
He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family


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He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family


Who said that Jiangmen Huzi just relied on the shadow of the family? Who said that a family in the military must abuse power?

In China's modern military history, there is such a father and son, who proved with practical actions what is the real military character.

They have forged their own brilliance with sweat and wisdom, and interpreted the responsibilities of soldiers with loyalty and responsibility.

Who are they? What kind of life journey did they go through?

He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family

A general tempered in the flames of war: The legendary rise of Qin Jiwei

On the Korean Peninsula in 1952, the smoke of gunpowder was filled with artillery fire.

In this war-torn land, a young Chinese general is commanding a volunteer army to fight bravely.

He is Qin Jiwei, a figure destined to leave a strong mark in China's military history.

He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family

The Battle of Shangganling was an important turning point in Qin Jiwei's military career.

In the face of the well-equipped United Nations army, Qin Jiwei was not chaotic in the face of danger and strategized.

He mobilized all his artillery firepower, ordered his troops to hold their positions to the death, and swore to fight the enemy to the death.

Under his command, the soldiers of the Volunteer Army built an impregnable Great Wall of steel with their flesh and blood.

He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family

"I'd rather live twenty years less than take Shangganling!" This is Qin Jiwei's famous oath in the battle.

His firm belief infected every volunteer soldier and aroused the strongest patriotic enthusiasm and determination to win in their hearts.

After more than two months of bloody fighting, the Volunteers finally won the victory in the Battle of Shangganling.

This victory not only dealt a blow to the enemy's arrogance, but also allowed Qin Jiwei's military talent to be fully displayed and recognized.

He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family

Shine the stars: from the battlefield to the Ministry of Defense

1955 was a year worth remembering for Qin Jiwei.

This year, he was not only awarded the rank of lieutenant general, but also recognized his outstanding contributions in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

At the same time, it also ushered in the birth of his eldest son Qin Weijiang. The double happiness of life is coming, which makes Qin Jiwei feel very gratified.

He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family

However, Qin Jiwei did not rest on his laurels.

In order to better serve the country's military cause, he went to Nanjing Military Academy for further study.

Constantly enrich their knowledge of military theory.

Even if he suffered setbacks during the special period, Qin Jiwei always adhered to his revolutionary beliefs and never wavered.

In 1988, Qin Jiwei ushered in another peak in his career.

He was awarded the rank of general and was appointed Minister of Defense.

This position means greater responsibilities and challenges, but Qin Jiwei is not afraid.

As a veteran revolutionary, he made great contributions to China's national defense.

He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family

Tiger Father Without Dog Son: Qin Weijiang's Growth Road

"Only when you suffer hardship can you become a master."

This is a sentence that Qin Jiwei often hangs on his lips, and it is also an important concept for him to educate his children.

Under Qin Jiwei's strict requirements, Qin Weijiang has developed a good habit of being diligent and strict with himself since he was a child.

Although he grew up in a general's family, Qin Weijiang was never proud of it.

Instead, he worked harder, hoping to earn respect for his strengths.

After graduating from high school, Qin Weijiang was admitted to Nanjing Institute of Communication Engineering and began his military career.

He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family

From platoon commander to commander: Qin Weijiang's military journey

After graduating from university, Qin Weijiang was assigned to the Lanzhou Military Region as a trainee platoon commander.

In the face of the difficult environment and heavy work, Qin Weijiang did not complain at all.

He knows very well that only by withstanding the hardships of the environment can he grow into an excellent soldier.

Qin Weijiang's performance in the army was quickly recognized by his superiors. However, he was not satisfied.

He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family

In the early 90s, in the face of the rapid development of military science and technology, Qin Weijiang was keenly aware of his lack of knowledge.

For this reason, he resolutely decided to re-enter the campus and further his studies at the National Defense University.

In 2002, Qin Weijiang received his master's degree with honors.

After returning from school, he was quickly put to good use and was appointed deputy commander of a group army of the Beijing Military Region, and was promoted to commander in 2006.

This series of promotions all demonstrates Qin Weijiang's talent and hard work.

He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family

Lieutenant General Conferral: The best proof of strength

In 2012, the 57-year-old Qin Weijiang ushered in another peak of his career - he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general.

This honor is hard-won and is the best praise for his hard work over the years.

However, behind the accolades is also accompanied by voices of skepticism.

Some people believe that Qin Weijiang's achievements today are not unrelated to his father's influence.

Faced with such doubts, Qin Weijiang was not discouraged. He knows very well that true strength can stand the test of time and practice.

He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family

A mainstay in the wave of reform

In 2016, the Chinese military underwent a major reform.

The reorganization of the original seven military regions into five major theaters is an important milestone in the modernization process of China's armed forces.

In this reform, Qin Weijiang was once again reused and was appointed commander of the Eastern Theater Army.

In the face of new challenges, Qin Weijiang bravely shouldered the heavy burden. He carried out drastic reforms, straightened out military discipline, and enhanced the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Under his leadership, the Eastern Theater Army was revitalized and became a formidable force that terrifies the enemy.

He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family

Inheritance and innovation: the responsibility of soldiers in the new era

In 2019, Qin Weijiang stepped down from his military post and transferred to the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Although he left the army, he still has a heart for national defense.

In his new post, Qin Weijiang continued to contribute his wisdom and strength to the country's military modernization.

Looking back on Qin Weijiang's military career, it is not difficult for us to find that he not only inherited his father's revolutionary spirit,

It has also achieved innovation and transcendence in the wave of the new era.

He proved with his own practical actions that true success comes from continuous hard work and unlimited loyalty to the cause.

He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family

Full of heroes: The feelings of family and country are passed down from generation to generation

It is worth mentioning that the military legend of the Qin family does not stop at Qin Jiwei and Qin Weijiang's father and son.

Qin Weijiang's younger brother Qin Tian is also an outstanding military general,

He fought bravely on the Laoshan front, and was later promoted to lieutenant general.

Although Qin Weijiang's sister Qin Wanjiang did not join the army, her husband Yang Dongming was also a lieutenant general in the Air Force.

He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family

One family with four generals, such a family legend is unique in China's modern military history.

However, what is even more valuable is that the Qin family has always maintained a hard and simple style, and has never used the family's influence for personal gain.

They used practical actions to interpret what is the real military character and what is the selfless dedication of the family and country.

Haoran righteousness: a model of a family in the army

The story of the Qin family is not only the growth history of a military family, but also a living patriotic education textbook.

From Qin Jiwei to Qin Weijiang, from the Battle of Shangganling to the army reform in the new era,

What we see is the loyalty, responsibility and innovative spirit of Chinese soldiers in different eras.

He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family

Their stories tell us that true success does not depend on the shadow of our parents.

It is through their own unremitting efforts and persistent pursuit of the cause.

They have proved with practical actions that the family in the military can also be a model of honesty and dedication to public service, serving the country and the people.

In the journey of the new era, the spirit of the Qin family is still inherited.

Their stories will inspire more Chinese soldiers to forge ahead bravely on the road of strengthening the army and serving the country.

Contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

He is the former commander of the Army in the Eastern Theater, his father is the former minister of national defense, and there are four lieutenant generals in his family


The story of Qin Jiwei and Qin Weijiang is a vivid portrayal of the feelings of the Chinese military and the country.

They have interpreted with their actions what is the true character of a soldier and what is the patriotic spirit that has been passed down from generation to generation.

In the journey of the new era, we need more such military role models.

Readers, what do you think of the military family? Feel free to share your views in the comments section.

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