
The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

author:Whatever you ask for, you get it

Shocked, the graduation ceremony impassionedly shouted "go to the place where the motherland needs it most", and turned around to apply to a prestigious American school? What's going on here?

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

Friends who are concerned about social hot spots, today we are going to talk about a topic that has aroused heated discussions on the whole network. I'm sure you've all experienced the passion and longing of graduation season, but have you ever thought about what kind of sparks will be sparked when an impassioned vow meets a realistic choice?

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

Recently, a scene that occurred at the 2024 graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University has plunged countless netizens into heated discussions. As a representative of outstanding graduates, Yang Jinwen stood on the podium with a sonorous voice: "I hope that we are still firm idealists and shine in the most needed places of the motherland on the land of China we love." These words attracted thunderous applause from the audience, and many teachers and students were moved to tears.

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

However, the twist of the story comes unexpectedly. Just when netizens were still immersed in the patriotic feelings of this scholar, an explosive news came: Yang Jinwen had applied for a graduate degree in law at the University of California, Berkeley. This news was like a bombshell, instantly detonating the entire Internet.

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

Someone sighed: "It turns out that the most needed place to go to the motherland is a beautiful country!"

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

Some people questioned: "Those who talk about patriotism are often the most lacking."

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

Some people even said angrily: "Saying one thing and doing another, isn't this a waste of the word patriotic?" "

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

But is it really that simple? In this era of globalization, is studying abroad necessarily contrary to patriotism? Let's look beyond the event itself and think about it from a broader perspective.

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

We must understand that patriotism is not an empty slogan, but an emotion and responsibility that is deeply rooted in our hearts. Yang Jinwen's speech at the graduation ceremony is believed to be from the heart. She chose to study in the United States, most likely to learn more advanced knowledge and skills so that she could better serve her country in the future.

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

Think about it, didn't our academician Qian Xuesen also make great contributions to China's aerospace industry after returning from his studies in the United States? Studying abroad is not the same as betrayal, the key is how to serve the motherland after completing your studies.

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

We also need to reflect on why so many outstanding students choose to study abroad. Is there still some inadequacy in our education system? Does our talent policy need to be further improved? These are all questions that deserve our deep thought.

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

In this age of information explosion, are we too quick to make judgments about others? A person's choice often involves multiple considerations, and it is necessary for us to be more understanding and tolerant.

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

At the same time, this incident also reflects a common phenomenon in our society: saying one thing and doing another. From entrepreneurs to politicians, from celebrities to ordinary people, we can always see examples of inconsistencies between words and deeds. This is not only a question of personal integrity, but also of the entire social atmosphere. Each of us should start with ourselves, be honest and trustworthy in words and deeds.

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

So, how should we look at such a situation?

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

1. Respect for personal choices: Everyone has the right to pursue their own ideals, and we should respect Yang Jinwen's choice, rather than simply criticize or blame.

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

2. Rational view of studying abroad: Studying abroad is not the same as not being patriotic. What matters is how you contribute to your country after you graduate. We should encourage talented people to "go out," and at the same time, we should also create conditions to attract talented people to "come back."

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

3. Rethink the education system: We need to think about how to improve the quality of education in China, and how to provide a better development platform for outstanding talents, so that they are willing to stay in the country for development.

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

4. Improve personal cultivation: Everyone should match their words with deeds, not make promises easily, and do not judge others arbitrarily.

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

5. Strengthen patriotic education: Let young people understand that patriotism is not a slogan, but a practical action. No matter where you are, you must care about the motherland and contribute to the development of the country.

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

In conclusion, I would like to say that patriotism is not a bondage, but a motivation. Whether you choose to stay in China or go abroad for further study, it is important to maintain a pure heart for the motherland and contribute to the development of the motherland with your own practical actions.

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

Let's look forward to Yang Jinwen's success in Berkeley and his ability to make important contributions to China's legal career in the future. At the same time, we also hope that our society can create a better environment, so that more outstanding talents are willing to stay in China for development and jointly build our beautiful home.

The graduation speech was surprisingly reversed, and the "most needed place for the motherland" turned out to be the American campus?

What are your thoughts on this event? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section and let's explore this topic together.

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