow.

Denmark was happy to break the goal, and the offside position was in the first place.

As soon as the penalty was awarded, Havertz showed his genius in front of him.

A one-handed shot into Mucia sealed the win with two goals.

The Germanic eagle spreads its wings high, and Denmark is proud despite defeat.

There is no permanent victory on the football field, and heroes have suffered many times since ancient times.

The wind and clouds are beating the war drums, and the heroic spirit runs through Changhong.

The iron-blooded pill heart shows the sun and the moon, and the top gun vows are not empty.

Who said that football is only competitive, and the truth is seen outside the victory or defeat.

The hard work on the field shows the style, and the friendship off the field is more precious.

The German chariots galloped away, and the Danish iron cavalry set off again.

There are many heroes in the European Cup, and the green field is famous.

Although the defeat was still glorious, the Danish spirit will never fail.

The road to football is bumpy, and the courage to move forward is not afraid.

The crowd cheered and the fans shed tears.

Heroes win or lose, and the world of football is hard to resist.

Time passes, and football history leaves a good story.

Today's battle has become a classic, and tomorrow's battle will continue the legend.

Germany and Denmark are still in the middle of the war, and the poems tell the heroes.

The situation on the football field is changing, and poetry and wine are celebrating together.

In this ancient poem, I tried to sum up the fierce football match between Germany and Denmark in the traditional poetic form. From the tension at the beginning, to the interruption of the game due to the sudden change in the weather, to the dramatic turn of the second half, I tried to paint a picture of the best moments of the game and the heroics of the players with concise words and vivid imagery. At the same time, I also try to express the spirit of competition, teamwork and friendship that is embedded in the game, as well as the love and passion of the fans for football. Finally, I would like to conclude this game by praising the heroic performance of the players and their expectations for the future, and at the same time leave good expectations and wishes for the future football matches.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】