
What life lessons do you want to tell a 30-year-old at a 40-year-old? Netizen: Every sentence is the truth!

author:Watermelon rambling

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What life lessons do you want to tell a 30-year-old at a 40-year-old? Netizen: Every sentence is the truth!
What life lessons do you want to tell a 30-year-old at a 40-year-old? Netizen: Every sentence is the truth!

Regardless of the relationship, as long as the other party does not consider your feelings and interests before doing things, it is time for you to stop losses in time.

Minimalist version

● Don't force someone to tell the truth, because his actions are the answer.

● A really good liar will not tell a lie when he deceives people.

●Demonstrate strength to stakeholders; To people whose interests are not related, it is good to show politeness.

● Don't always try to take advantage, you will really become cheap after a long time.

● The image must be ahead of the ability, otherwise the ability will be underestimated.

● The most difficult to communicate with is not the uneducated people, but the people who have been indoctrinated with standard answers.

● Regardless of the relationship, as long as the other party does not consider your feelings and interests before doing things, it is time to stop the loss in time.

There are countless opportunities for a person to change his life in three ways: education, marriage, and self-awakening. I want to have the power to pull people out of the standard answers.

When the world becomes hypocritical

Insisting on oneself is the greatest deception

What life lessons do you want to tell a 30-year-old at a 40-year-old? Netizen: Every sentence is the truth!

As a 40-year-old person, my biggest insight is that no matter what your academic performance was when you were young, no matter what your professional skills were when you worked, you must plan your asset income as soon as possible and lay out your non-labor income. To put it in the vernacular is to master the means of production! This means of production can be a scarce industrial resource, a loyal technical backbone, or even a shop or even a house with commercial value, or even a long-term contract for a shop. In a word, you must master the means of production, otherwise, as soon as you get older, you will be marginalized by private enterprises. When the time comes, you will think repeatedly, haven't I just accompanied the prince of capital to study all these years?

Well, I highly agree that if you are squeezed dry, you will definitely be abandoned. Indeed, many people think that they can learn more by working more and working harder. Truth be told, most of the people, most of the so-called "skilled workers", leave the platform and are nothing. When you can't do it, it's time to find something for you, of course I'm not there yet, I'm just saying that I might have that day

This is the mentality and thinking of many young people today, and for jobs that require a lot of practice and training to improve their professional ability, this idea will harm them.

What life lessons do you want to tell a 30-year-old at a 40-year-old? Netizen: Every sentence is the truth!

Men looking for women, women looking for men, they all want to find someone better than themselves, and people overestimate their own grade. Your so-called man can accept a woman with a lower level than himself, but some men want not a level, maybe the family background is better than him, maybe the appearance is better than him, and in the end they can be together for a long time, most of the two of them are half a catty.

Men and women are like people's left and right hands, basically the same, but some local details are different. Everyone wants to find a spouse who best matches their worth

What life lessons do you want to tell a 30-year-old at a 40-year-old? Netizen: Every sentence is the truth!

It is useless to tell, you have to experience it yourself, commonality is the commonality of all human beings, but experience is a unique experience of an individual. Camus also couldn't keep track of the differences in every moment of his life, listen to the words of others, including the words of authority, and live his own life.

I found out after a long period of thought. Or is it based on real life and practice. I've read a lot of books before and then I forgot about it, after all, life and work are too tiring. We ordinary people are nothing more than the screws of a slave society of desires all our lives. This fact is hard to change, and you even face various existential problems. But you have to believe in the future, not because there is really a future, but you can only believe in it, otherwise it will be over. This is my 27-year-old feeling.

This world is too right, and after a long time, there will be contradictions.

From nothingness to existence, and from existence to nothingness. At least at the age of 40, he is not completely desperate, and he can still see the unyielding and struggling in the words.

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