
is worthy of being the first sister of the Internet University, only after 15 days, she has presented another peerless bad movie!

author:Small Town Storyteller

On June 12, he just brought "Alien Parasite: Origin", which is known as a top bad movie, and on June 27, half a month later, Xu Dongdong presented another "amazing masterpiece" "Piranha". It seems that Ms. Xu plans to dominate the world of bad movies and dominate the style.

is worthy of being the first sister of the Internet University, only after 15 days, she has presented another peerless bad movie!

The lineup of "Piranha" can be described as star-studded, in addition to the heroine Xu Dongdong, it also gathered Huang Tao, Li Jingmu, Chen Gang, Zhao Xintong, Xu Tielong, Wang Run, Wang Xi and other "drama-level" actors. Even with such a luxurious cast lineup, it can't save this "masterpiece" that is destined to go down in the history of bad movies.

is worthy of being the first sister of the Internet University, only after 15 days, she has presented another peerless bad movie!

The film can be said to be so bad that the plot has no logic at all, the special effects are shoddy, and the actors' performances are so embarrassing that people can't bear to look at them directly. The whole movie is like a family DV taken by a group of elementary school students entertaining themselves between classes, and after the whole film, except for endless embarrassment and speechlessness, no bright spots can be found.

is worthy of being the first sister of the Internet University, only after 15 days, she has presented another peerless bad movie!

In the film, a group of fishermen caught "rare things" such as man-eating eels and man-eating fish in the East China Sea. However, the plan could not catch up with the changes, and the piranhas successfully "escaped" and went on a killing spree in the hotel, and Sister Gao was tragically attacked and killed by the piranha.

is worthy of being the first sister of the Internet University, only after 15 days, she has presented another peerless bad movie!

Brother Scar, who had a crush on Sister Gao, killed the hotel owner Niu Ye in a fit of rage, and took the position of the boss himself. Who knew that Brother Scar was injured as soon as he became the boss, he lost his mind for a while, and released the cannibal fish, but he was eaten by the piranha, and he didn't know what to do.

is worthy of being the first sister of the Internet University, only after 15 days, she has presented another peerless bad movie!

In short, the whole movie is a fighter in a bad movie with chaotic logic, bloody plot, and exaggerated acting skills. The brain circuits of screenwriters and directors are bizarre and completely confusing. The actors' performances in the film are also jaw-dropping, either exaggerated to the sky or embarrassed to the ground.

is worthy of being the first sister of the Internet University, only after 15 days, she has presented another peerless bad movie!

The existence of this movie seems to be to tell everyone what a real bad movie is. Its rottenness has surpassed the rotten in the general sense and reached a philosophical height. After watching this movie, you will have deep doubts about life and the world, because you can't understand how anyone can make such a movie.