
How to deal with friends who are gradually estranged? Netizen: True and heart-wrenching!

author:Watermelon rambling

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How to deal with friends who are gradually estranged? Netizen: True and heart-wrenching!

From having nothing to say before, to having nothing to say.

How to deal with friends who are gradually estranged? Netizen: True and heart-wrenching!

There are different circles of friends in different periods, so why bother with the "good friends" you once had. Confidant, one or two is enough.

I think so. I also agree with Mu Yi's answer before, we should not forget the partners who are estranged with growth, but there is no need to deliberately pick them up, because the alienation at this time is the most comfortable way to get along, you and I don't have to force ourselves, as long as we recall the past together, it's good. And those friends who are spiritually attracted to each other are truly "neighbors at the end of the world".

Friends don't necessarily need the same values, and they don't need to get married and live a life...... The emotional foundation still needs to be preserved, if everyone makes friends with a "valuable investment", it is just social, and it has nothing to do with friendship!

You think I'm high up and domineering, and I also think you're confused and don't want to make progress, and you look at each other stupidly, so it's better to forget about each other

The key to friendship is not to "attack" but to "receive". Forgive me for my impure little heart

Are you still struggling with whether to give up or continue to take the initiative to curry favor with others who have already given up.

How to deal with friends who are gradually estranged? Netizen: True and heart-wrenching!
How to deal with friends who are gradually estranged? Netizen: True and heart-wrenching!

It's obviously a big brother who plays with the crotch of the diaper.,If you don't contact it, you won't contact it.。 A true portrayal of my childhood.

This passage is very well written: In my opinion, when two people are good, they are in the same band, with a common frequency, if the frequency is inconsistent, it will cause the two people to be unable to perceive each other, and what affects the vibration frequency is their respective pursuits, outlook on life, and twists and turns and encounters in the process of growth.

It's really well written, watching my friends go away one by one, I often wonder if it's my bad character, so I'll always accommodate, afraid of losing, now I think about it, maybe most people are like this, loss is the norm.

Against: Even if so, so what?

There's a good chance why not give it a try? You don't have to deliberately connect all day long and find a topic of force. After many years, isn't it also a pleasure to raise a glass and just drink and not talk about anything else? Just talk about the weather, just talk about this wine and this food, isn't it?

Especially if you live in a city, isn't it better to have a wife and children together? Regardless of whether he is a worldly person, he has time to gather, not reluctantly, and with his temperament, he is happy?

How to deal with friends who are gradually estranged? Netizen: True and heart-wrenching!

"Why don't you say good morning and good night to me, you've always told me before."

"Oh, I've been busy lately, I forgot to forget"

"Have you been doing anything lately?"

"It's okay, it's okay, don't think too much"

The little fairy who used to tell me all the big things is gone. I can't find her, has anyone seen her?

There was nothing to say in the past, nothing to say, nothing to say now.

I've lost you anyway.

Good night and goodbye.

"First they chatted perfunctorily, then they refused to meet, and finally they broke off contact logically." On the other hand, it's for the best. At least it's better to get together and disperse than to quarrel and break up.

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