
Chang'e-6 is back, why can't the American astronauts on the space station come back?

author:Xiao Xin said Duan'er
Chang'e-6 is back, why can't the American astronauts on the space station come back?

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Today, I saw a hot topic: Chang'e-6 has returned, why can't the American astronauts on the space station come back?

When Chang'e-6 returned to Earth safely loaded with the mysteries of the moon, why did the American astronauts on the International Space Station not return home?

The successful return of Chang'e-6 marks another remarkable achievement in China's lunar exploration program.

At the same time, the American astronauts on the International Space Station are silently carrying out their mission. However, the nature of their mandates and the challenges they face are very different.

The goal of the lunar exploration mission is clear, and the time node is clear; The maintenance and operation of the space station is a long-term and complex process.

The replies of netizens have been frying!

Chang'e-6 is back, why can't the American astronauts on the space station come back?

Astronaut: Actually, I want to come back......

NASA: Then you don't want to be free?

Chang'e-6 is back, why can't the American astronauts on the space station come back?

17 days without supplies? The shortcoming is the oxygen bar, and people can eat and drink for up to 60 days unless they cannibalism

Chang'e-6 is back, why can't the American astronauts on the space station come back?

Others, I don't understand spaceships, I don't understand the United States yet?

Chang'e-6 is back, why can't the American astronauts on the space station come back?

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Chang'e-6 is back, why can't the American astronauts on the space station come back?

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Chang'e-6 is back, why can't the American astronauts on the space station come back?

Ours can't. The interfaces do not match and cannot be connected

The choices of these astronauts make us ponder a question: what is the real responsibility and mission?

For astronauts, their responsibility is not only to complete their own mission, but also to contribute to the exploration of space and the future of mankind.

When Chang'e-6 returns, we are proud of China's lunar exploration program; And those astronauts who are still silently dedicating themselves to the space station are also worthy of our admiration and respect.

They have used their actions to explain what is the real responsibility and mission.

Let us salute them and look forward to their early completion of their tasks and safe return!

So, welcome to leave a comment in the comment area, don't forget to like and follow!

Chang'e-6 is back, why can't the American astronauts on the space station come back?

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