
Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

author:Whatever you ask for, you get it

Shanghai's Bund is shocked to see the "photography overlord", and public resources have been reduced to private territory? The official response sparked heated discussions

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

Dear friends, today I would like to talk to you about a "big event" that recently happened on the Bund in Shanghai. I believe that many people have been to the Bund, which is the "façade" of Shanghai! Walking on the bank of the Huangpu River and looking at the Oriental Pearl on the other side, the feeling, tsk, I don't know how many people are fascinated by it. But recently, something has happened in this beautiful place, which has angered many tourists and netizens!

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

Here's the thing: Some netizens broke the news that on the Bund Viewing Avenue, almost every viewing spot was occupied by some "photographers". These people bring professional photographic equipment, occupy the best shooting positions, and also set up fill lights privately for paid shooting. What's more, they often drive away other tourists who are queuing up to take pictures!

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

Hearing this, don't you feel a little angry? Don't worry, the story continues.

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

The reporter's on-site visit found that the situation was indeed similar to what netizens reflected. On the Bund Observation Deck, there are indeed quite a few people peddling photography services. "30 yuan a piece, shoot until you are satisfied, buy 6 and get it retouched!" Sounds tempting, right? But the problem is that these people occupy the best vantage point, and they occupy it for a long time.

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

Imagine that you have traveled all the way to the outer beach to take a photo, only to find that the best spots are occupied by these "photographers", how would you feel? What's even more speechless is that some tourists queued up for a long time, and finally it was their turn, but they were "politely" asked to leave by these people. Is there any reason for this?

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

Some netizens complained: "These people regard public resources as their own private territory, which is too much!" "Indeed, the Bund belongs to everyone, so why let a handful of people occupy the pit and not?

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

However, we also need to look at this issue objectively. Although these "photographers" behave in a disgraceful manner, they are also making a living. Some people may say that their photos are really good and can satisfy the needs of some tourists. However, this does not justify their appropriation of public resources.

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

So the question is, how should the management respond to this situation?

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

The good news is that the issue has been officially noticed. Shanghai's Huangpu District Urban Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau responded that it had investigated the matter with the Bund Scenic Area Management Office. There are indeed some unlicensed photographers who "enclose and take pictures".

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

Now, they have taken a series of measures:

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

1. Place warning signs at important entrances and exits of scenic spots.

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

2. Strengthen inspections and promptly dissuade unlicensed photographers.

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

3. Educate those who do not cooperate.

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

Sounds good, right? However, it remains to be seen whether these measures will actually solve the problem.

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

This question reflects not only the management of the Bund, but also a question of how to balance the public interest with the private interest. On the Bund, where every inch of land is at a premium, it's a real challenge to make sure that every visitor can enjoy the beauty fairly, without compromising those who want to make memories.

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

What do you think about this? If it were you, how would you solve this dilemma? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area and tell us what you think.

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

What I want to say is that whether we are tourists or photographers, we should respect public resources and abide by public order. The beautiful scenery of the Bund belongs to everyone, let us maintain this beauty together, so that more people can enjoy the charm of Shanghai.

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

Remember, the next time you go to the Bund, don't forget to defend yourself politely but firmly if this happens. After all, everyone is equal in front of the beautiful scenery!

Chaos on the Bund is frequent, and the hegemonic behavior arouses the anger of the people, and the authoritative response comes

What do you think? Feel free to discuss in the comment section!