
Wen Tianxiang ascended to the Pavilion of King Teng and recited a poem of seven laws, which was extraordinary and admirable

author:Talk about poetry and words

The Chinese culture is broad and profound, and the poems and songs have been passed down for a long time, and the literati and writers often climb high and look far away, and write poems to express their nostalgia on the one hand, and on the other hand, they also euphemistically express the feelings in their hearts.

Tengwang Pavilion is one of the four famous buildings in ancient times, because of the classic works of Wang Bo, a genius in the early Tang Dynasty, it is famous all over the world, not only let tourists from all over the world admire it, but also attract countless talented people to write poems and praise. The following shares that Wen Tianxiang ascended to King Teng's Pavilion and recited a poem of seven laws, with extraordinary writing and amazing writing.

Wen Tianxiang ascended to the Pavilion of King Teng and recited a poem of seven laws, which was extraordinary and admirable

Title: Teng Wang Pavilion

Late Song · Wen Tianxiang

The five-cloud window overlooks the waves, still with the fragrance of Tang people's ink.

At four o'clock in the sun and the moon, the ecliptic is wide, and the rivers and mountains are long.

Where is the cold wind and geese, and who is alone in the freezing rain.

Looking back on the ten years of wandering, the new willow in front of the pavilion has been completed.

Wen Tianxiang ascended to the Pavilion of King Teng and recited a poem of seven laws, which was extraordinary and admirable

When Wen Tianxiang was 21 years old, he was the first and first, and he was an outstanding patriotic poet in the Southern Song Dynasty. When the Yuan soldiers approached the capital Lin'an, Wen Tianxiang donated his family property, recruited volunteers, and persevered in the anti-Yuan struggle, but was finally outnumbered and captured.

He went through all kinds of trials in prison, and although he was only 47 years old when he was righteous, he was able to retain Dan's heart, which was revered by future readers. Wen Tianxiang in his later years, wandering all over the place, wandering, he once passed through Nanchang, Jiangxi, climbed the Tengwang Pavilion, witnessed the scene of broken mountains and rivers, the genius was full of emotion for a while, so he wrote this poem.

Wen Tianxiang ascended to the Pavilion of King Teng and recited a poem of seven laws, which was extraordinary and admirable

The opening chapter mobilizes the visual and olfactory senses, and depicts the scene around the Tengwang Pavilion in a combination of virtual and real, "The five-cloud window overlooks the waves, still with the fragrance of Tang people's ink." "The poet looked down at the earth through the carved windows in the attic, and immediately he saw a magnificent view of the mountains and rivers. The green mountains are eternal, the clear water flows for a long time, and there seems to be the fragrance of the genius Wang Bo's calligraphy and ink between the mountains and rivers.

Canglang refers to the river in general, and here it refers to the Ganjiang River that flows through the Tengwang Pavilion; Hanmo incense, which originally refers to the fragrance emitted by ink, is extended to have a strong humanistic flavor. The poet thinks about the ancient times, misses the Tang Dynasty, and euphemistically expresses the embarrassing situation of his birth.

Wen Tianxiang ascended to the Pavilion of King Teng and recited a poem of seven laws, which was extraordinary and admirable

The jaw couplet further expressed the praise of the beautiful scenery around the Tengwang Pavilion, "The sun and the moon are wide at four o'clock, and the rivers and mountains are long." "All year round, the sun and the moon are constantly moving in the vast firmament; The rivers and mountains are picturesque, and the thousands of scenes in front of King Teng's Pavilion are like a painting scroll that slowly unfolds. The ecliptic is the route of the sun in ancient imagination.

At this time, Wen Tianxiang will definitely silently recite the "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng" that has been passed down through the ages in his heart, and he will also have beautiful scenes such as "Luoxia and lonely birds fly together, and autumn water grows together in the sky". In just two sentences, it shows a large space and a long time sequence, which will also arouse the reader's infinite reverie.

Wen Tianxiang ascended to the Pavilion of King Teng and recited a poem of seven laws, which was extraordinary and admirable

The neck couplet expresses the author's determination to sacrifice life and forget death under the severe situation, "Where is the cold wind and the geese, and who is alone in the freezing rain." Here, the author depicts the double geese hovering in the cold wind, and the lonely boat that rises and falls with the waves in the freezing rain, euphemistically conveying that although the poet is facing a dangerous situation, he still wants to soar in the sky like a wild goose, and will be like a flat boat, not afraid of the cold wind and bitter rain, and go forward, looking at death as home.

Wen Tianxiang did not exaggerate, he was not afraid of difficulties and dangers in the struggle against the enemy, and he was even more heroic and unyielding after being captured. The stories of patriotic heroes and the words and deeds full of righteousness will have a profound and continuous impact on the children and grandchildren of the Chinese nation.

Wen Tianxiang ascended to the Pavilion of King Teng and recited a poem of seven laws, which was extraordinary and admirable

The end expresses the poet's sigh, "Looking back on the ten years of wandering, the new willow in front of the pavilion has been completed." The poet lamented his years of wandering and ups and downs, although he continued to run for the Great Song Dynasty, even at the cost of property and life, but he also had already anticipated the final outcome of the building.

The last sentence is intended to be that the new willows that were once planted in front of the Tengwang Pavilion have flourished and become a line of trees, and the poet believes that these trees will become useful materials in the future. Wen Tianxiang is worthy of being the champion talent, his writing is extraordinary, far-reaching, and even more admirable.

Although a generation of heroes has passed away for nearly a thousand years, his noble spirit and glorious image will always be remembered in the hearts of readers, and many relics and legends about Wen Tianxiang will also become the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation!