
The post-80s also regretted having children, so stop complaining about the post-90s and post-00s, not getting married and having children

author:Old cars talk about life

Today I read an article on the Internet, titled "The post-80s generation has regretted having children", this is a hot article on the Internet recently. The comments from the readers below are also very enthusiastic.

The post-80s also regretted having children, so stop complaining about the post-90s and post-00s, not getting married and having children

The phrase "raising children to prevent old age" has been passed down from ancient times to the present, the concept of people in the past is to raise children to prevent old age, more children and more blessings, the old people in the past will say, raising a child is to pay more dishes and chopsticks, sisters have a care for each other after they have more, but now let's take a look at what is going on?

The post-80s also regretted having children, so stop complaining about the post-90s and post-00s, not getting married and having children

In the 50s, 60s, and 70s, everyone was very poor, and there was no gap between the rich and the poor, and although they were poor, each family could raise five or six children, and although life was hard, it was full of optimism and hope. At that time, although people were poor, they were very poor and stable, and if you look at how many families have a family income of only a few thousand yuan now, these thousands of yuan are not much left for living expenses, and most people live in anxiety and struggle.

The post-80s also regretted having children, so stop complaining about the post-90s and post-00s, not getting married and having children

Sometimes I wonder why people can't make their lives easier in just over 30,000 days when they come to this world? Just for the sake of inheriting the family and raising children to prevent old age? Now let's do the math.

First of all, according to the current situation, it is difficult to establish raising children to prevent old age, and now the consciousness of young people is completely different from the past, to be able to support themselves, not to gnaw at the old is already excellent, my husband and I can not count on children to provide for the elderly, counting on children to support the elderly, it is a big mistake.

The post-80s also regretted having children, so stop complaining about the post-90s and post-00s, not getting married and having children

The second is that the cost of raising a child is rising, a netizen affectionately calls the child a gold-swallowing beast, from pregnancy to birth, milk powder money, diaper money, and then to school, cram schools, interest classes, to cultivate a child, it will cost at least hundreds of thousands or even millions to finish college. Isn't it good to take this money to provide for yourself in the future? Besides, if you raise this child, can you guarantee that he will be able to provide for you in the future?

The post-80s also regretted having children, so stop complaining about the post-90s and post-00s, not getting married and having children

The third is that the current society is too volatile, and it is easy to raise children, but it is difficult to cultivate talents. Children have been rolling since they were in elementary school, and all kinds of interest classes and cram schools are full of children, so there is no room for play. It can be said that today's children do not have a happy childhood.

A netizen wrote a message at the end of the article like this: I feel sorry for my child and came to this world to suffer. My daughter is in third grade, and when she was doing her homework yesterday, do you know what she said to me? Mom, I want to be a five-year-old, I want to go to kindergarten, because there is no homework in kindergarten, there are delicious snacks and fun toys every day, and after I went to elementary school, I feel that I am under a lot of pressure to study now. After listening to my daughter's words, I didn't know how to comfort her, so I could only hug her! Alas, damn the volume.

The post-80s also regretted having children, so stop complaining about the post-90s and post-00s, not getting married and having children

This mother's message represents the voice of a large number of parents of students. The post-80s generation can't roll anymore, and they don't want their children to continue to roll.

The child was born in this family with no funds and no family background, which is nothing more than to re-walk the road taken by his fathers and the hardships he has endured.

If you save all this energy and money, you can take good care of your parents, and at the same time make your life more comfortable, how do you feel after reading these points in front of the screen? Do you think the post-80s generation has this kind of thought, right?

If I had to choose again, I would choose to have children, I think, a home without children is not a complete home, what about you? How do you choose?