
18:00 p.m. China U18 Women's Basketball VS Australia! Title fights

author:Target Xiao Wu

北京时间6月30日18点00分,2024年U18女篮亚洲杯决赛‬正式‬上演‬,在中国深圳,中国队本场将迎战澳大利亚‬队,双方都以全胜战绩晋级决赛,可谓是实至名归,最终哪支球队能捧起冠军奖杯,今天晚上,让我们拭目以待,本场比赛的时间有所调整,不在是19点开球,而是18点。 It's a pity that CCTV5 doesn't broadcast this championship battle!

18:00 p.m. China U18 Women's Basketball VS Australia! Title fights

We can maintain a winning record, and Zhang Ziyu's excellent performance is inseparable, Zhang Ziyu is getting better and better, has become the absolute "number one star", with a huge height advantage, on the offensive end of the "to get the ball", basically in a state of insolvability, the average data of the four games is as high as 33.3 points, 12.3 rebounds and 3 assists, showing absolute "dominance", as long as she gets the ball on the inside, basically 2 points in hand, defenders can only watch, helpless. Maybe the opponent will pray that she can't shoot, but even if she can't shoot, the rebound is still hers, which will only add to her stats! The problem now is that after Zhang Ziyu is off the field, the Chinese team will be a mess and play in a disorderly manner, which needs to be studied and dealt with by the coaching staff.

18:00 p.m. China U18 Women's Basketball VS Australia! Title fights

Australia narrowly defeated Japan 68-63 to advance to the finals, compared to our big victory over Japan, there is still a big gap, it can also be seen that we have a huge advantage, the Australian women's basketball team has two players with a height of more than 1.9 meters, in the previous game, whether it is offensive or defensive, such a height gives them an advantage in the game, but also creates a lot of difficulties for the opponent. Facing Zhang Ziyu, Australia will face a big challenge, and its advantages will become weak, because it is difficult to limit her. In the 2022 U18 finals, the Chinese team lost to Australia 55−81 and missed the championship.

18:00 p.m. China U18 Women's Basketball VS Australia! Title fights

Finally: As long as Zhang Ziyu maintains a stable performance, the other players "put the icing on the cake", play their own characteristics and advantages, reduce mistakes, actively fight, and give full play to the strength of the team, I believe that we will be able to beat Australia, and the championship belongs to us.


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