
CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue

author:Gu Nansheng

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Text: Gu Nansheng

Edited by Gu Nansheng

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue


If we could travel back in time and space to Beijing in the early 1990s;

Talk to Zhou Tao, who has just stepped into the media industry, and tell her about her future achievements and challenges, how will she react?

Is it ecstatic, or is it incredulous?

Let's embark on this journey of time together and explore Zhou Tao's wonderful life from a young anchor to a legend in the media industry.

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue

Newborn calves: three years of grinding on Beijing TV

In 1992, Zhou Tao, who had just graduated from Beijing Broadcasting Institute, walked into the door of Beijing TV with great ambition.

Faced with an unfamiliar environment and new challenges, she was both excited and apprehensive.

On her first day at work, she arrived at the office two hours early;

I repeatedly sorted out my makeup and clothes, hoping to make a good impression on my colleagues.

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue

During his three years at Beijing TV, Zhou Tao was hungry for every skill.

From "Beijing News" to "Beijing Evening News", and then to the "Film and Television Circle" column;

She gradually adapted to the hosting style of different types of shows.

Every day after work, she would practice her pronunciation and expressions in front of the mirror until late at night.

This dedication and hard work laid a solid foundation for her future success.

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue

The beginning of the starry journey: the brilliant bloom of the CCTV stage

In 1995, Zhou Tao ushered in a turning point in his career.

With her outstanding performance on Beijing TV, she was photographed by CCTV and became the host of "Variety Show".

Facing this bigger stage, Zhou Tao was both excited and apprehensive.

She knows that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and a great challenge.

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue

Since 1996, Zhou Tao has served as the host of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala for 16 consecutive years.

Every year on Chinese New Year's Eve, when her elegant and generous figure appears on the screen;

It will bring a sense of intimacy and expectation to the national audience.

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Zhou Tao showed excellent adaptability and talent on the spot.

One year, when a show had a temporary problem, she improvised, calmly and calmly;

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue

used witty and humorous words to resolve the embarrassment and won bursts of applause from the audience.

Diversified development: cross-border experiments and public welfare undertakings

With the consolidation of his position in CCTV, Zhou Tao began to try to diversify his development.

She has served as the producer and chief director of several large-scale events such as "Infinite Love".

In the production of the program, she integrated her years of accumulated hosting experience and grasp of the audience's psychology into the planning and production of the program.

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue

These programs not only have high ratings, but also win a good reputation.

In addition to expanding his career, Zhou Tao is also actively engaged in public welfare.

She has participated in many poverty alleviation and education activities, contributing to the education in poor areas.

In a public welfare activity in the western mountains, Zhou Tao personally taught classes to local children;

It stimulates children's thirst for knowledge in a lively and interesting way.

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue

These experiences made Zhou Tao deeply realize her social responsibility, and also further enhanced her personal charm.

The road to transformation: from the front of the stage to the back of the scene

In 2014, at the peak of his career, Zhou Tao made an unexpected decision: to leave CCTV and move behind the scenes.

She accepted the invitation of Poly Culture Group Co., Ltd. to serve as artistic director and chairman of Poly Performance Co., Ltd.

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue

This decision came as a surprise to many, but for Zhou Tao, it was a new challenge and opportunity.

On the platform of Poly Culture, Zhou Tao gave full play to his talent and influence.

She has an in-depth understanding of the operation mode of the cultural industry, actively participates in the company's strategic decision-making, and injects new vitality into Poly culture.

Under her leadership, Poly Performance has launched a series of innovative cultural projects;

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue

It has not only achieved good economic benefits, but also made important contributions to the development of China's cultural undertakings.

Emotional journey: from first love on campus to happiness

Zhou Tao's first marriage began when he was on campus, and his partner was Yao Ke, a senior at Beijing Broadcasting Institute.

The acquaintance between the two was quite dramatic: once in the school cafeteria, Zhou Tao forgot to bring money, and Yao Ke stepped forward to help.

This little episode became the beginning of the relationship between the two.

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue

However, as time passed, the differences in the values of the two gradually emerged.

Zhou Tao has a strong sense of dedication and is eager to achieve more in the workplace;

Yao Ke, on the other hand, pays more attention to family life and hopes to have his own children as soon as possible.

This difference in values eventually led to the breakdown of their relationship.

In 2002, Zhou Tao and Yao Ke chose to break up peacefully and ended their 12-year marriage.

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue

The end of this marriage was a difficult decision for Zhou Tao;

But it also gave her the opportunity to re-examine her purpose in life.

Soon after the divorce, Zhou Tao met the second important man in her life - businessman Lu Yun.

Unlike Yao Ke, Lu Yun can not only understand Zhou Tao's pursuit of career, but also give her full support and care in life.

The two quickly established a relationship and eventually tied the knot.

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue

In this marriage, Zhou Tao found a balance between career and family.

Not only did she continue to shine at work, but she also successfully gave birth to a son and a daughter, realizing her desire to form a happy family.

Life insights: the ups and downs of growth

Looking back, Zhou Tao's career can be described as a soaring progress.

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue

from the rookie anchor of Beijing TV to the leading actress of CCTV;

and then to the leader of the cultural group, she uses her efforts and talents to shine dazzlingly on every stage.

She often says, "Every success is the starting point for the next challenge."

We must always maintain the enthusiasm for learning and the motivation to progress. "

In terms of feelings, Zhou Tao experienced the sweetness of his first love and the twists and turns of his marriage, and finally found true happiness.

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue

These experiences not only did not defeat her, but made her stronger and wiser.

She once sighed in an interview: "Marriage is not the end, but a journey of mutual growth."

Finding a partner who understands and supports you is one of life's greatest joys. "

With the success of his career, Zhou Tao became more and more aware of his social responsibility.

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue

She actively participates in public welfare activities to convey positive energy to the society.

"Fame and wealth are not an end, but a responsibility.

We should use our influence to help more people in need and make the world a better place. "

This is a sentence that Zhou Tao often hangs on his lips.

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue


from the young anchor of Beijing TV to the leading Hua Dan of CCTV;

and then to the leader of the cultural industry, Zhou Tao's life is like a wonderful TV series, full of ups and downs.

However, it is these experiences that have shaped the confident, elegant, and wise Zhou Tao we see today.

CCTV's first sister Zhou Tao and her husband ended their 12-year marriage, and now she has embarked on another avenue