
When he was young, he was not popular, but he didn't expect to get older and more handsome, these 6 actors won the second half

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Editor: cjm

Is it "forty-one flowers", or is it "short-lived"?

"Men are amazing creatures."

No, the following "Uncle Circle" male gods are exactly like this.

When he was young, he was not popular, but he didn't expect to get older and more handsome, these 6 actors won the second half

When they were young, they were tepid, but after years of precipitation, they burst out with a unique charm.

They used their own personal experience to prove to everyone what it means to be "ordinary in the first half of life, earth-shattering in the second half of life".

Zhang Songwen

Speaking of Zhang Songwen, an actor, many people know him in the TV series "Hurricane" to be broadcast in 2023.

But in fact, before that, he had been in the entertainment industry for many years, but he had been in a tepid state.

Today's Zhang Songwen is 48 years old, and it is really painful to think back on the arduous road back then......

When he was young, he was not popular, but he didn't expect to get older and more handsome, these 6 actors won the second half

When Zhang Songwen just graduated from "Beijing Film Academy", he had no family background and no background, so he could only break through the entertainment industry alone.

At that time, he had to cut back on food and clothing to survive, and he had to live in a cold, damp basement.

But what he remembered the most was not the poor life, but the white eyes and bullying suffered by the crew......

When he was young, he was not popular, but he didn't expect to get older and more handsome, these 6 actors won the second half

In the years when Zhang Songwen was tepid, he was called around and often did some miscellaneous work.

What impressed him the most was that once when he was filming on the beach, Zhang Songwen ran to pick up plastic bags that were blown away by the wind for the sake of environmental protection.

But when he turned around, he found that the staff's car had already left, and he was deliberately left alone on the empty beach.

When he was young, he was not popular, but he didn't expect to get older and more handsome, these 6 actors won the second half

After that, Zhang Songwen called them again and said all the good things before he stopped the car and waited for him.

He had traveled a long way that day to get in the car.

But even after so many hardships in life, Zhang Songwen never gave up, and it was because of his perseverance that Zhang Songwen was created today.

The source of this paragraph comes from Baidu Encyclopedia - Zhang Songwen's basic information

Translated by Zhang Jia

Zhang Jiayi is definitely the earliest "male god of the uncle circle", and his chic walking posture has been imitated by many people on the Internet.

And he is also a "father professional", probably due to age, so many of the roles he plays are fathers.

Although Zhang Jiayi is now a well-known star, when he was young, he was not famous.

When he was young, he was not popular, but he didn't expect to get older and more handsome, these 6 actors won the second half

Zhang Jiayi was relatively thin when he was young, so his appearance at that time looked a bit like a "sharp-beaked monkey gill".

So many roles won't be played by him.

But as he gradually grew older, Zhang Jiayi's figure gradually became blessed.

But after gaining weight, Zhang Jiayi has more of a mature middle-aged uncle charm, and he is very charming.

Therefore, the "old" Zhang Jiayi has created a world in the entertainment industry with the image of "uncle".

The source of this paragraph comes from Baidu Encyclopedia - the basic information of Zhang Jiayi

Wang Yang

Speaking of Wang Yang, an actor, he can really be regarded as "out of the circle" recently.

The recently circulated sentence "Every fold grows just right" is talking about Wang Yang.

Whether it's in "Shining Her", or in "Fearless", or in "The Wind Chaser".

Wang Yang did it just right, attracting a large number of female fans.

When he was young, he was not popular, but he didn't expect to get older and more handsome, these 6 actors won the second half

But do you still remember Wang Yang more than ten years ago?

At that time, he was still a Wang Yang who could only play a little guard in "Palace Lock Bead Curtain", but even such an inconspicuous role was already very good for Wang Yang at that time.

When he was young, he was not popular, but he didn't expect to get older and more handsome, these 6 actors won the second half

At that time, even though his acting skills were perfect, he was still tepid, but at his current age, he has become more popular.

It is precisely because Wang Yang has not given up in these tepid years that he has ushered in the now popular him.

The source of this paragraph comes from Baidu Encyclopedia - Wang Yang's basic information

Yu Hewei

"Glue Dance".

Presumably everyone has seen this "ghost animal" video on the Internet, which is from the mouth of Yu Hewei, and it is still popular all over the Internet until now.

There is also the "bah, spit" emoji, which has been widely spoofed by everyone on the Internet, which is also from Hewei.

When he was young, he was not popular, but he didn't expect to get older and more handsome, these 6 actors won the second half

Although everyone took Yu Hewei's emojis to make some "ghost animal videos".

But this "old man" has also been liked and sought after by everyone because of this.

Yu Hewei, who was born in 1971, has only been widely known by everyone in recent years, and he can be regarded as a "late bloomer".

When he was young, he was not popular, but he didn't expect to get older and more handsome, these 6 actors won the second half

Graduated from "Shanghai Theater Academy", he has been unknown in the entertainment industry since graduation.

It is not until recent years, when I get older, that I have added the charm of some mature men, which has been widely recognized by everyone.

The source of this paragraph comes from Baidu Encyclopedia - Yu Hewei's basic information

Jin Dong

Speaking of Jin Dong, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is the congratulatory letter in "The First Half of My Life", or the eldest brother Minglou in "The Pretender".

But no matter what role it is, it's the type that all women dream of.

In the past few years, Jin Dong can be said to be "crazy", playing roles that are more attractive than the other, and I don't know how many women have become their dream lovers.

When he was young, he was not popular, but he didn't expect to get older and more handsome, these 6 actors won the second half

But looking at Jin Dong when he was young, it was not as good as now, whether it was fame or appearance, he couldn't compare with him now, as if he were two people.

No, Jin Dong was skinny when he was young, although his face was angular, but it was not as pleasing to the eye as it is now.

Therefore, when Jin Dong was young, he could receive very few scenes, and he was always tepid.

When he was young, he was not popular, but he didn't expect to get older and more handsome, these 6 actors won the second half

On the contrary, in middle age, Jin Dong's acting career slowly improved, and he began to exude a charming mature charm, attracting a large number of female fans.

The source of this paragraph comes from Baidu Encyclopedia - Jin Dong's basic information
When he was young, he was not popular, but he didn't expect to get older and more handsome, these 6 actors won the second half

Qin Hao

In the drama "The Hidden Corner", there is a classic line "Do you think I still have a chance"?

This line has made many people afraid of climbing the mountain to this day, and coupled with Qin Hao's amazing acting skills, it is even more creepy.

In this drama, Qin Hao played a murderer Zhang Dongsheng, from a "nest" man to a "cruel" murderer, and the emotional changes in the middle were handled by Qin Hao just right.

When he was young, he was not popular, but he didn't expect to get older and more handsome, these 6 actors won the second half

After this drama, Qin Hao also won the "Magnolia Award" and was also well-known by more people.

But Qin Hao's role when he was young was not so charming, he was not pleasing in appearance at that time, and he was rustic and even a little bucktoothy.

When he was young, he was not popular, but he didn't expect to get older and more handsome, these 6 actors won the second half

But as he grew older, Qin Hao's image also underwent earth-shaking changes, slowly fading away from his previous immaturity and rusticness, and becoming a mature and handsome uncle with thick eyebrows and big eyes and sharp edges and corners.

And his acting career is also "out of control", and with his own strength, he has become a member of the "male god of the uncle circle" in internal entertainment.

The source of this paragraph comes from Baidu Encyclopedia - Qin Hao's basic information


These six actors proved one thing to everyone with their real experiences.

That is, in any matter, as long as you are willing to work hard and not give up, you will definitely succeed one day.

Although it is said that several of them are "late bloomers", it still does not affect their excellence.

So who do you think are the most handsome of these "male gods in the uncle circle"? #长文创作激励计划#