
Winner in life! Ma Xiaomei, who is lying down to win, has a really high emotional intelligence, and her mother-in-law who peels shrimp and coaxes her husband is happy

author:Red coffee meets vanilla

In the marriage story between Wang Xiaofei and Da S, the "shrimp peeling" stalk has become an unavoidable laughing stock. Big S has not been able to peel shrimp for Wang Xiaofei in person after marriage, although their marriage has lasted for ten years, this seemingly simple act has become a big regret in the marriage. However, this regret has become a happy reality in front of Wang Xiaofei's current wife Ma Xiaomei. Ma Xiaomei not only peeled shrimp for Wang Xiaofei herself, but even fed it herself, showing a high emotional intelligence and family management wisdom.

Winner in life! Ma Xiaomei, who is lying down to win, has a really high emotional intelligence, and her mother-in-law who peels shrimp and coaxes her husband is happy

Ma Xiaomei's high emotional intelligence is not only reflected in her thoughtfulness towards Wang Xiaofei, but also in her respect and care for her mother-in-law Zhang Lan. She often takes her mother-in-law to travel and feeds her mother-in-law cakes, so that her mother-in-law Zhang Lanle is happy and satisfied. Ma Xiaomei held her mother-in-law and husband high, and the family atmosphere was harmonious and warm, and the management of this intimate relationship was undoubtedly the embodiment of her superb emotional intelligence.

Winner in life! Ma Xiaomei, who is lying down to win, has a really high emotional intelligence, and her mother-in-law who peels shrimp and coaxes her husband is happy

Ma Xiaomei not only excels in her family, but also enjoys rich material rewards in her personal life. She doesn't have to go to work or earn money, but she can buy brand-name clothes and millions of bags as she wants, and live a luxurious and comfortable life. She chose to take care of the family inside, so that Wang Xiaofei and her mother-in-law Zhang Lan worked hard outside the home and became the behind-the-scenes heroes of the family's happiness.

Winner in life! Ma Xiaomei, who is lying down to win, has a really high emotional intelligence, and her mother-in-law who peels shrimp and coaxes her husband is happy

However, Ma Xiaomei's "lying to win" life has also caused a lot of controversy. Some netizens believe that although this lifestyle is enviable, it also has its price behind it. Without independent financial resources and relying on family support for a long time, will one day lose security? Experts suggest that women should maintain a certain level of financial independence in order to cope with possible emergencies even if they choose to be the main family member.

Winner in life! Ma Xiaomei, who is lying down to win, has a really high emotional intelligence, and her mother-in-law who peels shrimp and coaxes her husband is happy

Netizens also have different opinions on this. Some netizens believe that Ma Xiaomei has smartly chosen a lifestyle that suits her, not only enjoying the warmth of her family, but also getting material satisfaction, and she does not need to increase the pressure of life for economic independence. Other netizens believe that women should not be completely dependent on their families, but should have their own careers and pursuits, so that they can have more initiative in marriage.

Winner in life! Ma Xiaomei, who is lying down to win, has a really high emotional intelligence, and her mother-in-law who peels shrimp and coaxes her husband is happy

What do you think of Ma Xiaomei's family management style and her "lying to win" life? How do you think women should balance family and personal career in marriage? Feel free to share your views and opinions in the comment section!

Winner in life! Ma Xiaomei, who is lying down to win, has a really high emotional intelligence, and her mother-in-law who peels shrimp and coaxes her husband is happy