
Why do you want to sweep pornography into death? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

author:Ah Zhe story meeting

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Why do you want to sweep pornography into death? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Anti-Pornography Campaign: Why are we resolutely fighting pornography?

Dear middle-aged and elderly friends, you may have seen some discussions on the Internet about the anti-pornography campaign and wondered why we should be so resolute in cracking down on pornography?

Many netizens shared below, which made me suddenly realize

Why do you want to sweep pornography into death? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Because those who come out to sell are mixed living, while those who are sold by organizations are illegal and profitable. What opposes the legality of selling x is actually opposed to the fact that illegal profits from capital will do things that affect social stability. If we crack down on all the people who live in mixed lives, then many weak people who don't have guaranteed life skills will really have no way to live. Therefore, high-level prostitutes should also be included in the scope of the crackdown, because where there is a lot of oil and water, the crime is deep. The remaining small fish and shrimp may dry up when the sun is bright that day, and they will not be able to catch them all at all.

Why do you want to sweep pornography into death? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Speaking of the roots. What I'm afraid of is organization

Why do you want to sweep pornography into death? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Once the color industry is opened, it will definitely cause a large number of human trafficking, because it is definitely a profitable business, and it will definitely breed corresponding black, you open up, how can other innocent women live? They will face a social environment that is 100 times more dangerous than it is now, you can ask your female colleagues, girlfriends, friends and relatives around you, ask them how many people are willing to work in this industry, you are obviously a man, but you think you can represent the wishes of women?

Why do you want to sweep pornography into death? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

When I was in college, the anti-pornography was not so strict, and my classmate's family had relatives who were engaged in this business, and his young lady was really abducted, and after coming over, she was locked up and beaten and starved until she gave in, which is what my classmate himself said. Her home is a well-known red light district in the area. Stretching for dozens of kilometers from the highway exit, there are often bustards soliciting customers along the highway and the national highway, mainly for passing truck drivers and tourists who go to a nearby famous mountain to play.

Why do you want to sweep pornography into death? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Others won't listen to what you say, because they will only substitute themselves for the vested interests after opening up, not as the victims

Why do you want to sweep pornography into death? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Prostitution itself does not cause much social evil; The big ones are organized and even coercive. Therefore, this kind of group must be fought to the death, but as long as the individual does not develop into a blatant person, it is a waste of manpower to over-manage the group. It's like robbery and murder, you have to check the bottom of it, you go to the supermarket to steal the box of Huazi, if you don't monitor it, there is a high probability that it will be over.

Why do you want to sweep pornography into death? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

Many prostitutes were forced into prostitution, and the women were helpless in order to free them from exploitation. It's different now, high wages, and the vast majority of people receive compulsory education or even more, which does not meet the principle of helplessness, and you can change jobs if you don't want to, and the relationship between supply and demand is also oversupply.

Why do you want to sweep pornography into death? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances

The dangers of pornography

Pornography not only violates laws and regulations, but also has a great negative impact on the social atmosphere. It erodes the minds of teenagers, destroys family harmony, and may even trigger a series of criminal acts.

The significance of the anti-pornography campaign

We have launched an anti-pornography campaign to safeguard public order and good customs in society and to protect the physical and mental health of the masses. Only by cracking down on pornography can we create a healthy and civilized online environment.

Therefore, dear middle-aged and elderly friends, let us support the anti-pornography campaign and contribute to creating a harmonious and beautiful social environment. Only when each of us takes action can we completely eradicate the breeding ground for pornography and make our lives better.

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Why do you want to sweep pornography into death? Reading the comments of netizens has caused thousands of resonances