
China's aerospace has been chasing for 50 years, and when you look up, there is no one in front, and you turn back sharply, and there is no one behind!

author:Broken Thoughts of the King


China's Chang'e-6 mission to explore the moon for 58 days returned to Earth and landed in a predetermined area near Mongolia as planned, bringing back two kilograms of lunar soil safely.

This will be followed by China's Chang'e-7, a lunar landing and Earth-Moon transfer orbiter test.

The continent's lunar exploration project will begin to come to an end, and these two kilograms of lunar soil will return to Earth with enormous scientific value.

This also marks a new breakthrough in China's space industry, with Chang'e-6 completing the lunar landing and lift-off mission to bring back lunar soil.

The mainland's space technology is also increasing year by year, and it can be said that the mainland's space technology is already very mature.

Although we started relatively late in the aerospace field, this has not affected our pace of moving forward bravely despite obstacles.

After the successful launch of the mainland's first artificial satellite, Dongfanghong 1, the Chinese people have written a new chapter in this more open sky.

Constantly moving forward on the exploration road of our predecessors, we seem to be standing on the cusp of the times again and feeling the breath of the new era.

But in this more open sky, there seem to be many countries ahead, and we are trying our best to catch up with them.

For the aerospace field, the United States and Russia are undoubtedly the two dominant countries, and the spacecraft that took off have already flown into space as early as when the continent was just founded.

When the sprouts cultivated by Yang Liwei, the mainland's first astronaut, were reported by the media, Russia and the United States had already completed many tasks such as manned space and flying around the earth.

And now they are also unwilling to let the Chinese go to space, and the plan to join the first manned mission to the moon in the United States has also been ruthlessly rejected by the United States.

In the aerospace sector, neither the United States nor Russia is a good partner to work with.

The United States and Russia have a deep history in space exploration, and both countries are able to carry out space exploration independently.

And the grudge between the United States and Russia is very deep, and they are not very willing to cooperate with each other.

Far ahead of the predecessors.

So why don't the United States and Russia develop the space industry together as they cooperate in peacetime?

The feud between the United States and Russia has its roots in the Cold War.

Judging from the cooperative relationship between the first two countries, the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War were two enemies who shared the same sky.

During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union fought many wars, but in aerospace, the United States did not lag behind the Soviet Union, and on many occasions surpassed the advanced technology of the Soviet Union in space science and technology.

Later, with the end of the Cold War, the Soviet Union's national strength was no longer what it used to be, and it was on the road of decline, and the United States began to stand out at this time.

Since then, the United States, because of its strong national strength and superior technology, has even set off a trend of the United States to commercially land in space and develop resources.

Today, the United States is naturally the pinnacle of the aerospace field.

Of course, the space industry has not been smooth sailing for so many years, and there have been two major accidents in American spacecraft, resulting in the death of 14 astronauts.

These two major accidents brought the United States to a halt for a while, and now, the American space industry is also at a standstill.

Since the 90s of the last century, the US space industry has begun to stagnate and decline.

This is the result of the small budget of the United States for the space industry, because the US Congress has already invested less in this area.

Not only has their aerospace industry stagnated, but even the US military aviation industry has suffered the same thing.

Before the 90s of the last century, the United States and the Soviet Union had numerous heavy launch vehicles, as well as very powerful manned spacecraft systems.

With the development of science and technology, the space shuttle, professionally built space exploration technology, etc., the United States and the Soviet Union both have very strong scientific and technological strength.

And these technologies in China are all developed later, just imagine, a country without a foundation, it is difficult to carry out research.

In the mainland's aerospace industry, how do you continue to move forward with science and technology?

In fact, the mainland's lunar exploration program began as early as 2004.

It wasn't until two days ago that the mainland's Chang'e-6 was launched on a Long March 5 composite carrier rocket with two kilograms of lunar soil, which regained everyone's attention.

China's aerospace has been chasing for 50 years, and when you look up, there is no one in front, and you turn back sharply, and there is no one behind!

The mainland's lunar exploration program was initially a "three-step" strategy, but now, the mainland's lunar exploration program has gone through two steps.

The first step was to achieve a lunar exploration, and in the second step, the mainland's Chang'e-1 and Chang'e-2 completed the soft landing and lunar patrol mission.

The mainland used the data from Chang'e-1 and Chang'e-2 surveys on the moon for analysis, and finally found the location where Chang'e-4 landed, and successfully photographed the full picture of the far side of the moon.

When Chang'e-4 successfully completed its mission, the mainland's lunar exploration program entered the third step, realizing the task of recovering lunar samples.

It can be said that the mainland's lunar exploration project has adopted the path of independent research and development, exploration and research, and we have not only made new breakthroughs in space exploration, but also laid a certain foundation for the future space exploration route.

The mainland's lunar exploration route has always been very clear, and with the continuous development of the mainland's lunar exploration program, we can see the mainland's ambition for space development.

In terms of the development of the mainland's manned space flight, the mainland's manned space pilots have also developed to a certain scale, and the mainland's space station plan is also gradually improving.

The continent plans to carry out a manned landing on the moon by 2030, which will be another feat of the continent's conquest of the space domain.

When the mainland's aerospace industry makes greater progress, I am afraid that some accusations in this regard will also be much less reproached against the mainland.

There is no later star on the mainland.

The mainland's scientific and technological route has always been arduous, and exploring unknown areas is also a very difficult road to follow.

However, in the development of mainland aerospace, there is actually no shortcut, and it is based on Dongfanghong 1.

In fact, the mainland started from Dongfanghong 1 and continued to move towards the space field.

Judging from the launch of Dongfanghong 1 that year, the mainland's science and technology are based on independent research and development, and the mainland will not copy it.

So far, the mainland's achievements in the field of aerospace have become more and more independent and independent.

The mainland has never been superstitious about other people's science and technology, and our technology may not be the most advanced, but we have always been very active in independent research and development.

In the mainland's aerospace industry, the mainland will not show off its science and technology in a big way, and this is consistent with the Soviet Union's aerospace industry in those years.

In some respects, the mainland has also learned a lot from the Soviet Union.

We have not only gone further and further on the journey of astronautics, but also left our mark on the journey of other countries.

China's aerospace has been chasing for 50 years, and when you look up, there is no one in front, and you turn back sharply, and there is no one behind!

In the lunar exploration project, the mainland and Russia are very good partners for cooperation.

Because Russia is also experiencing difficulties on this road, if the mainland can help them, they are also willing.

Because no one will always be alone on the road of space exploration, cooperation can make things easier.

Now that the mainland has its own contingent, it cannot be said that it will rely on our "self-confident" space technology to move forward in the future.

In the space industry, in terms of cooperative relations with other countries, only by uniting and developing together can we achieve better development.

It is difficult to say about the space industry between the United States and Russia, because the grievances between them are too deep to go alone.

But the United States and Russia are also finding the best way on this road, and the reason for their unpopularity is that the grievances between them are too deep, probably because of the lonely journey from time to time.

The mainland wants to gradually work out the best path, not only in the field of aerospace, but also in other aspects.

Only in the future, on the mainland's development route, will more countries be willing to move forward hand in hand with the mainland.

The mainland's aerospace industry is marching toward a new journey.

The mainland's Chang'e-6 two-kilogram lunar soil was brought back on the mothership in Kunming, Yunnan Province, and when the mothership returns, the lunar soil will be handed over to a specialized research institute.

After the relevant research is carried out by specialized research institutes, a new situation will be opened for the journey to the moon.

The mainland's space road has a bright future, but the space industry of the United States and Russia should not be underestimated.

They are still the main focus on space exploration, although the mainland is catching up with many technologically advanced countries in space exploration, but we cannot be far-sighted.

In general, the mainland's aerospace industry has made tremendous achievements in independent research and development.

The continent is also a very active country in the direction of the continent's space station.

The continent is scheduled to be built around 2025, and so far, the continent's space station has caused a worldwide wave of amazement.

The mainland has made tremendous achievements in its space industry, but there is no late star in the mainland's space industry, but the mainland, as a late star, can always gradually walk to the cusp of space exploration.

In order to succeed in the mainland's space industry, it is necessary to sum up lessons and lessons in the follow-up development and keep forging ahead.


As we move forward in the mainland's aerospace industry and play an important role in the mainland's space exploration, our scientific researchers will continue to move forward and work hard to achieve better achievements in the mainland's aerospace industry.

A country with its own exploration ideas and perseverance will certainly be able to create more miracles in the cause of space exploration.

The mainland's aerospace industry will continue to move forward, and we have reason to believe that China's Chang'e will take the lead, and other countries will be able to move forward.

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