
Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

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Editor: LY

became famous with a mouth, and was also "blocked" because of this mouth.

His name is Le Jia, and he was once a well-known emotional expert in China, and he is also a "poisonous tongue" that has made many people taste bitterness.

Now that he is "happy" in the United States, why did he "disappear" during the rise of his career?

With the occurrence of the "Coco Li" incident, he once again stood up to expose the truth about being banned eight years ago. told him that he was "wronged", but it was capital that blocked him.

What is the truth of the matter? Was Lejia really wronged?

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

Growing up in the face of adversity

Who would have thought that the famous emotional expert would actually graduate from a secondary school.

Le Jia was born in Shanghai in 1975, and his family was not particularly happy since he was a child, and it was not good for Le Jia.

The two parents often quarrel over various trivial matters, completely ignoring Le Jia's feelings, and sometimes pointing the finger at Le Jia.

And the long-term repressed family has always made Le Jia hold back a force in his heart, and finally broke out one day, he got up and left angrily.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

However, Lejia was not carried away by anger, and he quickly calmed down.

recalls that my parents quarreled over all kinds of trivial things, in the final analysis, it was because of lack of money.

So Le Jia made up his mind that he must make a lot of money and have a high status, and he wanted to be a "man of man", which became the fundamental reason why he was banned.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

But Lejia didn't like to study since he was a child, and after graduating from secondary school, he ran into walls everywhere to find a job, and only found a job as an accountant.

However, the enthusiastic Lejia didn't like this kind of comfortable but boring work, so he resolutely chose to quit his job and do sales.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

Lejia, who can speak well, has made a fortune in the sales company, and became a mentor for training sales at the age of 19.

After finding a job that suits him, Lejia's career is getting better and better year by year, and he has the idea of starting a business.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

In 2001, Lejia founded the China Character Color Research Center, which put forward the new theory of character color, and has since been in the country

Speeches from all over the country were full and full.

finally received an invitation from "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb" to be a guest on the show, which also became a turning point in his life.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

Live by "mouth", die because of "mouth".

Is it necessarily a good thing to enter the entertainment industry, at least not necessarily in Le Jia's opinion, after becoming a guest who is not honest, Le Jia's reputation has been improved again.

The bald combination of him and Meng Fei is deeply loved by everyone.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

However, everyone's favorite is Le Jia's "outspokenness", he can always point out the key to the problem.

For a while, the name "Lejia" was known by more and more people, but he seemed to be a little carried away when he became famous.

On a certain day, Meng Fei posted content on Weibo that was suspected of connotation Lejia.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

The contradiction between the two was then exposed, and due to the completely different personalities of the two, the contradiction intensified, and it was even rumored that the two fought backstage.

In the end, the matter ended with Le Jia leaving.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

The contradiction with Meng Fei not only failed to make Le Jia restrain himself, but became even worse because of this incident.

Although he left his famous show "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb", Lejia's popularity at that time was already very high, and invitations to various programs continued one after another, which also made him even more inflated.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

even raised an unbelievable question to Dong Mingzhu on a certain program: "Do you think the company is important or the child is important".

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

Even after Dong Mingzhu expressed that children are more important and he has no regrets about the company, Le Jia still did not let go of this topic, but turned his head and said that Dong Mingzhu should choose the company, which also made the scene very embarrassing at that time.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

In the following shows, Le Jia's language became more and more "sharp", but whenever someone had a different opinion on his words, Le Jia would be angry and argue with others.

It seems to be asking others to listen to him.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

However, what really ended Le Jia's career in the entertainment industry was in the program "Super Speaker 3", in which Le Jia drank heavily and "played drunk".

The drunk Le Jia said bad things about the leader in public and bad things about the show.

verbally humiliated Jin Xing and Lu who came to persuade him, and even wanted to kiss Xie Na forcibly.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

directly led to the stop recording of the show, and several other guests left the table angrily.

Repeated remarks offended a lot of people, "drunk and spit out the truth", "wine to see character" after this incident Le Jia was completely banned, there is no news at all.

Le Jia, who once made a fortune with a mouth that he could talk back to, also ruined his future because of this mouth.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

Life after the ban

After being banned, Lejia started to be a lecturer again, but the scale was not as good as before.

"In the past, I didn't take the field less than 10,000 people, but now I rush to the field of 3,000 people" From Le Jia's self-report, it is not difficult to see that his life after being banned is in stark contrast to the previous scenery.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

However, according to the latest information from the media, Lejia, who moved to the United States, lived a very nourishing life.

Lejia drives a luxury car, lives in a luxury house, and drinks more than 200 bottles of "Fiji water".

It seems that Lejia still makes a lot of money, so he was called by netizens that "China makes money and the United States spends, and does not leave a cent to the country"

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

Although he has never remarried, he has a daughter who lives with him, and the two of them travel together, travel the world, and embrace nature.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

However, after the incident happened to Coco Li, Le Jia, who had not appeared for a long time, suddenly posted a message to mourn Coco Li, and posted a video talking about the "truth about drunken trouble" eight years ago

The truth in Lejia's mouth is shocking!

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

The "grievances" of eight years ago

The first is to respond to the connotation that Venus is a eunuch.

The sentence at that time: On the issue of single-mindedness, the great sage did not do as well as the little eunuch.

At that time, I was led to the rhythm to say that Le Jia's connotation Venus is a eunuch, but in fact, this sentence is a sentence from a book published by Le Jia in 2008, which is only quoted here, not in the connotation of Venus.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

Then there was the drunken madness incident, Le Jia said: At that time, the program team had an unspoken rule that people with disabilities could not win the championship, and Le Jia felt unfair to the "Cui Wanzhi" who performed the best and best in his group but could not win the championship.

In the last game of the finals, he drank with Cui Wanzhi and acted for Cui Wanzhi.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

He said that he was not crazy, but angrily denounced the despicable behavior of the program team through alcohol.

I didn't expect this clip to be left by the program team for "hype", which also led to my "disrepute." ”

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

As soon as this video was released, it caused an uproar on the Internet, with some people angrily fighting for Le Jia and some reasonable people being skeptical.

In any case, the conflict between Le Jia and Meng Fei was the last to leave Le Jia, and it is an indisputable fact that he tried to kiss Xie Na and humiliated several other guests after drinking.

Moving to the United States, driving a luxury car and living in a luxury house, 48-year-old Le Jia has already embarked on another road in life.

If you take a deep look at the programs that Le Jia has participated in in the past, you will find that many people have been "disrespectful" by Le Jia, including: Tranquility, Hua Shao, Lu Yu, etc., he was not completely innocent when he was "banned".

It's because I was influenced by my parents to want to be a "master" since I was a child, so I will become unpopular after success.

But the darkness of capital in the entertainment industry is also a well-known thing, and we, as audiences, can only look at various things in the entertainment industry rationally, and cannot believe too much. #长文创作激励计划#

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