
50-year-old guarded remnants, 60-year-olds guarded remnants, 70-year-olds guarded remnants of blood! What do you mean?

author:Sun Yangxin

50-year-old guarded remnants, 60-year-olds guarded remnants, 70-year-olds guarded remnants of blood! What do you mean?

50-year-old guarded remnants, 60-year-olds guarded remnants, 70-year-olds guarded remnants of blood! What do you mean?

If you can do these three things, you will not be far from a healthy and long life!

50-year-old guarded remnants, 60-year-olds guarded remnants, 70-year-olds guarded remnants of blood! What do you mean?

The first one, 50-year-old residual sperm, people over 50 years old, many people find that they have presbyopia, see things blurryly, and good or bad vision is actually the manifestation of the liver, because the liver is responsible for hematopoiesis, liver qi is uncomfortable or liver blood is insufficient, the eyes will not be nourished, and the liver and kidney are complementary to each other, bad liver means that the kidney essence is reduced, so to keep the residual sperm, do not continue to lose!

50-year-old guarded remnants, 60-year-olds guarded remnants, 70-year-olds guarded remnants of blood! What do you mean?

Second, 60-year-old guarded remnants, after people reach the age of 60, the heart begins to gradually age, the ability to push blood gradually weakens, resulting in slower blood circulation, often feel chest tightness, worry, palpitation and other symptoms, when Xue Yue flows slowly or even stagnates, the qi will become less, the elderly often feel very tired, talking panting, legs and feet are not flexible, and there is no strength to get up, which shows that you have to keep the remnants!

50-year-old guarded remnants, 60-year-olds guarded remnants, 70-year-olds guarded remnants of blood! What do you mean?

The third, 70-year-old guarded blood, 70-year-old old man's skin will become dry and loose, the folds are very deep, the color is dark, the skin of the limbs is loose, very slender and thin, this is because aging makes the blood in the body less, the blood can not nourish the skin and hair, plus the spleen and stomach weakness leads to less food, there is a blood deficiency!

So what to do? The first thing is to conform to the internal organs, keep the mood happy, take more deep breaths, exercise appropriately, and avoid overwork