
A rare fairy in the world

author:The erudite Aoyama 7K
A rare fairy in the world
A rare fairy in the world
A rare fairy in the world

A rare fairy in the world

In the busy city, there is a lot of traffic, people come and go, and everything seems so ordinary and hurried. However, in this noisy world, there is a woman, fresh and natural, with an elegant temperament, as if she is a fairy who came down from heaven, and it is rare to see it in the world.

A rare fairy in the world
A rare fairy in the world
A rare fairy in the world

She, like the dew in the morning, is crystal clear and has a hint of coolness. Her eyes are clear and bright, as if she can see everything in the world, but she always has a faint smile, giving people a warm and intimate feeling. The bridge of her nose is high and her lips are slightly upturned, making for a perfect face that makes you want to take a few more looks.

A rare fairy in the world
A rare fairy in the world
A rare fairy in the world

Her temperament is even more intoxicating. Whether she is wearing a simple white dress or an elegant long dress, she can show a charm that is different. Her demeanor is elegant, and there is a sense of calmness and confidence in her speech and demeanor, as if everything is under her control. Her smile is as warm as the sun, and she always brings endless comfort and strength.

A rare fairy in the world
A rare fairy in the world
A rare fairy in the world

Her beauty lies not only in her appearance, but also in her heart. She loves life, loves nature, and can always find extraordinary beauty in ordinary life. She loves to read, travel, and communicate with different people, and these experiences have made her heart richer and deeper.

A rare fairy in the world
A rare fairy in the world

Her presence is like a beautiful landscape, bringing a touch of tranquility and beauty to this noisy city. Every time she walks by, some people will unconsciously look back a few more times, as if they want to keep this beauty in their hearts forever.

A rare fairy in the world
A rare fairy in the world

However, she is not ostentatious and does not show off. She is like a flower that blooms quietly, silently exuding fragrance. She doesn't like to be paid too much attention, and just wants to be in her own world, quietly doing what she likes.

A rare fairy in the world

She is like a fairy coming down from the sky, fresh and natural, with an elegant temperament. Her beauty is intoxicating and unforgettable. She is like a light that illuminates the hustle and bustle of the city and illuminates people's hearts. She is so beautiful, so rare, as if she should only exist in heaven, and it is rare to see her in the world.