
Middle school teachers are assigned to hold wakes, and teachers such as Yu Shuying are on duty in turns, and the administration is also among them

author:Ruyi potato flour 281

Education & Healthcare: When Duty Collides with Tradition

At the end of an ordinary June, a news in Dejiang County, Guizhou Province sparked heated discussions across the country. Employees of a middle school and a health center were given a mass vigil, a seemingly ordinary local custom that has caused waves on social media.

Middle school teachers are assigned to hold wakes, and teachers such as Yu Shuying are on duty in turns, and the administration is also among them

This incident not only exposed the blind spots of grassroots management, but also provoked deep reflection on the balance between professional ethics, individual rights and traditional customs.

The wake of the spirit, a time-honored funeral custom, is supposed to be a tribute to the deceased and a consolation to the living. However, when it is imposed on the employees of public institutions, it evolves into a complex game of power, responsibility and individual freedom. The reason why this incident has attracted so much attention is precisely because it touches on many sensitive and important issues in modern society.

Middle school teachers are assigned to hold wakes, and teachers such as Yu Shuying are on duty in turns, and the administration is also among them

First of all, this incident highlights the problem of abuse of power in the management of public institutions. As important institutions serving society, the primary task of schools and hospitals is to ensure the quality and continuity of education and medical services.

In this case, however, agency leaders used employees' working time and energy for activities unrelated to their duties. This practice may not only affect the normal work order, but also be a disguised misappropriation of public resources.

Second, this incident also reflects the reality that individual rights are still easily overlooked in certain situations. In modern society, everyone should have the right to decide how to spend their time and energy, especially outside of working hours.

Middle school teachers are assigned to hold wakes, and teachers such as Yu Shuying are on duty in turns, and the administration is also among them

Coercive group activities, for whatever purpose, can infringe on the autonomy of individuals. This practice can not only cause employee dissatisfaction, but also damage the cohesion and working atmosphere of the organization.

Moreover, this incident has exposed the dilemma of some places in dealing with the relationship between traditional customs and modern management. In many places, especially in relatively remote areas, traditional customs still play an important role in social life.

Middle school teachers are assigned to hold wakes, and teachers such as Yu Shuying are on duty in turns, and the administration is also among them

However, when these customs clash with modern management and individual rights, the balance becomes a thorny one. This requires greater intelligence and adaptability on the part of managers.

At a deeper level, this incident reflects some of the deep-seated contradictions faced by Chinese society in the process of rapid development. On the one hand, the rapid development of the economy and the improvement of education level have made people have higher requirements for personal rights and professional dignity.

Middle school teachers are assigned to hold wakes, and teachers such as Yu Shuying are on duty in turns, and the administration is also among them

On the other hand, traditional culture and local customs still influence the way people live and work in many ways. How to maintain cultural traditions while adapting to the needs of modern society is a challenge that every place and every institution needs to face.

In addition, the incident has also raised questions about professional ethics and career boundaries. Teachers and medical personnel are professional groups with important social responsibilities, and their work is directly related to the development of society and the well-being of the population.

Middle school teachers are assigned to hold wakes, and teachers such as Yu Shuying are on duty in turns, and the administration is also among them

However, this does not mean that they should take on tasks that go beyond their responsibilities. Clear professional boundaries not only help protect the rights and interests of professionals, but also ensure that they are better able to carry out their duties.

From another point of view, this incident also reflects the backwardness of some grassroots institutions in terms of management methods. In today's informatization and rule of law, this simple and crude management method is still adopted, which not only shows the limitations of managers' thinking, but also exposes the shortcomings of grassroots governance capabilities. This reminds us that in the process of promoting the modernization of national governance, the improvement of grassroots governance capacity cannot be ignored.

Middle school teachers are assigned to hold wakes, and teachers such as Yu Shuying are on duty in turns, and the administration is also among them

It is worth noting that the reason why this incident has attracted so much attention is also closely related to the rapid development of social media. In today's highly transparent world, anything that seems to happen in a remote corner can quickly become the focus of national attention. On the one hand, this is conducive to exposing and solving problems, but on the other hand, it also puts forward higher requirements for local governance.

In the face of such a situation, the response of the relevant departments is also worth pondering. Both the initial perfunctory and the later justifications show a lack of crisis public relations.

Middle school teachers are assigned to hold wakes, and teachers such as Yu Shuying are on duty in turns, and the administration is also among them

In today's rapid dissemination of information, how to respond to public concerns in a timely and effective manner and avoid the spread of rumors and the deterioration of social sentiment is a problem that every public institution needs to seriously consider.

So, how can you avoid the recurrence of similar incidents? First of all, it is necessary to clarify the boundaries of the responsibilities of public institutions to ensure that their actions do not cross the line and are not absent. Second, it is necessary to respect and protect individual rights, including the right to autonomy outside of working hours. Furthermore, it is necessary to adopt a more flexible and humane approach in dealing with traditional customs in accordance with the principle of respecting the individual and not affecting the public interest.

Middle school teachers are assigned to hold wakes, and teachers such as Yu Shuying are on duty in turns, and the administration is also among them

At the same time, we also need to reflect on how to better handle the relationship between tradition and modernity in the process of promoting the modernization of social governance. This requires not only a higher level of wisdom from managers, but also the joint efforts of the whole society to constantly adapt to the requirements of the new era while maintaining cultural traditions.

Finally, this incident also reminds us that while we should focus on macro policies, we should also pay attention to governance at the micro level. Only when every grassroots organization can operate in accordance with laws and regulations, and when the rights of every citizen can be respected and protected, can our society truly achieve long-term peace and stability.

Middle school teachers are assigned to hold wakes, and teachers such as Yu Shuying are on duty in turns, and the administration is also among them

In general, although the incident in Dejiang County seems to be just a local episode, the problems it reflects are overall and deep-seated.

Middle school teachers are assigned to hold wakes, and teachers such as Yu Shuying are on duty in turns, and the administration is also among them

It not only involves multiple levels such as public management, individual rights, and traditional culture, but also a test of our entire social governance ability. Only by facing up to these problems and having the courage to reform and innovate can we keep pace with the times while respecting traditions, and ultimately achieve the harmonious development of society.