
Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

author:Ink dyeing
Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

I always thought that all surgeries were serious and stressful, but I didn't expect that low-risk surgeries were quite fun!

I have heard that doctors and nurses talk about various topics when performing surgery on patients, and sometimes patients can hear explosive gossip, is this really the case?


Let's take a look at the sharing of netizens!

I'm dripping sky! With so many people watching, how embarrassing it would be for the patient to be awake [covering his face]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

Do a surgery, such a relaxed atmosphere, like chatting about family life [snickering]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

Haha, doctors also like to take it easy, listen to music to soothe their emotions, and talk about gossip to distract their attention [呲tooth]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

Haha, as long as you don't show your face, who knows it's you [sneer]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

I'll go, this hurts so much, the doctor is so unreliable [cool drag]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

Oh my god, this melon is a little bursting [shocked]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

Haha, why don't you dare to eat with her, are you afraid that she will bite you [snickering]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

I want to know what the parascaphoid bone is [covering face]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

Giving birth to a baby and gossiping to listen to, it's pretty good [laughing and crying]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

This gossip makes people angry, and I want to know how to follow up [think]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

It turns out that doctors and nurses also love to talk to others [covering their faces]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

The news of their gossip is quite well-informed [sneer]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

It's a good atmosphere, and you can relax and be less nervous.

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

Haha, I can feel how nervous the doctor was at that time [tears run]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

Soft-hearted people really can't see their children suffering [covering their faces] The doctor is right, and he can't feel distressed when he sees too much

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

I also wonder if wiping my ass will stain my nails [laughs and cries]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

Well, I'm even more nervous now[snickering]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

This is really unbearable, and the more I want to swallow saliva when I am nervous [covering my face]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

No, what does he want to do as a man dressed as a woman[what]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

Haha, I have to say that you are so good at what you said [tears]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

Haha, this doctor is quite humorous [snickering]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

It seems that there are people from all walks of life who are behind the cricket leadership Ha [呲tooth]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

I know this, the third child is called Xiao Ming [laughing and crying]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

I really want to know the 50 minutes of gossip, and those melons have exploded [melon-eating masses]

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!

In the operating room, the doctors and nurses have such a relaxed and happy atmosphere, which means that your condition is not serious. If the doctors and nurses stop laughing, then the situation is not good! That's not what everyone wants!

Have you had similar experiences or experiences? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share

Have you heard anything interesting about the operating room? Netizen: I had an operation, and I heard a big melon!