
Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old

author:Tessie Entertainment

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Wen I Tessie Entertainment

Edited by I. Tessie Entertainment

Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old

In fact, there have always been many people who think that human life is very long, and it is difficult to reach the end, but no one has the ability to predict which will come first, tomorrow or accident, since life has a length, there must be an end.

Every day, every month, and every year, there are countless people's lives coming to an end, but everyone doesn't know, half of June has passed, and July is about to come, in this month, many celebrities have passed one after another, the oldest is 88 years old, and the youngest is 31 years old.

Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old
Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old
China Industry Network-2024-06-23-Famous performing artist Wang Tiecheng passed away "The actor who most looks like Premier Zhou" is gone

Wang Tiecheng

On June 21, the actor Wang Tiecheng, who most looks like Premier Zhou, passed away at the age of 88, and at nine o'clock in the morning of June 25, Wang Tiecheng. The farewell ceremony was held in the Babao Shandong Auditorium.

Why do you say that Wang Tiecheng is the actor who most looks like Premier Zhou? In Wang Tiecheng's acting career, he successfully shaped the screen image of Premier Zhou.

Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old

The first time Wang Tiecheng played Premier Zhou Enlai, the time dates back to the 1977 drama "Turning Point", and only rehearsed for 17 days, but due to Wang Tiecheng's dedication, he figured out Premier Zhou's walking posture and daily habits based on video data, and imitated Premier Zhou's voice when he spoke and spoke on weekdays.

In Wang Tiecheng's view, to create a character should be integrated into the role, and to interpret all aspects of the character is truly and displayed in front of the audience, which is the successful shaping and awe of a character.

Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old

As soon as Wang Tiecheng's version of Premier Zhou appeared, the audience burst into warm applause, and some people even ran to the stage to shake hands and hug Wang Tiecheng with tears in tears.

And it's not that a role is treated like this, but in his acting career, he earnestly presents every role with hard work and specialization, and every stage presentation brings great surprises.

Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old
The Paper-2024-06-29-Zhang Wanhong, a human rights law scholar, legal educator, and professor at Wuhan University, has passed away at the age of 49
Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old

Zhang Wanhong

It's really a jealous talent!

The news of the sudden death of 49-year-old Professor Zhang Wanhong of Wuhan University instantly attracted great attention from the outside world, and the students were sad and netizens worried.

Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old

Zhang Wanhong's sudden death, so that the life of a talented intellectual scholar came to an end in a hurry, whether Professor Zhang Wanhong, whether he died naturally or because of illness, has also become the focus of netizens, it turned out that on June 29 this year, Zhang Wanhong died forever due to ineffective medical treatment, only 49 years old, as soon as the news came out, it caused countless people to be in an uproar, sighing.

Zhang Wanhong's life is full of legends, and he is a graduate of Wuhan University with a bachelor's and master's degree. In only 11 years. In only 11 years, he completed his bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies at Wuhan University, and graduated in the shortest time, which is enough to prove his hard work on the academic road.

Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old

After graduation, Zhang Wanhong stayed in the school to teach, Zhang Wanhong taught and educated people at the Law School of Wuhan University, stood on the podium solidly, taught every class for the students, and achieved rich results in the academic field of research, is a good teacher and professor with excellent morality and learning.

Zhang Wanhong's death has been a blow to his family, and the end of his teaching career so quickly is difficult for students to accept.

Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old
Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old
Jiangnan Evening News-2024-06-30-Too sudden! A well-known female singer died at the age of 38!

Singer Wang Yunyi

Singer Wang Yunyi, who died on June 28, is also an unfortunate woman, only 38 years old, which is the age of hard work, but life has played a huge joke on him.

Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old

Born in 86 years, Wang Yunyi's voice is very recognizable, and the pitch recognition is high, and in 2012, he also participated in the "The Voice of China Season 1" competition held by Zhejiang Satellite TV with a maverick bald image, and his hoarse voice and strong and powerful height directly attracted the turn of mentors Liu Huan, Na Ying, Yu Chengqing and Yang Kun.

After some psychological struggles and struggles, Wang Yunyi unswervingly chose Yu Chengqing, and won the runner-up of Yu Chengqing group in the process of the competition.

Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old

In 2012, Wang Yunyi mentioned in an interview with Nandu Entertainment Weekly that when she was very young, she became an orphan due to the death of her parents, and music was her spiritual companion in the most painful and lonely time of her life.

After her death, Wang Yunyi's good friend also mourned her through Weibo, and described her as a lively person, and thanked everyone for their concern, and mentioned that Wang Yunyi's memorial service is being arranged, and a small memorial service will be held in the company of family and friends.

Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old
Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old
Fuyang News Comprehensive Channel - 2024-06-23-Sudden obituary: "Second Senior Brother" unfortunately passed away! He was only 31 years old

Anti-cancer "second brother"

On June 16th, for the family of Tianjin's most beautiful anti-cancer Internet celebrity "Second Senior Brother", it was the saddest day in his life, on the same day, the family of the second senior brother issued a supplementary notice, and said that the second senior brother left forever at 12 noon on June 16.

In 2018, the Internet celebrity "Second Senior Brother" was diagnosed with low-grade appendiceal myxoma, and then experienced a total of more than 5 years of anti-cancer road, and used short videos to record her life on the Internet to convey her anti-cancer road to the outside world.

Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old

Before getting sick, the "second senior brother" was a medical worker, treating and saving people on the post, but she became a cancer patient in 2018.

Even once because the disease affected the appetite, resulting in indigestion and emaciation, and had to be inserted into the nose into the tube to eat in the way of nasal feeding, in the process of his optimistic and positive treatment, his physical condition slowly improved, and at the same time as the energy recovery, there was also 1 real-time interaction with netizens, replying to netizens' comments.

Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old

But although the second senior brother has been actively cooperating with the treatment and constantly adjusting her mentality, God still did not favor her.

The "second senior brother" was still not lucky enough, and his life came to an end on June 16, and his family was very worried and distressed, the mother of the second senior brother expressed her thoughts about her daughter in words, and there was no longer illness and torture in heaven, which made countless netizens look at tears.

Go all the way! Before June ended, four celebrities passed away, the youngest of whom was 31 years old

What is sad is that in the five-year road to fighting cancer, the "second senior brother" has suffered both physical and psychological torture, but his optimistic attitude has not defeated the spread of the virus, and he is only 31 years old.


The length of human life is really not as long as imagined, so everyone should cherish life, do more meaningful things in a limited time, and don't wait until life comes to an abrupt end, leaving a lot of regrets and regrets!