
An Lushan died after a year of rebellion, why did the Anshi Rebellion last for eight years? The interpretation of netizens lit up

author:Wise and decisive universe 0HI

Today's topic: An Lushan died after a year of rebellion, why did the Anshi Rebellion still last for eight years?

▼ I feel that the family is also fueling the troubles in it, until Huang Chao comes to the heavenly street and steps on the bones of the princess

An Lushan died after a year of rebellion, why did the Anshi Rebellion last for eight years? The interpretation of netizens lit up

▼ Because An Lushan is just the beginning, it is difficult for you to even say what Armageddon An Lushan led the army to fight. Anshi rebels, An Shouzhong in the early stage, and Shi Siming in the later stage, these are the ones who can fight

An Lushan died after a year of rebellion, why did the Anshi Rebellion last for eight years? The interpretation of netizens lit up

▼ It can be considered that the rebellion never stopped after the Anshi Rebellion until the fall of the Tang Dynasty, no matter what the name of the rebellion was during the period

An Lushan died after a year of rebellion, why did the Anshi Rebellion last for eight years? The interpretation of netizens lit up

▼ Guo Ziyi was hammered, right? The Battle of Yecheng Hui cavalry was accidentally defeated by Shi Siming, and then Guo Ziyi's army collapsed for the second time, and the Hui cavalry was a bargaining chip that Tang and the rebels were trying to win over, of course they can't be held accountable, who is not held accountable Guo Ziyi?

An Lushan died after a year of rebellion, why did the Anshi Rebellion last for eight years? The interpretation of netizens lit up

▼ In this way, An Lushan's actual role is no greater than his claws in some novels

An Lushan died after a year of rebellion, why did the Anshi Rebellion last for eight years? The interpretation of netizens lit up

▼Hehe, it's a good ending

An Lushan died after a year of rebellion, why did the Anshi Rebellion last for eight years? The interpretation of netizens lit up

▼ This is the standard answer, in fact, everyone understands that it is nothing more than that some people want to have some gossip, and eating a full meal is more important than anything else

An Lushan died after a year of rebellion, why did the Anshi Rebellion last for eight years? The interpretation of netizens lit up

▼ The demeanor of a great country, the reality is really bloody

An Lushan died after a year of rebellion, why did the Anshi Rebellion last for eight years? The interpretation of netizens lit up

▼ The key is that these two sides are essentially elite officials and soldiers, and they fight purely because of different concepts, and they both feel that they are the saviors of Datang, so they will not retreat

An Lushan died after a year of rebellion, why did the Anshi Rebellion last for eight years? The interpretation of netizens lit up

▼ What about your weapons, with your burning sticks? [laughs and cries] [laughing and crying] laughing to death

An Lushan died after a year of rebellion, why did the Anshi Rebellion last for eight years? The interpretation of netizens lit up

At the end of the article, the headline circle of friends can die in the comment area after an An Lushan rebellion for a year, why did the Anshi Rebellion still last for eight years, let the author see the unique opinions of your friends.