
Young people are so disrespectful to computers that they don't even understand basic copy and paste, and computers are outdated?

author:Big head guy talking

Foreword: I don't know if you have noticed, "computer", which we in the 80s and 90s, can no longer be familiar with electronic products, with the rapid development of today's information technology, some young people are very unfamiliar with computers, especially in the use of computers are very stretched.

Young people are so disrespectful to computers that they don't even understand basic copy and paste, and computers are outdated?

Xiaobian found several interesting phenomena, especially in the post-00s who have just joined the work, if they are not majoring in computer science, almost all of them have the following problems, which is really incredible.

First, I am not very proficient in some basic computer operations. Even strange to the point that when a young person wants to find some information, he may not even be able to find the browser in the computer, and some people do not know how to take screenshots or print documents when they need to submit electronic assignments.

There are also many young people who may only know the basic functions of a computer, and have little knowledge about shortcut key combinations or advanced functions. For example, they may not use "Ctrl+C" and "Ctrl+V" to copy and paste text. These seemingly simple operations can be a difficult problem for them.

Young people are so disrespectful to computers that they don't even understand basic copy and paste, and computers are outdated?

Second, I don't know what "decompression" and "installation path" mean. Some young people are faced with the task of downloading resources or unzipping files from the network disk, they will seem to have no idea where to start, download the decompression, some of them don't know how to decompress the file; There are also some who don't know anything about the "installation path",Anyway, any software is installed on the C disk by default,When you show it in front of them,Change the WeChat default download folder to the D drive,Let the C disk change from red to green,They will exclaim that you are a computer master。

Young people are so disrespectful to computers that they don't even understand basic copy and paste, and computers are outdated?

Third, there is almost zero knowledge of computer hardware and maintenance. When a software in the computer is stuck, they don't know how to use the task manager to end the unresponsive program, and when the memory is not enough to add a memory module, they don't know what a "memory stick" is, let alone change the memory module; Some young people don't even know where the computer's boot button is, let alone understand the function and function of other hardware components. When there is a problem with the computer, they are often helpless and don't know how to perform basic maintenance and troubleshooting.

Young people are so disrespectful to computers that they don't even understand basic copy and paste, and computers are outdated?

Fourth, typing on a computer is very slow and slow. The post-80s generation has the fastest typing speed, because many of them know Wubi input method, and the post-90s are also OK, most of them use pinyin input method, and with the improvement of technology, Lenovo input is becoming more and more powerful. But now young people, typing on a mobile phone, the speed of their fingers is very fast, but when it comes to the keyboard, it is not good.

Young people are so disrespectful to computers that they don't even understand basic copy and paste, and computers are outdated?

You may also need to teach them how to place their fingers correctly, and as for blind typing without looking at the keyboard, it's impossible to practice without a while. This causes them to be slower and less efficient when it comes to writing documents or sending information.

Young people are so disrespectful to computers that they don't even understand basic copy and paste, and computers are outdated?

To sum up, today's young people are becoming less and less respectful of computers, and the need for computers is becoming less and less. According to the "2021 National Research Report on the Use of the Internet by Minors", among the underage Internet users, more than 90% of the Internet devices used are mobile phones, followed by tablets, accounting for about 40%.

Young people are so disrespectful to computers that they don't even understand basic copy and paste, and computers are outdated?

Some time ago, I saw that the Steam platform installation fee service was provided on the Internet, and the highest sales volume reached more than 8,000 copies, and the price of these installations ranged from 3.6-19.8 yuan, which was not expensive but sold high. This kind of simple installation service is easy for the post-80s and post-90s, and many netizens shouted why they didn't find this way to get rich earlier after seeing this sales.

Young people are so disrespectful to computers that they don't even understand basic copy and paste, and computers are outdated?

With the popularity of smartphones and tablets, and the continuous emergence of AI-assisted tools, young people nowadays prefer these mobile devices more to complete daily tasks.

Computers are no longer a must-have item for them, and perhaps one day, computers will become obsolete products and disappear from the public's field of vision, just like MP3s in the past.

What do you think about this?

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