
Tencent Video will be broadcast soon! The male and female protagonists fired CP in advance, and two hot searches a day were about to explode

author:Kuku is a fan of dramas

Tencent Video will be broadcast soon! The male and female protagonists fired CP in advance, and two hot searches a day were about to explode

Tencent Video is about to usher in a good drama next, and the hero and heroine have a very strong sense of CP, and now they have fired CP in advance.

In just one day, the show ushered in two hot searches, and the reading volume is still very high, not only does the two of them have the cutest height difference, but when they appear on the red carpet, it is like a wedding photo, and it looks like the audience's favorite kind of CP.

The heroine of the play is Shen Yue, a very sweet girl, although she is not a professional actress, her acting skills are very careful.

Tencent Video will be broadcast soon! The male and female protagonists fired CP in advance, and two hot searches a day were about to explode

Shen Yue once became popular all over the Internet with a sweet drama "Simple Little Beauty", and the next ones are basically all online dramas, and she has cooperated with many handsome actors, including Chen Zheyuan and Hu Yitian, etc.

And this time, they also cooperated with a handsome guy of one meter and nine, and the two of them made a collective appearance at the Shanghai TV Festival, Shen Yue wore a wedding dress, and the male protagonist Lin Yi wore a black suit, and the two stood together, as if they were coming to get married, welcoming a hot search.

Tencent Video will be broadcast soon! The male and female protagonists fired CP in advance, and two hot searches a day were about to explode
Tencent Video will be broadcast soon! The male and female protagonists fired CP in advance, and two hot searches a day were about to explode

And just today, their TV series Laughing also ushered in a new hot search, Lin Yi and Shen Yue pulled the tie and kissed the scene, watching the two of them really have a sense of CP, and the scenes shot by the director are also full of atmosphere.

The first trailer of the 34-episode urban emotional inspirational light comedy "Lost Laughter" will be broadcast on Tencent Video! In the play, we can see the sweet and sadistic moments of the two people, as well as the most adorable height difference, and the emotional drama is really good.

tells the love story of Gu Yi, a down-and-out part-time talk show actress, and Lu Jin, a cold male viewer with alexithymia, who are close to each other and heal each other.

Tencent Video will be broadcast soon! The male and female protagonists fired CP in advance, and two hot searches a day were about to explode
Tencent Video will be broadcast soon! The male and female protagonists fired CP in advance, and two hot searches a day were about to explode

The heroine wants to be a real talk show actress, and wants to make all the audience laugh, but she didn't expect to meet a cold-faced man, the laughter is very high, and she doesn't laugh at all, and then a series of ridiculous stories happened between the two, and in the process of getting along slowly, they found the advantages of each other, and finally walked together.

After the story of the rose, I can finally see Lin Yi's new drama again, which can be regarded as making up for the shortcomings at that time, after all, there are really few scenes in the story of the rose, if he can, I hope he can cooperate with Liu Yifei for the second time.

But Shen Yue is still okay, although she is not as amazing as Liu Yifei, but she is very cute, so she is especially suitable for this kind of sweet drama.

Tencent Video will be broadcast soon! The male and female protagonists fired CP in advance, and two hot searches a day were about to explode
Tencent Video will be broadcast soon! The male and female protagonists fired CP in advance, and two hot searches a day were about to explode

After the story of Rose is over, Tencent is about to launch two TV series, one is Tan Songyun's You Are More Beautiful Than Starlight, and the other is Yang Zi's Sauvignon Blanc, each with its own track and competitiveness.

It should be good if "Lost Laughter" is launched at the same time, Lin Yi and Shen Yue's CP sense will definitely be able to rub different sparks.

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