
The 18th final of the European Cup is about to begin, and the "Made in China conspicuous package" is "contracted to highlight the European Cup."

author:Phineas Sports~

The 18th final of the European Cup is about to begin, and the "Made in China conspicuous package" is "contracted to highlight the European Cup."

Made in China blooms the charm of the European Cup

In recent years, domestic brands have accelerated towards the global stage and become the focus of attention in the international market. At the just-concluded Euro 2024 Cup, Chinese companies are particularly eye-catching. Hisense shines as a sponsor,Not only brings a top-notch large-screen viewing experience,It also shows the "highlight moment" of China's scientific and technological strength。

What made Hisense a sensation in the European Cup and a star in the world's attention? With its independent innovation and research and development of laser TV technology, it has brought fans a new viewing experience. Different from traditional TV,Hisense laser TV abandons harmful blue light,Escort the fans"Stay up late"Battle。 The 100-inch large screen allows fans to be immersed in the immersive picture, as if they were there. The foldable design solves the trouble of entering the home of large-screen TVs, and fans can enjoy the audio-visual feast without leaving home.

It is precisely because of Hisense's persistence and innovation in display technology over the years that it has created laser TV products that are now favored. From the initial "0 to 1" to overcome the technical bottleneck, to now far ahead in the global market, Haixin's strength interprets the innovation and independent research and development strength of Chinese enterprises.

The 18th final of the European Cup is about to begin, and the "Made in China conspicuous package" is "contracted to highlight the European Cup."

At the same time, Hisense has also actively promoted the development of the laser display industry chain. Through continuous standard formulation and patent layout, Hisense has paved the way for this emerging display technology, allowing Chinese companies to occupy the home advantage of display technology development for the first time. This not only brings Hisense's own brilliant achievements, but also sets a benchmark for Made in China to emerge in the global high-end market.

From being initially belittled by foreign companies as a "fruit seller",To now"Laser TV" has become the focus of the world's top football events,The development trajectory of Chinese enterprise Hisense,Reflects the transformation of China's manufacturing industry from following to leading。 In the European Cup,Hisense's conspicuous appearance,It not only conveys the confidence and strength of Chinese brands,It also indicates that there will be more bright prospects for Chinese manufacturing to the world in the future。

Struggle: From "Fruit Seller" to "World No. 1"

The 18th final of the European Cup is about to begin, and the "Made in China conspicuous package" is "contracted to highlight the European Cup."

Looking back on the development process of Hisense,It can be seen that it has gone from the beginning of the passive "follow-up",To the final independent innovation leading the world,Achieved an eye-catching transformation。

During the period when global display technology has undergone a round of reshuffle, Chinese companies have been at a disadvantage for a long time and have been devalued as "fruit sellers" by foreign companies. This sentence was undoubtedly a microcosm of China's manufacturing industry at that time - it lacked the ability to innovate independently and could only passively meet market demand.

However, Hisense was not discouraged by this judgment, but set a goal and was determined to become a "high-quality variety fruit". Over the past 17 years,Hisense has always adhered to independent research and development,Overcome a number of technical difficulties,Open up a new track represented by laser display。

The 18th final of the European Cup is about to begin, and the "Made in China conspicuous package" is "contracted to highlight the European Cup."

Today,Hisense laser TV has become the world's leading display technology,In terms of functionality、Performance indicators and market share are far ahead。 This not only demonstrates Hisense's innovative strength, but also allows Chinese companies to occupy a dominant position in the main arena of display technology development for the first time.

From the beginning"Fruit seller" to today"The world's first",Hisense's development process,It epitomizes the transformation of China's manufacturing industry from following to leading。 This is not only the growth history of an enterprise, but also the epitome of the overall strength of China's manufacturing industry.

"Laser TV" goes to the international stage

The 18th final of the European Cup is about to begin, and the "Made in China conspicuous package" is "contracted to highlight the European Cup."

As the fourth generation of display technology,Hisense laser TV with its many advantages,It has caused a warm response in the global market。 From the initial "0 to 1" tackling key problems,To today's global shipments account for as high as 53.4%,The rise of Hisense laser TV,It demonstrates the innovation strength of Chinese enterprises in the field of key core technologies。

First of all,Hisense laser TV has natural advantages in"Healthy eye protection"。 Compared with traditional TVs, it can effectively avoid harmful blue light and bring a more comfortable viewing experience to viewers. This is undoubtedly a big boon for fans who are keen on sporting events such as the European Championship. In the process of "staying up late" to watch the game, their eyes are fully protected to avoid the visual fatigue caused by watching the screen for a long time.

at the same time,Hisense laser TV also has excellent large screen performance,100-inch level super large size,Let the audience immerse themselves in it as if they were there。 The visual impact of the huge picture makes fans feel as if they are in the scene, which greatly enhances the sense of immersion in the viewing experience.

The 18th final of the European Cup is about to begin, and the "Made in China conspicuous package" is "contracted to highlight the European Cup."

in addition,Hisense laser TV also has many advantages such as true color、Environmental protection and energy saving,Fully meet the needs of users in ultra-high-definition display、Audio-visual enjoyment and other aspects。 The foldable screen design brings users the advantage of convenient installation, and there is no need to worry about the problem of large-screen TVs entering the home.

It can be said that,Hisense laser TV perfectly integrates virtual and reality,Bring a new visual experience to users。 Its rich functional features also make it the focus of top international competitions such as the European Cup.

It is worth mentioning that,Under the leadership of Hisense,The global laser display industry chain has also developed rapidly。 From the initial 100 core companies to more than 200 today, the internationally renowned brand Leica has also entered the market, which fully demonstrates the broad prospects of this emerging technology.

The 18th final of the European Cup is about to begin, and the "Made in China conspicuous package" is "contracted to highlight the European Cup."

Hisense is not only far ahead in product development and market share, but also plays an important role in the formulation of industry standards and patent layout. According to public data, as of May 2024, Hisense has applied for a total of 2598 domestic and foreign patents in the field of laser display, leading the world. This not only consolidates Hisense's technical advantages, but also lays a solid foundation for the position of Chinese enterprises in the global display industry chain.

From the beginning"Fruit seller" to today"The world's first",The rise of Hisense laser TV,It reflects the transformation of China's manufacturing industry from following to leading。 This is not only the success of a company, but also a microcosm of the overall strength of China's manufacturing industry. In the European Cup,Hisense's "highlight moment" once again let the world witness China's manufacturing industry

Chinese enterprises from following to leading the "big country"

The 18th final of the European Cup is about to begin, and the "Made in China conspicuous package" is "contracted to highlight the European Cup."

Hisense laser TV's dazzling performance on the European Cup stage,Not only let the audience experience an unprecedented audio-visual feast,It also adds a strong stroke to the rise of Made in China in the global market。 From being initially disparaged as a "fruit seller" to now becoming the "world's first" in the industry, the company's development process vividly illustrates the transformation of China's manufacturing industry from following to leading.

It is worth mentioning that,Hisense is not only far ahead in its own product development and market share,It has also made outstanding contributions to promoting the development of the industry。 Through continuous standard formulation and patent layout, Hisense has paved the way for the emerging technology of laser display, allowing Chinese companies to occupy a dominant position in the global display industry chain for the first time.

Today, the number of core enterprises in the global laser display industry chain has increased from 100 in 2021 to more than 200. This shows that,Driven by Hisense,This new display technology is growing rapidly,And attracting more and more companies to join it。 Leica, an internationally renowned brand, has also followed suit and launched its own laser TV products, which shows the broad prospects of this emerging market.

The 18th final of the European Cup is about to begin, and the "Made in China conspicuous package" is "contracted to highlight the European Cup."

It can be said that Hisense's success is not only the personal struggle history of an enterprise, but also the epitome of the overall strength of China's manufacturing industry. From the beginning"Fruit seller",To now dominate the global market,Hisense's development trajectory,Reflects the transformation of Chinese enterprises from following to leading。

In the European Cup,The dazzling appearance of Hisense laser TV,Undoubtedly, it has created a beautiful international business card for China's manufacturing industry。 It not only brings a top-level viewing experience, but also demonstrates the strong strength of Chinese enterprises in key core technology fields. This is undoubtedly a powerful footnote to the strength of China's manufacturing industry, and it also injects surging impetus for more Chinese brands to go global and emerge in the future.

At present, with the continuous improvement of the overall strength of China's manufacturing industry, we have reason to believe that more and more "big powers" will shine on the international stage and win the due status and respect of China's manufacturing industry in the global market. Let us all hope that such "highlight moments" will emerge in an endless stream in the future.

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