
Guarding national security—Suspicious news reports—12339 is indispensable

author:Baoxiong AI Chinese culture

In recent years, foreign espionage and intelligence agencies have frequently used high-tech means to carry out various types of espionage activities against China, including the observation of the "sea, land, air, and space" in all dimensions, among which the space field has become the hardest hit area for their theft of secrets.

Guarding national security—Suspicious news reports—12339 is indispensable

  The spy and intelligence agencies of some countries may carry out real-time surveillance of the mainland through high-precision remote sensing satellites, and they use the analysis data of professionals and even the coordinate information provided by "enthusiastic" netizens to continuously carry out observation and theft of secrets. The unintentional actions of a few netizens have inadvertently "pointed the way" for spy satellites, causing serious hidden dangers of leaking secrets. 12339 serves as a platform to bring together the voices of the masses to deal with such threats.

  So, how do we protect national security and prevent espionage? First of all, we must not leak classified information, such as military facilities, equipment research and development information, and sensitive or even confidential information leakage. Second, when passing through various types of military installations, military sites, and other sensitive areas, it is necessary to put away the spirit of curiosity and not arbitrarily take or upload photos related to military and secrets. In addition, we also need to be vigilant against military-related and secret-related topics on online social platforms, and do not participate in answering military-related secret-related topics at will.

Guarding national security—Suspicious news reports—12339 is indispensable

  For those who illegally install spy detection equipment, we must put away their greed for profit and promptly report to the state security organs through relevant channels. This is not only a protection for oneself, but also a contribution to national security. The state security organs remind us that national security is all for the people and depends on the people.

Guarding national security—Suspicious news reports—12339 is indispensable

  Therefore, we must report the arrest of espionage. This is everyone's responsibility and obligation, and it is also our safeguard of national security. When we find suspicious devices around us, we must dare to expose them and report them to the relevant authorities. This is to keep ourselves and others safe, and it is also a silent shield to defend national security.

Guarding national security—Suspicious news reports—12339 is indispensable

  Keep in mind that 12339 is a whistleblower hotline and online platform set up by the state security organs. It is the protector of national security and the guardian of each and every one of us. Let us act together to protect our homeland and national security. Let's call on those around us to join this and fight for national security together!

Guarding national security—Suspicious news reports—12339 is indispensable

  Please believe that each of us is the guardian of national security, and every report may become a key clue to solve the case. Let us work together to resolutely combat espionage and protect our homeland and national security. Remember, 12339 must report important platforms and channels for the capture of espionage. Let's work together to contribute to safeguarding national security!

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