
My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

author:Zhang tells a story

In a corner of the city, a glimmer of morning light passed through the narrow window, gently caressing Li Xiaofang's cheek, and she opened her eyes slightly, feeling that the busy day was about to begin. Beside him, Zhang Wei's breathing was still even and deep, and his steady sleep and slight snoring formed a quiet isolation from the world.

"Husband, get up." Li Xiaofang said softly, gently shaking Zhang Wei's shoulder with her hand.

"Hmm... Another five minutes. Zhang Wei replied sullenly, his eyes closed, as if trying to catch the tail of the dream.

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

Li Xiaofang got up and started her daily routine, from washing up to preparing breakfast, everything was in order. The hustle and bustle outside the window gradually became a part of her life, the sound of whistles, hawkers, and the morning greetings between neighbors that mingled with the morning in the city.

Zhang Wei finally sat up in the second alarm clock, he yawned, walked to the kitchen table, and looked at the fragrant breakfast on the table, "Wife, you are moving so fast, I haven't freshened up yet." ”

"Go and wash up, you have to get to the factory early today, I heard you last night, didn't the leader want to inspect your department?" Li Xiaofang reminded while cleaning up the tableware.

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

Zhang Wei nodded, washed up, put on his neat but slightly old work clothes, and hurriedly finished breakfast. "Wife, I'm leaving, come back early in the evening, let's go to the vegetable market together."

Li Xiaofang raised her head and gave Zhang Wei a warm smile, "Be careful on the road." ”

She watched Zhang Wei's figure disappear into the building by the window, and then began to take care of the warm but slightly cramped room. Putting on a light blue professional outfit and picking up a slightly old handbag, Li Xiaofang is ready to face another busy workday.

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

Their lives are uneventful, with little income, but enough to sustain themselves. In this bustling city, every sunrise and sunset is a stubborn pursuit of dreams. In their limited space, the so-called little happiness and little beauty are the bits and pieces of their common life.

"Husband, do you think our life is too dull now?" Li Xiaofang asked Zhang Wei like this one night.

"Wife, a bland life is a blessing. As long as I have you by my side, every day is full of color for me. Zhang Wei always replied like this, although the tone was simple, he could feel full of true feelings.

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

Maybe the people around them feel a little difficult when they see their lives, but in Li Xiaofang's heart, this is what she is willing to protect and cherish. It is their common dream that they will one day have their own house. May this tiny light of dreams continue to warm their footsteps, no matter the wind, frost, rain and snow, no matter the change of years.

Li Xiaofang sat in front of the computer, her eyes staring closely at the advertisement of "limited-time special offers, house purchase discount information", and her heart was filled with a trace of waves. She and Zhang Wei have been renting this not spacious one-bedroom apartment since they got married, although it is warm, it is inevitable that they will yearn for a small family in the future. Li Xiaofang sighed softly, "Husband, come and see this." She asked Zhang Wei to come and see the news.

Zhang Wei walked over and stood behind Li Xiaofang, both of whom were attracted by the information on the screen. "This... Can we really afford it? Zhang Wei asked worriedly.

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

"I did the math, if the salaries of the two of us add up and save a little more, maybe we can try." There was a hint of firmness in Li Xiaofang's tone.

As night fell, Li Xiaofang told Zhang Wei about her plan, and the two began to discuss it seriously. Mortgages, living expenses, unexpected expenses, every detail has been scrutinized. Their childlike desire for a better life is intertwined with the adult's concern about the challenges of reality.

However, just as their plan was gradually taking shape, Zhang Wei's company suddenly fell into a storm of layoffs. Zhang Wei returned home and sat on the sofa with a heavy face. "Wife, the situation is not good, the company may have to lay off people, and my position is likely to not be kept."

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

Hearing the news, Li Xiaofang's heart sank to the bottom. "That's... So isn't our plan—" She was a little speechless, not sure what to do.

There was silence between the two.

"No, we can't just give up! I'm going to look for other jobs, and you're working overtime, and we're going to get through this." Li Xiaofang showed a strong smile, trying to encourage Zhang Wei, who was also anxious in his heart.

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

"Can we really, wife?" A trace of confusion flashed in Zhang Wei's eyes.

"We've got to at least give it a try, don't we? We always have to work hard for our dreams. Li Xiaofang held Zhang Wei's hand tightly.

Li Xiaofang's words made the fog in Zhang Wei's heart dissipate a little, and he held his wife's hand tightly and nodded. On this night, the hearts of the two were closer, and the common uneasiness and determination made this tacit understanding even stronger.

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

But life is always turbulent, with every day of hard work, Li Xiaofang's overtime pay has increased, although Zhang Wei is still worried, but he is also secretly trying to find new opportunities. They didn't reveal their plans to the outside world, because they knew that not everyone could understand the seemingly 'bold' decision.

The night in the office was exceptionally quiet, Li Xiaofang worked late overtime, she looked at the various Excel sheets she had made for the purchase plan on the computer, and her heart swelled with an indescribable feeling, uneasy, but more anticipation for the future.

"Husband, although the future is unknown, I believe that as long as we work together, everything will be fine." Li Xiaofang said this on the phone with Zhang Wei.

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

"Yes wife, let's do it together." Zhang Wei's voice was a little tired, but it was full of determination and hope.

Under the uncertainty of Zhang Wei's work and the increasing pressure of life, the relationship between Li Xiaofang and Zhang Wei began to be strained like never before. Zhang Wei, who comes home from work every day, can feel that the atmosphere at home is more biting than the cold wind in winter. There was less conversation at the table, but the silence was extended. Li Xiaofang noticed all this, and she knew that something had to be done.

"Husband, we can't give up on our dreams because we're afraid of what might happen in the future." Li Xiaofang plucked up her courage after a dinner, she took Zhang Wei's hand and said seriously.

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

Zhang Wei's eyes were so tired that his eyes were black, but after hearing Li Xiaofang's words, the idea of giving up seemed to be somewhat relieved. "Wife, do you really think we can do it?"

"I believe we can, we're all hard-working people." There was an unchanging belief in Li Xiaofang's voice. After countless discussions and countless nights of coffee, she and Zhang Wei finally decided to bravely go to the housing purchase center to sign the contract. It's their common choice and a bet on the future.

When relatives and friends learned of this decision, there was a lot of discussion. Some say they are bold, others worry they can't afford to take such a risk. "Wife, have you heard what the people around you are saying? Are we really doing it right? Zhang Wei's heart fluctuated.

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

"Husband, let's just listen to what others say, and we decide our own lives." Li Xiaofang replied firmly.

Li Xiaofang's persistence and belief brought strength to Zhang Wei. He began to actively cope with the work of each day, and he tried his best, even with a sword hanging over his head. The lives of the two are tense, but full of hope and expectation.

However, just as they were excitedly calculating for their future new house, Zhang Wei's mobile phone suddenly rang. It was a bolt from the blue – the company called him to inform him that his job had been retained, and that at the moment, the job was more important to them than ever.

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

"Wife, I didn't expect it..."Zhang Wei couldn't believe it.

Li Xiaofang's face also showed a look of surprise, "Husband, is every choice we make actually right?" ”

The two hugged each other tightly. Just as they were struggling with the uncertainty and worries of the future, a turning point crept in and gave them great encouragement. Perhaps it was their perseverance that gave the opportunity for a change in fate. They have come to believe that sometimes life does reward the brave.

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

Facing the upcoming new house, their hearts were filled with joy, and this joy was the result of their joint efforts. Although there are many uncertainties and turmoil in life, as long as the two work together, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome.

Li Xiaofang thought that everything had to be replanned, but the preservation of Zhang Wei's job completely dispelled the worries in her heart. She believes that as long as they face it together, no difficulties will be a problem. "Husband, we will have a better future." Li Xiaofang couldn't help but imagine the scene of herself decorating her new home, and her heart was full of joy and expectation.

As time passed, Li Xiaofang and Zhang Wei's lives gradually improved. The security of Zhang Wei's work held up a piece of sky for them, and eliminated countless dark clouds when they moved forward. Buying a home is a testament to their resilience and opens a new chapter for their future.

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

They stood still in front of the new house, gazing at the building that was about to be delivered, and their hearts were filled with indescribable joy. "Husband, look, that's our home." Li Xiaofang's voice was filled with excitement and pride.

"Wife, yes, I didn't expect us to really do it." Zhang Wei held Li Xiaofang's hand tightly, feeling the temperature and strength from the other party's palm.

"What's going to happen to our home next?" Li Xiaofang has already begun to fantasize about the days ahead.

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

"Wife, I think we should plant some flowers and plants on the balcony, so that we can smell the flowers in the morning." Zhang Wei proposed, and his eyes also gleamed with expectation.

"That's a great idea, we can also put a comfortable sofa in the living room so we can watch TV together in the evening and enjoy the warmth of home." Li Xiaofang's smile exuded happiness in satisfaction.

In this way, Li Xiaofang and Zhang Wei began their new lives, and each day of their life became special because of their love and companionship.

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

In the face of the difficulties of life and the uncertainty of the future, Li Xiaofang and Zhang Wei did not choose to retreat, and their bravery and persistence became a story that became a good story in the community. The young couple is always met with appreciative glances when mentioned in the neighborhood, and their decisions and courage inspire everyone around them.

In the blink of an eye, the spring flowers are blooming, the flowers on the balcony are blooming, and their home is full of life and vitality. Li Xiaofang leaned on the balcony, Zhang Wei hugged her into his arms, and the two enjoyed plain and beautiful happiness.

"Wife, do you remember? You said that as long as we are together, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome. Zhang Wei said with emotion.

My husband's salary is 6,400 yuan, my salary is 3,500 yuan, and I dare to buy a car and a house, and others say that I am bold

"Of course I remember, husband, because I know we have the courage to face everything." Li Xiaofang responded softly, her eyes full of anticipation for the future.

The journey of life is always full of unknowns and challenges, but Li Xiaofang and Zhang Wei use their experiences to prove to the world that as long as they walk hand in hand, love and courage are the most solid support. Their stories bloom with extraordinary brilliance in ordinary life, becoming the warmest scenery in the water and soil on that side.