
Send a message to a woman, replace "what are you doing" with these 3 sentences, and the woman will "chase you backwards"

author:Wanwan Emotional Zone

"Send a message to a woman, replace "what are you doing" with these 3 sentences, and the woman will "chase you"

Send a message to a woman, replace "what are you doing" with these 3 sentences, and the woman will "chase you backwards"

The picture comes from the Internet

On the road to the pursuit of love, how to communicate effectively with the woman you like is an art. Many men are accustomed to using "what are you doing" as the opening line when sending messages to women, but it often does not work well. In fact, as long as you change it slightly, change it to the following three sentences, maybe you can make a woman have a strong interest in you, and even take the initiative to "chase you".

First sentence: "I just saw something interesting and immediately thought of you." ”

The beauty of this quote is that it conveys an important message – you will think of her from time to time in your life, and this recollection is not deliberate, but natural. This will make the woman feel that she occupies a special place in your heart, thus stimulating her curiosity and attention to you.

Let's take the story of Xiao Li and Xiao Zhou. Xiao Li has always had a crush on Xiao Zhou, but every time he sent a message before, Xiao Zhou's response was relatively cold. Later, Xiao Li changed his strategy. One day, he saw a cute cat ornament on the street, and instantly thought that Xiao Zhou was very fond of cats. So he sent a message to Xiao Zhou and said, "I just saw an interesting cat ornament, and I thought of you immediately." Xiao Zhou immediately replied: "Really? What kind of ornament is it? Since then, their communication has gradually become more frequent, and Xiao Zhou has also begun to take the initiative to share his life.

When you use this sentence as an opening statement, be sure to follow it up with a description of that interesting thing so that the woman can participate in your topic. For example, if it is a funny video, you can briefly describe the joke; It is a special delicacy, just describe its color and aroma. This will not only spark the woman's interest, but also create more topics for the next communication.

Send a message to a woman, replace "what are you doing" with these 3 sentences, and the woman will "chase you backwards"

The picture comes from the Internet

Second sentence: "There is a special event that happened today, and I want to hear your opinion." ”

Everyone longs to be needed and valued, and this sentence just satisfies this psychological need of women. It makes a woman feel that you trust her and respect her opinion, while also making her curious about what exactly is special.

For example, the experience of Xiao Wang and Xiao Wu. Xiao Wang encountered a tricky problem at work, he did not ask his colleagues for advice as usual, but sent a message to Xiao Wu and said, "There is a special thing that happened today, and I want to hear your opinion." Xiao Wu asked curiously, "What's the matter?" Xiao Wang told Xiao Wu in detail about the problems in his work, and Xiao Wu not only gave his own suggestions seriously, but also showed great concern for Xiao Wang's work. Since then, Xiao Wu has paid more and more attention to Xiao Wang, and the relationship between the two has become closer and closer.

It is important to note that when talking about this special event, avoid overly heavy or negative topics so as not to stress the woman. Try to choose something that has some value to discuss but doesn't feel too heavy, such as an interesting workplace episode or a special social experience.

Send a message to a woman, replace "what are you doing" with these 3 sentences, and the woman will "chase you backwards"

The picture comes from the Internet

The third sentence: "I've found a place that we might both be interested in, should we go together?" ”

This sentence directly gives a clear invitation, and at the same time emphasizes that "we may both be interested", so that the woman feels that you are carefully understanding her preferences and looking forward to experiencing new things with her.

For example, Xiao Zhang and Xiao Liu, Xiao Zhang knew that Xiao Liu had always been interested in photography, and one day he found a photography exhibition, so he sent a message to Xiao Liu: "I found a photography exhibition that we may both be interested in, do you want to go together?" Xiao Liu readily agreed. At the photography exhibition, they admired the works together, exchanged experiences, and their feelings quickly warmed up.

When using this phrase, always make sure that the place you mention is indeed something that the other person might be interested in, otherwise it could backfire. Before sending out an invitation, you can find out about her interests through her usual communication or her social media feed.

In short, when communicating with a woman, you must learn to use your heart to figure out her psychology and use clever language to open her heart. Replacing "what are you doing" with these three sentences may bring unexpected surprises to your love journey.

Send a message to a woman, replace "what are you doing" with these 3 sentences, and the woman will "chase you backwards"

The picture comes from the Internet

Of course, in addition to choosing the right opening line, follow-up communication is also important. Be sincere, patient, and respectful, listen attentively to the woman's response, and actively share your feelings and thoughts. Only in this way can we truly establish a deep emotional connection and make the flower of love bloom more brilliantly.

Imagine sending such a unique and thoughtful message to the woman you love, and her heart will ripple. Maybe she will start looking forward to every communication with you, will take the initiative to care about your life, and will even be brave enough to show you her love.

So, men, stop using "what are you doing" to start a conversation with women. Be brave enough to try these new phrases and pursue your own happiness with sincerity and wisdom!

For another example, Xiao Ming has always been fond of Xiaomei in the same company, but the previous communication was always tepid. Once, Xiao Ming saw an interesting tutorial about handmade on the Internet, and he thought that Xiaomei would like it, so he sent her a message: "I just saw an interesting handmade tutorial, and I thought of you immediately. Xiaomei was really interested, and replied, "Tell me about it!" Xiao Ming described the content of the tutorial in detail, and suggested that we find a time to try it together, and Xiao Mei readily agreed. Since then, they have often participated in various craft activities together, and their relationship has become better and better.

Send a message to a woman, replace "what are you doing" with these 3 sentences, and the woman will "chase you backwards"

The picture comes from the Internet

Also, Mr. Chen has a crush on Ms. Lin, and one day he had a problem with dealing with interpersonal relationships at a friend's party, and he sent Ms. Lin a message saying, "A special event happened today, and I want to hear your opinion." Ms. Lin responded immediately, and the two exchanged their views in depth, and Mr. Chen found that Ms. Lin was not only intelligent and understanding, but also developed a good impression of Mr. Chen's sincerity and humility.

When Mr. Zhao pursued Miss Sun, he learned that Miss Sun liked music, and once he found a live performance of a niche band, so he sent Miss Sun a message: "I have found a place that we may both be interested in, do you want to go together?" Miss Sun was moved by his intentions and went to the show together and had a wonderful night.

So, men, don't underestimate these simple words, they may be the magic key to open a woman's heart. As long as you feel the inner world of a woman with your heart and express your emotions with appropriate language, I believe that love will come inadvertently.

Remember, love requires courage as well as wisdom. Use these three sentences as the first step for you to bravely pursue love, and I believe that you will definitely reap your own sweet love. May everyone who truly gives can get a loving response, and may every beautiful relationship blossom and bear fruit.

In this world full of love, let us be brave to express, to pursue, to embrace our own happiness. Because, when you love with your heart, the whole world will make way for you.