
Show yourself and witness the growth - the graduation ceremony of the kindergarten affiliated to Xingwang Primary School in Peng'an County

author:Records of people's livelihood information

In order to let the school children experience the ritual of graduation and leaving the kindergarten, they have a yearning for primary school life. Through the report performance, the teaching effect of early childhood teachers, the quality of early childhood teachers and the school's early childhood education philosophy were demonstrated. On the morning of June 28, the Affiliated Kindergarten of Xingwang Town Central Primary School in Peng'an County held a graduation ceremony with the theme of "Showing Yourself and Witnessing Growth" and the final display activities of kindergarten and middle class.

Show yourself and witness the growth - the graduation ceremony of the kindergarten affiliated to Xingwang Primary School in Peng'an County
Show yourself and witness the growth - the graduation ceremony of the kindergarten affiliated to Xingwang Primary School in Peng'an County

In the beautiful singing, the graduation ceremony kicked off. The principal of the school sent his best wishes to the children, and expressed his gratitude to the parents and friends for their long-term support for the work of the kindergarten. The speech of the parent representative shared the growth and changes of the children in the past three years, expressed gratitude to the teachers for their dedication and care, and thanked the kindergarten for providing a free, autonomous, happy and creative play environment for the lovely babies. At the same time, I wish all the children to be brave and strong on the road of future growth, brave the wind and waves, and set sail! The student representative's speech expressed the deep gratitude of the kindergarten and the teachers. Subsequently, the activities of teachers and students were praised by parents. Finally, in the gesture dance performance of "The River of Time Flows into the Sea, and Finally We Go Separately to ......" by the kindergarten teachers and the children, the children drew a successful end to the first graduation ceremony of their lives with good memories!

Show yourself and witness the growth - the graduation ceremony of the kindergarten affiliated to Xingwang Primary School in Peng'an County

This graduation ceremony not only drew a successful end to the children's kindergarten life, but also left good memories for their growth, which was highly praised by parents.

Written by Luo Dongmei

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