
On the first night of marrying the beautiful doctor, she actually made such a request to me...

author:Wanwan Emotional Zone

"On the first night I married a beautiful doctor, she actually made this request to me..."

On the first night of marrying the beautiful doctor, she actually made such a request to me...

The picture comes from the Internet

In the hustle and bustle of the bustling city, I entered the palace of marriage with the beautiful doctor Lin Xiao. The grandeur and romance of the wedding seemed to be still in sight, and when night fell, when we stepped into our new house, an atmosphere of tension and anticipation was intertwined.

Lin Xiao, she was dressed in a simple and elegant white nightdress, her long hair was scattered on her shoulders like a waterfall, and her beautiful face looked even more charming in the soft light. I looked at her, my heart was full of happiness and emotion, this woman I loved so much, will walk hand in hand with me through every journey of life from now on.

However, on this special night, when I thought it would be a moment full of affection, Lin Xiao suddenly broke the silence, with a hint of seriousness and firmness in her eyes, and said to me: "Honey, I have a request. ”

I was slightly stunned, and I couldn't help but have a trace of doubt in my heart, but I still smiled and encouraged her to continue.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and said slowly, "I hope we can make a healthy life plan together." "This request came as a surprise to me, I thought it would be about relationships or other aspects of life.

On the first night of marrying the beautiful doctor, she actually made such a request to me...

The picture comes from the Internet

"As a doctor, I see too many people every day who suffer from illness because of an unhealthy lifestyle," she earnestly explains. I don't want our future life to be plagued by illness, I hope we can maintain good habits together, exercise regularly, eat reasonably, and have a regular schedule. ”

I listened quietly, and gradually understood her intentions. Lin Xiao continued: "We go for a morning jog together every morning, do yoga together in the evening, and go hiking or cycling on weekends. In terms of diet, reduce the intake of high-calorie, high-fat foods and eat more vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Also, be sure to go to bed on time and not stay up late. ”

I couldn't help but smile and say, "Honey, that sounds challenging." ”

Lin Xiao gently held my hand and said, "I know it's not easy, but for the sake of our future, for us to be able to accompany each other for a long time, can we work together?" ”

Looking at her expectant eyes, I nodded and said, "Okay, I'd like to be with you." ”

At this moment, Lin Xiao took out two notebooks from the bedside table, handed one to me, and said with a smile: "This is our health diary, every day we have to record our diet, exercise, and work and rest, and supervise each other." ”

We began to plan for a healthy life in the future and discussed how to incorporate these plans into our daily lives. Before you know it, time flies by in a warm exchange.

On the first night of marrying the beautiful doctor, she actually made such a request to me...

The picture comes from the Internet

When we finally completed the preliminary planning, Lin Xiao gently leaned into my arms and said, "My dear, thank you for understanding me. I know this may be a bit special, but I really hope that we can live healthy and happy forever. ”

I hugged her tightly and said, "Xiao, I understand your intentions, and this is for our good." ”

Instead of being immersed in passionate passion, as many newlyweds do, we started our married life in a unique way on this special night.

In the days that followed, we started a new life as planned. Every morning, when the first rays of sunlight shine through the windows, we put on our sports gear and go for a morning jog on the park trails. At first, I was always out of breath and had difficulty keeping up with Lin Xiao's pace, but with her encouragement and companionship, I gradually adapted to this rhythm.

In the evening, we spread out the yoga mat in the living room and do yoga along with the instructional video. Lin Xiao patiently corrected my movements, which made me feel her professionalism and carefulness.

In terms of diet, we have also made a big change. Instead of eating out frequently, choose to cook your own meals at home. Lin Xiao always skillfully combines various ingredients to make dishes that are both delicious and healthy.

On the weekends, we go hiking or cycling as planned. In the embrace of nature, we release stress and enjoy each other's company.

On the first night of marrying the beautiful doctor, she actually made such a request to me...

The picture comes from the Internet

Over time, I have noticed a significant improvement in my physical and mental state. I feel more energetic and happier at work. And the relationship between us has also become deeper in this joint effort.

However, there will always be some unexpected challenges in life. Once, because of an important project at work, I stayed up late for several days to work overtime, which disrupted the original regular schedule. Although Lin Xiao understood my work pressure, she still reminded me to pay attention to my body with a serious face.

That night, when I dragged my tired body home, Lin Xiao had already prepared a nutritious dinner. Instead of reproaching me, she said gently, "Honey, work is important, but body is even more important." After this meal, rest early. ”

At that moment, my heart was filled with guilt and emotion. I know that her demands and persistence are for our happiness.

Another time, we were planning to go cycling on the weekend, but suddenly it rained heavily. I was a little frustrated, thinking about giving up on the event. But Lin Xiao smiled and said, "It's okay, we can do some simple exercises indoors, or watch a documentary about healthy living together." ”

In this way, under Lin Xiao's persistence and guidance, our healthy life plan has never been interrupted.

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed. During this year, we not only had a healthy body, but also gained a more stable and happy marriage. We have gone through the ups and downs together, overcome difficulties together, and the support and understanding of each other have made our love more indestructible.

On the first night of marrying the beautiful doctor, she actually made such a request to me...

The picture comes from the Internet

On the first anniversary of our wedding, I took Lin Xiao to the place where we first met. I held a bouquet of flowers in my hand and said to her affectionately, "Xiao, thank you for your request at the beginning, so that we can have such a beautiful life." I love you, and always will be. ”

Lin Xiao's eyes flashed with tears, and he smiled and said, "My dear, we will always be happy like this." ”

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on us, reflecting our happy smiles and witnessing our love that is more fulfilled by the healthy life plan.