
The man raised geese, and was abducted by geese for 3,000 and lost 700,000 yuan, but after half a year, he made a profit of tens of millions

author:Buyi tells history

In the vast black soil of Northeast China, Zhang Xin, a former coal miner, with a yearning for nature and deep affection for his hometown, resolutely decided to give up a stable job, and with his savings of one million, he stepped into the unknown entrepreneurial road of raising geese. In the spring of 2014, on the fields of Heilongjiang, the immature calls of more than 6,000 Yili geese resounded like the music of life, resounding in the green home carefully built by Zhang Xin.

The man raised geese, and was abducted by geese for 3,000 and lost 700,000 yuan, but after half a year, he made a profit of tens of millions

Zhang Xin was not impulsive. He has had a strong interest in poultry farming since he was a child, and his knowledge of the Ili goose is even more in-depth. This goose is not only strong and delicious, but more importantly, they carry Zhang Xin's yearning for a better life. From the selection of goose seedlings to the optimization of the breeding environment, Zhang Xin's efforts have been poured into every step. He tended to these little creatures like a loving father, day after day, watching them grow from fragile young geese to full-fledged geese.

The man raised geese, and was abducted by geese for 3,000 and lost 700,000 yuan, but after half a year, he made a profit of tens of millions

However, the mysteries of nature are often beyond human imagination. One night in late autumn, the moonlight was like washing, and Zhang Xin was immersed in a beautiful vision for the future. Suddenly, a rapid and loud chirp broke the silence, and a flock of gray geese swept over the geese like meteors in the night sky. Frightened, the Ili geese instinctively spread their wings and flew high, following the gray geese, leaving an empty and silent landscape. Zhang Xin's heart seemed to be pinched hard, and he immediately realized that this accident was not only the loss of the goose flock, but also a heavy blow to his dream.

The man raised geese, and was abducted by geese for 3,000 and lost 700,000 yuan, but after half a year, he made a profit of tens of millions

In the face of sudden changes, Zhang Xin did not give up. He is well aware that the flight ability of the Ili goose is part of its natural attributes and an important selling point to attract consumers. So, he consulted everywhere and eventually learned from a senior goose breeding expert that there is a natural closeness between the Ili geese and the grey geese, which makes them follow the grey geese to migrate under certain conditions. Experts suggest that the weight of the geese can be increased by adjusting the feed formula, thereby reducing their willingness to migrate.

The man raised geese, and was abducted by geese for 3,000 and lost 700,000 yuan, but after half a year, he made a profit of tens of millions

Zhang Xin took the suggestion, but he was adamantly opposed to restricting the freedom of goose feathers by cutting them off. He believes that the beauty of the Ili geese lies not only in the quality of their flesh, but also in their free-flying attitude. Therefore, he opted for a more humane solution, through scientific feeding, to ensure that the geese are healthy and do not want to leave their homes easily.

The man raised geese, and was abducted by geese for 3,000 and lost 700,000 yuan, but after half a year, he made a profit of tens of millions

After several months of hard work, the following spring, when everything recovered, Zhang Xin ushered in an unexpected miracle. One morning, when the first rays of sunlight pierced through the mist, flocks of Ili geese flew back from the skyline like swallows returning to their nests, outnumbering even the original flock. Their return is not only the best reward for Zhang Xin's hard work, but also a profound interpretation of life instinct and natural laws.

The man raised geese, and was abducted by geese for 3,000 and lost 700,000 yuan, but after half a year, he made a profit of tens of millions

Zhang Xin's goose breeding career has since entered the fast lane. His goose meat is favored by the market because of its mellow taste and rich nutrition, and the Ili goose has gradually become a shining business card of the local area. Zhang Xin not only repaid the debt, but also drove the surrounding farmers to get rich together, making the Yili goose breeding industry a new engine to promote the local economic development. During the holidays, tourists flock to see these free-flying elves and listen to the stories of hope and resilience behind them.

The man raised geese, and was abducted by geese for 3,000 and lost 700,000 yuan, but after half a year, he made a profit of tens of millions

Zhang Xin's story is a hymn to dreams, challenges and perseverance. It tells us that even in the face of seemingly insurmountable difficulties, as long as there is love in our hearts and light in our eyes, we can always find our own piece of blue sky. In Zhang Xin's world, every Yili goose is not just a poultry, they are a carrier of dreams, a symbol of hope, and a bridge to a happy life. And Zhang Xin himself is the one who bravely pursues his dreams, writing his own legendary chapter with wisdom and sweat.

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