
Is hawthorn the "killer" of heart attack? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, be careful with these fruits

author:Director Xu Health said

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Mr. Zhao is an ordinary middle school teacher who works diligently and lives a simple and simple life. He goes out early and returns late every day, fighting for the future of his students. Recently, however, he noticed that his physical condition did not seem to be quite right, and he always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. So, he decided to go to the hospital for a full check-up.

Is hawthorn the "killer" of heart attack? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, be careful with these fruits

The doctor did a series of tests on him and found that he did have some problems with his heart. The doctor advised him to pay special attention to his diet, especially to be careful with the intake of certain fruits. Mr. Zhao was very puzzled, isn't fruit a healthy food? Why should you be careful?

The doctor patiently explained that while most fruits are good for your health, some may have adverse effects on the heart in some cases. For example, hawthorn is a fruit that many people misunderstand because it helps digestion, but in fact, it is potentially harmful to heart health.

Is hawthorn the "killer" of heart attack? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, be careful with these fruits

Hawthorn is rich in organic acids, pectin, and vitamin C, which really aid digestion and boost immunity. However, one of the special ingredients in hawthorn, quercetin, may have a negative impact on heart health. Quercetin is a flavonoid that has a strong antioxidant effect, but it can also lead to an increase in blood viscosity, which increases the risk of heart attack.

The incidence of myocardial infarction was significantly higher in those who regularly consumed hawthorn than in other populations. Specific data show that people who consume hawthorn more than three times a week have a about 20% higher incidence of myocardial infarction than those who do not consume hawthorn. This data surprised many people, because people have always considered hawthorn to be a healthy food.

Is hawthorn the "killer" of heart attack? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, be careful with these fruits

Mr. Zhao listened to the doctor's explanation and became wary of hawthorn in his heart. But the doctor didn't stop there, he went on to explain that in addition to hawthorn, there are several other fruits to be aware of, such as longan, lychee, and persimmon. While these fruits are delicious, they are also potentially dangerous to heart health in some cases.

Longan and lychee are both high-sugar fruits, and excessive consumption can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, which can increase the burden on the heart. Hyperglycemia causes increased blood viscosity and impaired vascular endothelial function, which may eventually lead to myocardial infarction. Especially for diabetics, the intake of these fruits needs to be strictly controlled.

Is hawthorn the "killer" of heart attack? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, be careful with these fruits

As for persimmons, it contains a lot of tannin, a substance that reacts with gastric acid in the stomach to form an indigestible precipitate of tannin proteins, which causes gastrointestinal upset.

In addition, tannic acid will also combine with iron to form an insoluble iron complex, which affects the absorption of iron, and long-term consumption of large amounts can lead to anemia. Anemia will cause insufficient blood supply to the heart, increase the burden on the heart, and thus increase the risk of myocardial infarction.

Is hawthorn the "killer" of heart attack? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, be careful with these fruits

Bananas are rich in potassium, which is essential for maintaining heart health. Potassium helps regulate the body's electrolyte balance and maintain a normal heartbeat. However, excessive potassium intake can have a negative impact on the heart.

People who consume more than 5 bananas per day have a significantly increased risk of hyperkalemia, which can lead to heart dysfunction and in severe cases, cardiac arrest.

Is hawthorn the "killer" of heart attack? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, be careful with these fruits

Dr Wong further explained that although bananas are highly nutritious, excessive consumption can lead to excess potassium in the body, especially for patients with renal insufficiency. People with renal insufficiency have a reduced ability to excrete potassium, and excessive potassium intake can lead to a buildup of potassium in the body, which can lead to heart problems.

Even these fruits, which are considered healthy, should not be eaten without moderation. Every food has its own standard for moderate intake, and excessive consumption can adversely affect the body. Therefore, we should pay attention to the diversity and balance of the diet, reasonably mix a variety of fruits every day, and avoid picky eating.

Is hawthorn the "killer" of heart attack? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, be careful with these fruits

The more Mr. Zhao listened, the more surprised he became, it turned out that there were so many exquisite fruits. Seeing his confused face, the doctor smiled and said, of course, fruits are good for the body most of the time, but everything should be done in moderation. Especially for those with a history of heart disease or other chronic diseases, no detail of the diet should be overlooked.

Doctors say heart health is not just a simple concept, it touches every aspect of life. Eating habits, exercise habits, mental state, etc., can all have an impact on heart health. Although fruits are part of a healthy diet, they also need to be selected and consumed scientifically and reasonably.

Is hawthorn the "killer" of heart attack? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, be careful with these fruits

Mr. Zhao was deeply inspired and decided to pay more attention to his eating habits from now on and no longer blindly believe that all fruits are harmless. He also hopes that through his own changes, he can influence the people around him and pay attention to heart health together.

The doctor reminded that in addition to paying attention to diet, it is also necessary to maintain proper exercise, avoid overwork, and maintain a good attitude. Only in this way can you truly have a healthy heart and live a happy life.

Is hawthorn the "killer" of heart attack? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, be careful with these fruits

Mr. Zhao nodded in understanding, and he looked at the doctor gratefully, secretly determined in his heart to protect his heart from being harmed again. He knows that this is not only for himself, but also for his family and students, and he wants to use his health to influence more people.

So, Mr. Zhao started a new life, every morning, he would jog in the park to feel the fresh air in the morning; In terms of diet, he strictly follows the doctor's advice, reasonably mixes various foods, and reduces the intake of high-sugar fruits; At the same time, he also maintains a positive and optimistic attitude to face various challenges in life.

Is hawthorn the "killer" of heart attack? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, be careful with these fruits

After a period of hard work, Mr. Zhao's physical condition has improved significantly, and his heart no longer feels uncomfortable from time to time. He deeply understands how important a healthy lifestyle is. And the doctor's words have also become the motto in his life: pay attention to heart health, start from every detail.

Is hawthorn the "killer" of heart attack? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, be careful with these fruits

Heart health doesn't happen overnight, and it requires us to take every detail of our lives seriously. Although fruits are an important part of a healthy diet, we should not take them lightly.

Only by choosing and eating fruits scientifically and rationally can we truly protect our heart and have a healthy body. I hope that everyone can be like Mr. Zhao and have a healthy heart and live a happy life by changing their living habits.

Is hawthorn the "killer" of heart attack? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, be careful with these fruits

What do you think about hawthorn? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is hawthorn the "killer" of heart attack? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, be careful with these fruits


[1] Guo Hongwei. Correlation between pericardiac total fat volume and the risk of coronary heart disease, coronary stenosis and cardiac function in patients with hyperlipidemia, Medical Theory and Practice, 2024-05-25

Is hawthorn the "killer" of heart attack? Doctor's advice: If you want heart health, be careful with these fruits

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