
Dreams set sail anew, and teaching and research promote growth

author:Records of people's livelihood information

——Gaoping Special School will carry out the new teachers' report class display and teaching and research activities in the spring semester of 2024

In order to fully understand the current situation of classroom teaching of new teachers, effectively improve the professional quality and teaching level of new teachers, and create a teaching and research atmosphere of exchange and learning and common growth, on the morning of June 26, Gaoping District Special Education School carried out a new teacher's report class display and teaching and research activities.

Dreams set sail anew, and teaching and research promote growth
Dreams set sail anew, and teaching and research promote growth

Two teachers, Wang Zhen and Yang Xinqi, respectively demonstrated the life language class "Flowers and Trees" in the first grade of Peizhi and the life mathematics class "Understanding Graphics" in the first grade of Peizhi. In a vivid and interesting way, Ms. Wang Needle closely combines the teaching of Chinese with the actual life of students, pays attention to the personalized guidance of students, and consciously cultivates students' observation and language expression skills. Teacher Yang Xinqi uses intuitive teaching aids and rich teaching activities to help students establish a preliminary understanding of basic graphics in the lesson of "Understanding Graphics" through practical activities such as looking, touching, finding, and drawing.

Dreams set sail anew, and teaching and research promote growth
Dreams set sail anew, and teaching and research promote growth

After the lecture, the teachers conducted teaching and research activities in the conference room. The two new teachers conducted self-reflection and self-evaluation of their own classes, and the other teachers made detailed evaluations of the two report classes from the aspects of teaching design, classroom rhythm, classroom language, etc., and put forward suggestions for improvement.

Contribution | Gaoping Special School Hui Yongli