
I, an unmarried and childless woman born in the 90s, have a lonely and not lonely hot spring trip

author:Guoguo aesthetic space
I, an unmarried and childless woman born in the 90s, often find a balance between busyness and leisure. Sometimes, I feel like a lonely goose in the city, flying freely, but also longing for a place of belonging and warmth. Today, I decided to embark on a solitary hot spring trip to get rid of the bad cells and bad luck that haunted me.
I, an unmarried and childless woman born in the 90s, have a lonely and not lonely hot spring trip

In the early morning, the sun shines through the cracks in the curtains and shines on my face. I stretched and sat up from bed, full of anticipation. After simply packing my bags, I set out on my journey to the hot spring resort.

Along the way, I admired the scenery outside the window, and I couldn't help but feel an inexplicable emotion in my heart. Over the years, I have worked hard alone in the big city, and although I have achieved a lot, I often feel lonely and lost. I started thinking, what is the life I want? Do you continue to work like this, or do you want to find a sense of inner peace and peace?

When we arrived at the hot spring resort, it was already late in the evening. I checked in and walked into the room with my luggage. The room was furnished and cosy and made to feel welcome. I put down my luggage, walked out to the balcony, took a deep breath of fresh air, and felt an inexplicable joy in my heart.

In the evening, I changed into my swimsuit and went to the hot spring area of the resort. By the hot spring pool, the lights are soft and the water mist is shrouded. I stepped into the hot springs gently, and a warm current instantly spread throughout my body. I closed my eyes and felt the comfort and relaxation of the hot spring water. At this moment, I seem to have forgotten all my worries and tiredness, and just want to quietly enjoy this peace and beauty.

I, an unmarried and childless woman born in the 90s, have a lonely and not lonely hot spring trip

At this moment, a gentle voice broke the silence around them: "The hot springs here are really comfortable." "I opened my eyes and saw a girl looking at me with a smile. She has bright eyes and long jet-black hair, giving her an intimate and warm feeling.

"yes, I think so too." I smiled in response. We started chatting, and she told me that her name was Xiaoya, and she also came to the hot springs alone. We talked very speculatively, as if there was an endless topic to talk about. We share each other's life experiences, hobbies, and dreams for the future. In this strange place, we found each other's empathy and warmth.

Over the next few days, Xiaoya and I visited the resort's attractions, tasted the local food, and participated in various activities. When we are together, we are always laughing, full of joy and warmth. I found that I liked the feeling of being with Xiaoya more and more, and she made me feel the warmth and love that I had not felt for a long time.

I, an unmarried and childless woman born in the 90s, have a lonely and not lonely hot spring trip

However, the good times are always short-lived. In the blink of an eye, the day of separation came. We agreed to say goodbye by the hot spring pool, and our hearts were full of reluctance and emotion. I told Xiaoya: "I'm really happy to be with you these days, thank you for bringing me so much joy and warmth." Xiaoya also responded with a smile: "Me too, I hope we can have the opportunity to meet again in the future." ”

We hugged each other tightly, tears welling up in our eyes. In this strange place, we found each other's warmth and love; At this moment of separation, we felt each other's reluctance and nostalgia. But I know that even if we are separated, this beautiful memory and affection will remain in our hearts forever.

When I got home, I took a fresh look at my life. I found myself no longer so lost and lonely because I had found my own way of life and pursuits. I began to appreciate each day in front of me more, pay attention to my inner needs, and pursue my dreams and goals. At the same time, I have also learned to share and care with others, and to cherish every friend and loved one around me.

I, an unmarried and childless woman born in the 90s, have a lonely and not lonely hot spring trip

I gained a lot from this lonely hot spring trip: it made me feel the beauty and warmth of life, and it also made me understand myself and others better; It has taught me to cherish and be grateful, and it has also made me more courageous to face the challenges and opportunities of the future. I believe that in the days to come, I will be more determined to follow my own path and pursue my dreams and goals; At the same time, I will always pay attention to the feelings and needs of the people around me, and give them more care and support.

Life is as full of unknowns and uncertainties as this hot spring trip; But as long as we maintain an optimistic attitude and bravely face all difficulties and challenges; We will be able to create our own wonderful life!

I, an unmarried and childless woman born in the 90s, have a lonely and not lonely hot spring trip
I, an unmarried and childless woman born in the 90s, have a lonely and not lonely hot spring trip
I, an unmarried and childless woman born in the 90s, have a lonely and not lonely hot spring trip
I, an unmarried and childless woman born in the 90s, have a lonely and not lonely hot spring trip

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