
In the semifinals of the U18 Asian Cup, the Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, the opponent's coach was slapped in the face!

author:Athletic frenzy

In the semifinals of the U18 Women's Asian Basketball Championship on June 29, two fierce battles were played at the same time. Among them, the competition between the Japanese women's basketball team and the "defending champion" Australian women's basketball team is particularly eye-catching. Despite the Japanese team's hard work on the court, they still lost 63-68 to the Australian team, which had a clear physical advantage, and missed the final.

In the semifinals of the U18 Asian Cup, the Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, the opponent's coach was slapped in the face!

On another court, the Chinese women's basketball team ushered in a competition with the South Korean women's basketball team. The South Korean team's scramble is equally fierce and small moves are frequent, which undoubtedly brings a lot of challenges to the Chinese team. But the girls of the Chinese women's basketball team must not only strive for victory on the court, but also learn to protect themselves in the fierce competition to avoid injury.

In the semifinals of the U18 Asian Cup, the Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, the opponent's coach was slapped in the face!

In this semi-final, Zhang Ziyu, the inner core of the Chinese women's basketball team, became the focus of attention. With her outstanding height, she is like a tower on the court, making opponents fearful. Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance can't help but be reminiscent of the future inside combination of the Chinese women's basketball team - Zhang Ziyu, Han Xu, Li Yueru and others, who may become the backbone of the Chinese women's basketball team in the next decade.

In the semifinals of the U18 Asian Cup, the Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, the opponent's coach was slapped in the face!

Speaking of Zhang Ziyu, I have to mention her mother Yu Ying. As a famous figure in the Chinese women's basketball team, Yu Ying played as a center in the team that year, although her reputation is not as good as that of her contemporaries Chen Nan, her status in the basketball circle should not be underestimated. Interestingly, on the training ground, Zhang Ziyu and Chen Nan have a very close relationship, and the two often exchange skills, which also makes people speculate whether it is because of Chen Nan's acquaintance with Yu Ying that the two have this special friendship between master and apprentice.

In the semifinals of the U18 Asian Cup, the Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, the opponent's coach was slapped in the face!

In my opinion, the rise of Zhang Ziyu is not only the gospel of the Chinese women's basketball team, but also a microcosm of the development of Chinese basketball. With the continuous improvement of the domestic basketball system and the emphasis on youth training, more and more young players have begun to emerge. And Zhang Ziyu is undoubtedly one of the best, her appearance not only injected new vitality into the Chinese women's basketball team, but also let us see the infinite possibilities of the future of Chinese basketball.

In the semifinals of the U18 Asian Cup, the Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, the opponent's coach was slapped in the face!

Basketball is not a one-man game. If the Chinese women's basketball team wants to achieve better results on the Asian and even world stage, it also needs the overall cooperation of the team and the joint efforts of each player. In this competition with the South Korean women's basketball team, we also saw the unity and fighting spirit of the Chinese women's basketball team.

In the semifinals of the U18 Asian Cup, the Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, the opponent's coach was slapped in the face!

As the game progressed, the girls of the Chinese women's basketball team. We gradually found the rhythm of the game. They cooperated tacitly on the field, attacked and defended in an orderly manner, and showed good strength. Although the South Korean women's basketball team launched many fierce counterattacks in the game, the Chinese women's basketball team has always maintained its lead.

In the semifinals of the U18 Asian Cup, the Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, the opponent's coach was slapped in the face!

After the game, the girl of the Chinese women's basketball team. They hugged each other tightly and celebrated this hard-won victory. Zhang Ziyu also said in an interview: "This game is of great significance to us, we not only won the victory, but also gained confidence and team cohesion. ”

In the semifinals of the U18 Asian Cup, the Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, the opponent's coach was slapped in the face!

Looking back on the semifinals of the U18 Women's Asian Basketball Championship, we not only saw the wonderful game process, but also saw the hope for the future of the Chinese women's basketball team. Under the leadership of young players such as Zhang Ziyu, the Chinese women's basketball team is expected to create more brilliance in the international arena in the future.

In the semifinals of the U18 Asian Cup, the Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, the opponent's coach was slapped in the face!

We should also see that although the Japanese women's basketball team lost in this game, their performance is equally respectable. As a powerhouse of Asian basketball, the Japanese women's basketball team has unique skills and tactics and player development. Their defeat does not mean defeat, but rather the accumulation of strength for future rise.

In the semifinals of the U18 Asian Cup, the Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, the opponent's coach was slapped in the face!

The semifinals of the U18 Women's Asian Basketball Championship are not only a sports competition, but also an exchange and collision of basketball culture. In this game, we saw the vigorous development of basketball in Asian countries, and also saw the hard work and dreams of young players.

We have reason to believe that under the leadership of Zhang Ziyu and other young players, the Chinese women's basketball team will achieve more brilliant results in the international arena. And we also look forward to more young players emerging to inject new vitality into the development of Chinese basketball.

In the semifinals of the U18 Asian Cup, the Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, the opponent's coach was slapped in the face!

Basketball is not only a sport, but also a kind of spiritual inheritance and cultural exchange. In the semifinals of the U18 Women's Asian Basketball Championship, we saw the vigorous development of basketball in Asian countries, and also saw the hard work and dreams of young players. Let's look forward to the future of basketball and look forward to more excitement and passion!

In the semifinals of the U18 Asian Cup, the Chinese women's basketball team 79-61 South Korea, the opponent's coach was slapped in the face!

So what are your expectations for the future of the Chinese women's basketball team? Do you think young players such as Zhang Ziyu can lead the Chinese women's basketball team to new glory? Welcome to leave your views in the comment area and discuss the future of the Chinese women's basketball team with us!

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