
Always believe in the charm of stew, the hot day is over this pot, it is too fragrant

author:What have you eaten lately

Always believe in the charm of stew, the pot will pass when it is hot, and when it is too fragrant, it will be full of fragrance when it is stewed, and it is so delicious.

Pork ribs and beans stewed vermicelli

Always believe in the charm of stew, the hot day is over this pot, it is too fragrant

This stewed vermicelli with pork ribs and beans is amazing, especially delicious, I want to eat the stewed pork ribs once a week, I especially like the noodles inside, which is more fragrant than meat!

ingredients; Pork ribs, potatoes, beans, vermicelli

Always believe in the charm of stew, the hot day is over this pot, it is too fragrant
Always believe in the charm of stew, the hot day is over this pot, it is too fragrant

Blanch the pork ribs, fry the rock sugar for sugar color, stir-fry the pork ribs, green onions, ginger and garlic, chili, star anise, cinnamon, stir-fry a few times, add 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 2 spoons of cooking wine, then add hot water to cover the ribs, add 1 tablespoon of soybean paste and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat, and then put the beans and potato powder in the pot and cook for 20 minutes?

Sauerkraut stewed pork belly

Always believe in the charm of stew, the hot day is over this pot, it is too fragrant

This sauerkraut stewed pork belly is also very delicious, this dish is really fragrant, the pork belly is not greasy at all with sauerkraut, and the pork belly is stewed soft and delicious.

Ingredients: pork belly, sauerkraut, star anise, cinnamon bay leaf, dried chili

Always believe in the charm of stew, the hot day is over this pot, it is too fragrant

This thing is really invincible,


Always believe in the charm of stew, the hot day is over this pot, it is too fragrant

This sauce tofu must be shared, the taste is really absolutely delicious, this thing is very delicious.

Always believe in the charm of stew, the hot day is over this pot, it is too fragrant
Always believe in the charm of stew, the hot day is over this pot, it is too fragrant
Always believe in the charm of stew, the hot day is over this pot, it is too fragrant

Braised chicken thighs with enoki mushrooms and cabbage

Always believe in the charm of stew, the hot day is over this pot, it is too fragrant

Braised chicken thighs with enoki mushroom and cabbage are so delicious! The chicken thighs are so fragrant and tender! Cabbage is sweet and delicious! Enoki mushrooms are full of soup and are easy to make.

Ingredients: chicken thighs, enoki mushrooms, cabbage

Always believe in the charm of stew, the hot day is over this pot, it is too fragrant

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