
If the new energy vehicle is "finished", the saddest thing is not the owner of the tram, but these three types of people

author:Good luck comes with you

Friends, the topic of new energy vehicles seems to have dropped a little bit recently, is someone saying: "Oh, is this new energy vehicle going to fail?" "Don't worry, let's talk about it today, if the new energy vehicle market is really "over", then the most likely to be affected is not those car owners who drive trams every day, but the other three types of people.

If the new energy vehicle is "finished", the saddest thing is not the owner of the tram, but these three types of people

First of all, we have to mention the workers who worked hard to build the car. They are like screws in that big machine, building the future day in and day out. If all the new energy vehicle factories are shut down, their jobs will really be hanging. As Thomas Edison said, "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." "Without orders, their sweat can turn into tears with nowhere to put them.

If the new energy vehicle is "finished", the saddest thing is not the owner of the tram, but these three types of people

Next, think about the salespeople and after-sales service people who sell cars. They are smiling and recommending electric vehicles and enthusiastically answering customers' questions. If the new energy vehicle market shrinks, they may smile a lot less. After all, "a salesman's smile is free, but without business, a smile becomes a luxury." This could not be more apt.

If the new energy vehicle is "finished", the saddest thing is not the owner of the tram, but these three types of people

Then, we must not forget those businesses that provide supporting facilities for new energy vehicles, such as charging piles and battery recycling stations. What they are looking forward to is a thriving industrial chain and the spring of green travel. Without new energy vehicles, their spring may become an autumn frost. As Henry Ford said, "Whatever you think you can or can't do, you're right." "If new energy vehicles are no longer thriving, their beliefs may have to be beaten hard by reality.

If the new energy vehicle is "finished", the saddest thing is not the owner of the tram, but these three types of people

Finally, environmentalists and policymakers have a headache. They had hoped that new energy vehicles would be the key to solving environmental problems, but now they are facing skepticism. If new energy vehicles are really "finished", then the green transformation they advocate may suffer a major setback, just like Martin Luther King's famous phrase: "I have a dream ......" may become "I have a regret ......"

In general, the rise and fall of new energy vehicles is not only related to the choice of car owners, but also affects the hearts of many people. We hope that everyone who loves innovation can see that even if the road is bumpy, as long as we move forward hand in hand, there will always be a light ahead. Therefore, when there are twists and turns in the new energy vehicle market, let us cheer for the heroes who stick to the back, because they are the real heroes behind the scenes. Forward this article to let more people know that new energy vehicles are "finished" and we will not give up the green dream!

If the new energy vehicle is "finished", the saddest thing is not the owner of the tram, but these three types of people

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