
After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too explosive, and the victim's current situation is exposed

author:Iwai today
After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too explosive, and the victim's current situation is exposed

On June 27, multiple surveillance videos showed that a man was driving in Baoding, Hebei Province, deliberately accelerating and crashing into a man in black riding an electric car.

After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too explosive, and the victim's current situation is exposed

The electric car fell apart in an instant, and the man in black fell to the ground.

After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too explosive, and the victim's current situation is exposed

The assailant then got out of the car with a kitchen knife and chased after him, and the man in black quickly ran into the courtyard and tried to close the door to stop him, but failed.

After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too explosive, and the victim's current situation is exposed

According to insiders, the two are villagers from the same village, and the perpetrator has mental problems, and there has been a dispute between the two not long after they have been treated from the hospital. At present, the local police have intervened in the investigation.


Netizens are hotly discussed

This is for him, either a rival in love or a creditor.

Don't speculate, it's not that simple.

The most ruthless is the owner of the tricycle, who waits and sees the whole process, does not dodge or dodge, which is really commendable

After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too explosive, and the victim's current situation is exposed

Warning the broad masses of the people that if they are hit by a car, they will get up first if they can, and now it is not like before.

The eldest brother has been lying down for a catastrophe or two, admired

Movies can't make this kind of effect, it's really more exciting than drama.

After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too explosive, and the victim's current situation is exposed

This video is from Xushui County, Baoding, Hebei Province, Shuimotou Village, there is usually no contradiction, I heard that the man has mental problems, it is really disturbing.

This should be the revenge of the enemy! Who would do that? Nowadays, people are really getting more and more incomprehensible.

He can drive, so he should be mentally fine, right? It's too complicated to understand.

After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too explosive, and the victim's current situation is exposed

This thing is really extreme, it's impossible to have no hatred.

At first, I thought it was a traffic accident, but it turned out to be an intentional injury, which is really unexpected.

Brother Long in Kunshan is another person, he has a lot of temper, this kind of person really can't be messed with.

After the man hit the neighbor, he took a knife into the house and chased him! The old folk's inside story is too explosive, and the victim's current situation is exposed