
The most pitiful people are not the peasants, but the laid-off people in the city, do you agree?

author:Good luck comes with you

In our big society, there is always a discussion about who is the most pitiful. Some people say that it is those peasants who face the loess with their backs to the sky, and their lives are hard, and they are exposed to the wind and sun; Others believe that it is the laid-off workers in the cities who have lost their jobs and are living on the brink of change. So, who is more empathetic?

The most pitiful people are not the peasants, but the laid-off people in the city, do you agree?

First of all, we have to admit that the hard work of the farmers is indeed not easy. As the old saying goes, "Farming is like picking up soil with a needle, and it is difficult to support a family." "They are intimately connected to the land, and they work hard all year round just for the harvest of that season. However, they have the land to rely on, the familiar villagers and customs, and even if the days are hard, there is always a sense of belonging and expectation.

The most pitiful people are not the peasants, but the laid-off people in the city, do you agree?

And what about the people who have been laid off in the city? "Life is like a marathon, you don't care about the starting line, you care about whether you can make it to the finish line." This sentence could not be more appropriate for them. They used to be the screws of the city, and suddenly the machines stopped, and they became discarded parts. Without a stable income, without the dignity of the profession, the sense of loss and confusion can only be experienced by those who have experienced it.

The most pitiful people are not the peasants, but the laid-off people in the city, do you agree?

Laid-off workers, they are facing a new world, without the aura of the past, but they have to face the pressure of life. They may need to relearn their skills, they may need to start at the bottom, and every step will be difficult. But you know what? Some of them, with tenacity and perseverance, eventually found a new starting point, and even became entrepreneurs, writing the second half of their lives with their own hands.

The most pitiful people are not the peasants, but the laid-off people in the city, do you agree?

So, we can't simply say who is more pitiful. The hardship of the peasants lies in their daily toil, and the pity of the laid-off lies in the helplessness of losing stability. In fact, the most pitiful thing may be ourselves, when we are envious of others, do we ignore our own predicament? Everyone has his difficulties, the key is how we face it and how to choose the direction we want to move forward.

The most pitiful people are not the peasants, but the laid-off people in the city, do you agree?

Life is like a mirror that reflects everyone's tenacity and courage. No matter where you are in the city, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will always find your own sunshine. I remember the famous saying: "Life is like the ocean, only the strong-willed can reach the other side." "We are all sailors on this ocean, and as long as we don't give up, we can sail towards a better tomorrow.

The most pitiful people are not the peasants, but the laid-off people in the city, do you agree?

On this topic, perhaps what we should do is not to judge who is more pitiful, but to give more understanding and respect. Whether they are farmers or laid-off people, they are all fighting for life, and they are all the protagonists in the drama of life. Let's praise everyone who works hard, forward for their tenacity and courage, and let this warmth and encouragement pass on.

After all, life is a relay race, and we are all participants and witnesses. Only when we understand and support together will the world become warmer and more hopeful. So, please retweet this article to let more people see that everyone has something to respect and praise.

The most pitiful people are not the peasants, but the laid-off people in the city, do you agree?