
How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery


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How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

Text: Yu Yu

Edited by Yu Yu


In recent years, the contest between China and the United States in the military field has attracted global attention, and with the rapid improvement of China's national strength, the gap between the military strength of the two countries has narrowed.

A hot discussion has been sparked by an analysis in the Russian media, which states that China has surpassed the United States in some respects. Does this mean that China's military power has fully caught up with the United States?

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

The military power behind the numbers

When we talk about the comparison of military power between China and the United States, the most intuitive thing is the comparison of the number of various types of weapons and equipment, but this superficial number game often gives people an illusion.

In terms of total military strength, China has a numerical advantage of about 2 million ahead of the United States of 1.4 million, and at first glance it seems that China has the upper hand.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

However, if you look at the number of artillery pieces, China's more than 9,800 guns are more obvious than the more than 4,200 in the United States.

This data has made many people rejoice, believing that China's superiority in firepower has been established, but modern warfare is no longer a simple competition in numbers.

Although the US military has a small number of artillery pieces, its precision strike capability and degree of informatization may far exceed our imagination.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

The comparison of the number of tanks is even more intriguing, with China having around 5,500 main battle tanks, while the United States has more than 6,500. On the surface, the difference is not large, but the quality difference cannot be ignored.

Almost all of the tanks of the US military are of the M1 series at the level of three generations, while a considerable number of Chinese tanks are still old models, and this difference in quality may have a decisive impact in real combat.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

In terms of air force, the US military leads China with an advantage of more than 5,300 planes to more than 2,800 planes, and this gap is not only reflected in the quantity, but also in key indicators such as combat radius and bomb load.

However, the numbers game is only a façade after all. The real military strength also depends on the level of science and technology, the industrial base, the logistical support, and many other factors behind it.

As the old saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing one's opponent is invincible, while we pay attention to our own progress, we must also objectively understand the gaps, so that we can improve our strength in a more targeted manner in the future development.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

A military pattern that transcends and catches up

When we shift our gaze from paper to the actual battlefield, the comparison between the military capabilities of China and the United States becomes even more confusing, and in some key areas, China has demonstrated impressive strength.

The Rocket Force, known as the trump card of trump cards, is precisely one of the trump cards of China's military strength.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

The range and accuracy of the Dongfeng series of missiles continue to improve, from the DF-21D to the DF-26, to the hypersonic weapon DF-17, every step has made the US military feel great pressure.

These killer weapons are not only capable of accurately striking targets in the far seas, but also inflicting heavy psychological blows on opponents.

The freedom of movement of the US aircraft carrier group in the western Pacific is severely constrained by these weapons.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

However, the advantages are not comprehensive, and there is still a big gap between China and China in terms of naval strength. The United States has 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, while China currently has only three conventionally powered aircraft carriers.

There is a huge disparity in the total tonnage of the fleet, with the United States attaching 5.5 million tons to China's 2.2 million tons, and this gap is not only reflected in quantity, but also in terms of combat experience and ocean-going delivery capabilities.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

The U.S. military's global deployment capability is still a target that the Chinese Navy needs to strive to catch up, and the air force is also a mixed bag.

China's J-20 stealth fighter has formed combat effectiveness, and may even surpass the US military's F-22 and F-35 in some performance, which is undoubtedly a huge breakthrough.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

However, there is still a big gap between China and the United States in terms of early warning aircraft, tankers, and other support aircraft, and these seemingly inconspicuous auxiliary forces often play a decisive role in actual combat.

Cyber warfare and space warfare are becoming new battlefields, and both China and the United States are actively planning in these emerging areas, and it remains to be seen who will take the lead.

But what is certain is that the victory or defeat of future wars is likely to depend on these invisible battlefields.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

It is worth noting that military strength is not only reflected in hardware, but also in soft power, and the US military's rich experience in actual combat, mature joint operations system, and network of military bases all over the world are all things that the Chinese military needs to seriously study and consider.

In general, the rise of China's military power is an indisputable fact, but we must also be soberly aware that in many areas, we still need to continue to catch up.

As the old saying goes: an arrogant army will be defeated, and only by maintaining a humble and enterprising attitude can we continue to narrow the gap with the world's first-class army.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

The foundation of national defense strength: industry and science and technology

When we talk about military strength, it is often easy to be confused by the aura of advanced weapons, but what really supports a country's long-term military competitiveness is the strong industrial base and scientific and technological innovation capabilities behind it.

China's progress in this regard in recent years has been remarkable, with 2023 figures showing that China's steel production reached a staggering 1.36 billion tonnes, compared to just 70 million tonnes in the United States.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

This huge disparity is reminiscent of the history of World War II when the United States dominated the war with its strong industrial power.

The comparison is even more striking, with China's 9.2 trillion watts more than double the 4 trillion watts generated in the United States.

The abundant power supply provides a solid guarantee for China's industrial development and military production, and the automobile industry, as a barometer of modern industry, is also intriguing in terms of output.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

China's annual production of more than 30 million vehicles, compared to only about 10 million in the United States, not only reflects China's strong manufacturing strength, but also hints at the advantages of large-scale mechanized production.

However, numerical superiority does not mean overall leadership, and the United States still maintains a leading position in high-end manufacturing, especially in aerospace, semiconductors and other fields.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

Although Boeing has been in trouble recently, its accumulated aviation technology is still at the top of the world, and the comparison between the shipbuilding industry is even more thought-provoking.

China's annual water launch of more than 42 million tons far exceeds that of the United States of 600,000 tons, and this gap is not only reflected in civilian ships, but also extends to the construction capacity of military ships.

The decline of the U.S. shipbuilding industry has led to the continuous extension of the construction cycle of its warships, and the maintenance of its warships is also facing challenges.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

On the other hand, China's efficient shipbuilding capabilities not only ensure the rapid expansion of naval power, but also provide a strong guarantee for a possible protracted war in the future.

However, industrial strength is not only reflected in scale, but also in innovation ability, and the U.S. defense research system, especially its model of integration of production, education and research, is still an object that China needs to learn.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

It is worth noting that the current economic difficulties faced by the United States may affect its long-term military investment, and the $35 trillion national debt and the annual interest payment of $1.3 trillion are serious challenges that the United States must face.

By contrast, China's solid economic growth and relatively low debt levels provide more room for continued defense spending.

In modern warfare, grain and grass have evolved into the entire country's industrial system and scientific and technological innovation capabilities.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

China's progress in this regard has undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for future military development, but we must also be soberly aware that there is still a gap between China and the United States in certain key technological fields.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

The Evolution of Military Power: From Quantitative to Qualitative

When we look at the evolution of the military strength of China and the United States, it is not difficult to find a significant trend: The competition between the two sides is gradually shifting from a simple competition of quantity to a competition of quality and technology.

This transformation is the main theme of future military development, and cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and hypersonic technology are reshaping the appearance of the future battlefield.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

In these areas, China and the United States can be said to be neck and neck, and even in some subdivisions, China has shown a leading edge.

Taking artificial intelligence as an example, China's application in facial recognition, unmanned systems and other fields has been quite mature.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

These technologies will play an irreplaceable role in future information warfare, and although the United States has an advantage in basic research, it has not shown obvious superiority in military applications.

Hypersonic weapons are another area of concern, with China's DF-17 already in service and related projects in the United States still in the development stage.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

This kind of leadership will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the future strategic balance, but technological innovation does not only rely on a single breakthrough, but also requires an overall innovation ecosystem.

The Silicon Valley model of the United States and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of civil-military integration are still valuable lessons that China needs to learn from.

It is worth noting that future military competition will no longer be limited to the traditional land, sea, and air domains, and cyberspace, space, and even the deep sea will become a new highland of strategic competition.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

Whoever can take the lead in these emerging fields will be able to seize the initiative in the future military game, and personnel training is a key factor in supporting long-term military innovation.

The professional military system and perfect military academy system in the United States continue to provide high-quality military talents for it.

Although China has vigorously promoted the reform of military education in recent years, there is still room for improvement in cultivating high-level innovative military talents.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

International military cooperation will also play an increasingly important role in the future, with the United States maintaining a military presence around the globe with its vast network of allies.

China is gradually expanding the breadth and depth of international military cooperation through the Belt and Road Initiative and other means.

However, we should also be soberly aware that the rise in military strength should not be a reason to provoke conflict.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

On the contrary, it should be a guarantee of peace, as the old saying goes: the real strong are the wise ones who can resolve disputes peacefully.

Looking ahead, the comparison of military strength between China and the United States will become more complex and nuanced, and the comparison of a single indicator will no longer be able to fully reflect the true strength of both sides.

Whoever can better integrate the advantages of all aspects will be able to take the initiative in future military competition.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery


In the military field, the balance of power cannot be based on superficial data, and China and the United States have their own advantages and challenges. China is rapidly closing the gap with the United States and has developed an advantage in some areas.

However, true national strength is not only reflected in the military, but also in the enhancement of comprehensive national strength, and we should continue to adhere to the path of peaceful development, and make greater contributions to world peace and development while safeguarding national security.

How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery


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How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery

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How big is the power gap between China and the United States? Russian media have pointed out that the Chinese army is stronger than the US army in terms of strength and artillery


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