
Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

author:Pioneer of film and entertainment
Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

Text: Tsuruo

Editor|Film and Entertainment Pioneer

Recently, the three entries of "He Jiong, Xie Na, and Li Weijia are combined", "Xie Na and Zhang Jie have candy again", and "Du Haitao wants a daughter" have appeared on the hot search.

Although it seems to be a positive hot search, I opened the comment area and found that:

"Happy Camp" has been on the air for less than three years, but netizens' attitudes towards several members of the Happy Family have long been very different.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

Regarding the combination of He Jiong, Xie Na, and Li Weijia, netizens sighed about their feelings, and did not forget to express their love and concern for Teacher He.

For the love between Xie Na and Zhang Jie, netizens have blessed them.

As for the news that Du Haitao wants a daughter, many netizens are yin and yang, and they can't do without the word "scumbag" in and out of their words.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

Guo Degang once said that if you want to develop, the platform is very important.

That's right.

For the five members of the Happy Family, "Happy Camp" is the platform that puts on "human skin" for them.

And the suspension of "Happy Camp" is like a "demon mirror", revealing the true identities of several of them.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

01 He Jiong - the "evergreen" that stands tall

On September 25, 2021, the Happy Family was disbanded.

There is no formal goodbye, no happy ending.

With the next trailer already released, "Happy Camp" hastily announced the suspension of broadcasting.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

After "Happy Camp" stopped broadcasting, Hunan Satellite TV quickly launched a "Hello Saturday" to replace it.

And He Jiong, as the only one of the five members of the Happy Family left, naturally provoked the beam of the new show.

He formed a good six troupe with newcomers such as Tan Jianci, Ding Chengxin, and Qin Xiaoxian, and continued to bring happiness to the audience every Saturday.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

In addition to "Hello Saturday" every Saturday night, He Jiong also serves as the host of many other programs.

Almost all large-scale programs and galas of Hunan Satellite TV will invite He Jiong to serve as the host.

This is not only Hunan Satellite TV's recognition of He Jiong's professional ability over the years, but also the audience's trust and support for He Jiong.

As one netizen said:

"No matter what the program is, as long as I see Teacher He here, I feel at ease."
Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

Mr. He's ability to host and control the field is recognized by even CCTV.

At this year's CCTV Spring Festival Gala, He Jiong served as the host of the Changsha branch in Hunan.

His connection with Sa Beining at the party also surprised many audiences, calling him back to "Star Detective".

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

and the dark horse of this year's variety show, "Singer", also invited He Jiong to serve as the host of the live broadcast.

Later, because He Jiong was going to appear in the drama, he regretted not being present at the live broadcast in the second issue, and Hunan Satellite TV found another female host, Shen Mengchen, to host the scene.

The result can be imagined, the whole live broadcast was chaotic, and the entry "He Jiong's absence" appeared on the hot search that night.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

The West cannot afford to lose Jerusalem, just as we cannot afford to lose Teacher Ho.

Mr. He is the "evergreen" who stands tall in the hosting industry, always accompanying the audience.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

02 Li Weijia - the hidden "smiling tiger"

Li Weijia has always been the "king of stalks" in "Happy Camp".

In the show, he always smiles, as if he will never get angry, and the golden sentences that come out from time to time always make everyone laugh.

But after leaving "Happy Camp", the audience found that he was the one who really hid deeply.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

Li Weijia's private life has always been a mystery in the eyes of the public.

Over the years, the rumors about his love and marriage have not stopped, and the objects of the scandal range from Tang Yuzhe to Long Danni to the male agent, each of whom has a nose and an eye.

Regarding these rumors, Li Weijia only came forward to clarify the relationship with Long Danni, and we don't know the rest.

In last year's variety show "Housework Honor Student", it can be seen that Li Weijia now lives as an "old man living alone".

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

Li Weijia lives alone in a bachelor apartment in Changsha, and the first thing he does when he gets up every morning is to clean.

He doesn't cook much, and eats takeout for three meals a day.

In one episode, he even ate a cold burger overnight, and the other guests who watched it shouted sadly.

But with Li Weijia's assets, how could he live such a life?

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

According to rumors from netizens, Li Weijia has begun to develop a side business many years ago, and he has been involved in entertainment, catering, and real estate.

Even Huang Xiaoming and Wen Bixia were shareholders of the national chain nightclubs he opened.

How could such a person be so downtrodden as to eat an overnight burger?

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

Li Weijia was also caught in a public opinion storm because of his endorsement of milk tea, and was almost hidden.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

At that time, Li Weijia endorsed a milk tea brand called "Happy Equation", and even took the name of Happy Family to stand for the brand.

Merchants also chose to join with the endorsement of the happy family, and the highest merchant paid a franchise fee of 1.5 million yuan for the brand.

As a result, I didn't expect the brand to directly roll up the money and leave, and the merchants were deceived with no return.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

In a fit of rage, the merchants who joined the franchise went to the door of Hunan Satellite TV to pull banners and scolded Li Weijia for being an unethical artist.

Hunan Satellite TV became the target of public criticism for a while.

Although Li Weijia later explained this incident, his reputation has suffered irreversible damage.

Because of this incident, Li Weijia resigned from Hunan Taiwan and disappeared in front of the public for a long time.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

Although Li Weijia has returned to the entertainment industry, his work is not as good as before.

Now he can only rely on his previous connections to be a flying guest in some variety shows, or record some small variety shows that few people watch.

As for any evening parties and programs, he didn't have the opportunity to host them at all.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

03 Xie Na - the "sun goddess" who harvests happiness

Xie Na has always been said to be "crazy" when she hosted "Happy Camp" and had no ability to control the field.

Indeed, when Xie Na hosted the show, she often needed Teacher He to save her.

And Teacher He also dotes on her very much, often speaking for her in front of the audience, and the friendship between the two has not been broken until now.

Xie Na seems crazy, but she is actually a very sensitive and good person in managing relationships.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

The entry "He Jiong, Xie Na, and Li Weijia are combined" appeared because Xie Na posted a back photo of the three of them on social platforms.

In the photo, He Jiong and Li Weijia surrounded Xie Na in the middle, and the three of them snuggled together intimately, raising their arms to Biye, looking very happy.

Even though the Happy Family has long since disbanded, Xie Na still maintains the relationship between them with all her heart.

In addition to friendship, Xie Na also treats love.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

Among the five members of the Happy Family, Xie Na's love life is the smoothest.

She and Zhang Jie went from acquaintance to acquaintance and love, and now to marriage and childbirth, every step has gone extremely smoothly.

Even now, the two of them can be seen showing affection from time to time.

At last year's Bird's Nest concert, Zhang Jie also confessed to Xie Na that "loving you is the proudest thing for me".

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

In addition to love, Xie Na has also developed steadily in her career.

Except for He Jiong, she is the one with the best resources after leaving "Happy Camp", and many satellite TV and variety shows have sent invitations to her.

not only hosted "Riding the Wind and Waves Season 3" as the "publisher", but also participated in "Riding the Wind 2023" last year and successfully formed a group.

In "Riding the Wind 2023", she showed the audience a serious and hard-working and somewhat cool Xie Na, which completely reversed the public's impression of her as "crazy".

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

04 Du Haitao - "black-hearted dumplings" with different appearances and inside

In "Happy Camp", Du Haitao has always been an image of "weak and bulliable", looking honest and honest without heart.

But in the past few years after leaving "Happy Camp", his attitude towards Chen Mengchen made the audience completely see his true colors.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

Du Haitao and Shen Mengchen have been in love for many years, and when they first announced their relationship, they also showed their affection in the show.

Later, the two finally got married, but Du Haitao was unwilling to hold a wedding for Shen Mengchen.

Shen Mengchen hinted on the show many times that he wanted a wedding, and even the audience understood, but Du Haitao pretended to be deaf and dumb.

After so many years, Chen Mengchen also aggrieved himself and dispelled this idea.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

After leaving "Happy Camp", he found very few jobs for Du Haitao, and he spent most of his time at home to lose weight.

The hot search of "Du Haitao has lost weight" has been on one after another, but there is still no good job to find him, but Shen Mengchen has been working outside.

Guo Degang's sentence "Don't take the platform as your own ability" is very suitable for Du Haitao.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

05 Wu Xin - pure and noble "white swan"

Compared with the other four, Wu Xin is the one who has gained the most after leaving "Happy Camp".

In the past, in the show, the audience positioned her as a stupid and stupid "dirt girl".

But the actual Wu Xin is smart and foreign, which is not at all the same as the label given to her by the audience.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

After "Happy Camp" stopped broadcasting, Wu Xin took on a lot of variety shows.

"The Great Detective", "Heartbeat Signal", "Detective Academy", her performance on every variety show has been recognized by the audience.

In addition, she also amazed the crowd with her outfits and foreign language skills.

It was only at this time that the audience suddenly realized that Wu Xin was never an ugly duckling in everyone's eyes, but a pure and noble white swan.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family


"Happy Camp" has been off the air for more than two years, and everything has settled.

The true faces of the five members of the Happy Family were revealed by the audience one by one, and it was already clear who was the real force and who was relying on the platform.

Therefore, now the gap between the five people is getting wider and wider, and it can only be said that there is a cause and an effect.

Who would have thought that the suspension of "Happy Camp" would become the "demon mirror" of the happy family

Some references:

1. "Happy Camp" officially said goodbye, and the new show "Hello Saturday" is still hosted by He Jiong. Baijia

2. Expect! China Central Radio and Television's "2024 Spring Festival Gala" program list released. CCTV News.2024-02-09

3. Li Weijia denied that she and Long Danni were husband and wife: they have been good friends for many years, don't think about it. Tencent Entertainment

4. Li Weijia responded to the overturn of the endorsement bubble tea shop: the contract was terminated in June this year. Sina

5. "Riding the Wind 2023" ended, Chen Jiahua won the championship, and Xie Na won the founder of Riding the Wind of the Year. Hunan Daily Baijia No

6. "Fashion potential stocks" Wu Xin, who is performing better and better: "My New Clothes" counterattacked into a queen.