
The history of the destruction of Liu Lu, the "flower of the Southern Art School": There will be rain when the sky is mad, and woe will be when people are crazy

author:More than kites

Once upon a time, the name Liu Lu was well-known in the entertainment industry and was known as the "Flower of the Southern Arts School", with both appearance and talent, which seemed to indicate that her star journey would be bright. However, at the moment when she was about to step onto a broader stage, a farce on the high-speed train made her star journey instantly dim.

The history of the destruction of Liu Lu, the "flower of the Southern Art School": There will be rain when the sky is mad, and woe will be when people are crazy

Privileged family: Growing up like a princess

Liu Lu was born in a solid family in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, and has been pampered since she was a child and enjoys the treatment of a princess.

Her rooms are always decorated with a dreamlike style, with all kinds of toys and books, and her needs are almost always satisfied.

This carefree and pampered upbringing allowed her to plant a seed of pretentiousness in the depths of her soul.

The history of the destruction of Liu Lu, the "flower of the Southern Art School": There will be rain when the sky is mad, and woe will be when people are crazy

Liu Lu looks sweet, with a pair of smart big eyes that seem to be able to speak, and when she laughs, the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, revealing two small tiger teeth, which makes people can't help but want to get close.

She has a lively and cheerful personality and quickly takes center stage wherever she goes.

In school, she is always in the spotlight, whether it is an active speech in class or various activities after class, she can easily cope with it and show a unique charm.

Especially after entering the university, Liu Lu seems to have entered a new world.

The history of the destruction of Liu Lu, the "flower of the Southern Art School": There will be rain when the sky is mad, and woe will be when people are crazy

Her beautiful appearance made her stand out from the crowd, and the praise and anticipation of those around her made her even more convinced that she was different.

However, when her glow is overshadowed by another child star, Lin Miaoke, her inner vanity begins to dominate her actions.

Liu Lu, who originally thought that she would become the focus of the campus, found that all eyes were focused on Lin Miaoke.

The history of the destruction of Liu Lu, the "flower of the Southern Art School": There will be rain when the sky is mad, and woe will be when people are crazy

The feeling of neglect was too much for her to accept, and she began to look for an opportunity to reclaim her attention.

On the occasion of the reporter's interview with Lin Miaoke, Liu Lu skillfully used her talent to attract attention. She demonstrated her splitting skills and managed to attract the attention of the media.

With long black hair and a simple but eye-catching outfit, she looks particularly outstanding in front of the camera. The media began to hype up her beauty and talent, comparing her to Lin Miaoke.

Under the hype of the media, Liu Lu quickly became the focus of everyone's attention.

She successfully regained her own light, and was even selected as the school flower of Nanyi. This scenery made her feel content and pride, but it also made her indulge in the mire of vanity even more.

The history of the destruction of Liu Lu, the "flower of the Southern Art School": There will be rain when the sky is mad, and woe will be when people are crazy

Self-aggrandizement: A turning point in Liu Lu's acting career

Before graduating from college, Liu Lu was favored by Mango TV and signed a contract. This well-known domestic entertainment company took a fancy to her sweet appearance and natural acting skills, and decided to give her a stage to show herself.

In the online drama "Time and You Are Sweet", the role she played was fresh and lovely, and she was deeply loved by the audience.

The history of the destruction of Liu Lu, the "flower of the Southern Art School": There will be rain when the sky is mad, and woe will be when people are crazy

Immediately afterwards, she showed good acting skills in "Three Thousand Crows Killed", further consolidating her position.

However, with the popularity of the two web dramas, Liu Lu's fame has also risen.

She began to appear frequently at various events and interviews, enjoying the popularity and attention of the crowd.

However, this overexposure also changed her mindset. She began to gradually indulge in her own aura, believing that she was already a big star with unlimited stars.

Driven by this self-aggrandizing mentality, Liu Lu's behavior began to become more and more flamboyant and arrogant.

The history of the destruction of Liu Lu, the "flower of the Southern Art School": There will be rain when the sky is mad, and woe will be when people are crazy

She no longer respects the feelings of others and only cares about showing her superiority. Her attitude towards the staff is also getting worse and worse, and she even began to play big names and put on a show.

This attitude gradually damaged her image, and also made her popularity in the entertainment industry worse and worse.

However, Liu Lu did not realize what was wrong with her. She is still immersed in her fantasies, believing that she can conquer the entire entertainment industry with her beauty and talent. However, the reality is harsh. Her self-aggrandizement caused her to lose her sanity and judgment, which cast a shadow over her star journey, which ultimately led to her failure.

The high-speed rail station incident: Liu Lu's loss of control and the severe punishment of the law

On September 2, 2019, on an otherwise ordinary day, Liu Lu attracted widespread attention because of an incident and was pushed to the forefront of public opinion.

The history of the destruction of Liu Lu, the "flower of the Southern Art School": There will be rain when the sky is mad, and woe will be when people are crazy

On the same day, Lin Wan was at the security checkpoint of the East Railway Station in Yichang City, Hubei Province, and triggered a series of eye-popping incidents because she was carrying contraband.

In the bustling waiting hall, Liu Lu was dressed as a star, dressed fashionably, and wore sunglasses, which was particularly eye-catching. At the security check, her luggage was found to contain contraband. In the face of the security officer's questioning, she was extremely perfunctory, refused to cooperate, and even wanted to secretly pass the customs with dangerous goods.

The history of the destruction of Liu Lu, the "flower of the Southern Art School": There will be rain when the sky is mad, and woe will be when people are crazy

The security officer asked her to cooperate with the inspection.

At this time, her temper began to become irritable, her attitude was extremely arrogant, and she even insulted the security personnel.

The once quiet waiting room became noisy.

The history of the destruction of Liu Lu, the "flower of the Southern Art School": There will be rain when the sky is mad, and woe will be when people are crazy

As the situation escalated, the police quickly intervened with the intention of quelling the incident. Unfortunately, instead of relenting, Liu Lu exacerbated the conflict in public, spoke disrespectfully to law enforcers, and even resisted law enforcement, which seriously violated social morality and laws and regulations.

After repeated warnings to no avail, the police had to take her away for investigation.

At the police station, Liu Lu still had a rampant attitude and refused to admit his mistakes. She believes that she is a star with a special identity and status and does not deserve to be treated like this.

In the end, the iron-faced selflessness of the law taught her a profound lesson.

She was sentenced to five days of administrative detention in accordance with the law for obstructing the execution of official duties and disturbing public order.

This incident not only turned her acting career downhill, but also greatly reduced her image in public.

The history of the destruction of Liu Lu, the "flower of the Southern Art School": There will be rain when the sky is mad, and woe will be when people are crazy

After the incident came to light, Liu Lu quickly issued an apology statement in an attempt to save her image.

This apology does not seem to have been recognized by netizens. Netizens have pointed out that Liu Lu's apology is only superficial, her nature is difficult to change, and this arrogant and domineering attitude cannot be easily erased with a single apology.

The history of the destruction of Liu Lu, the "flower of the Southern Art School": There will be rain when the sky is mad, and woe will be when people are crazy

Liu Lu had to face her mistakes. However, she doesn't seem to really recognize what her problem is.

In interviews, she maintained a pretentious attitude, even trying to justify herself. This attitude made netizens even more angry, and they all said that they no longer supported her.


In the entertainment industry, you can only go further by remaining humble and low-key. Liu Lu chose another path - self-aggrandizement. Her failure tells us a truth: "If virtue is not worthy, it will suffer", if she can take every step of her own steadfastly, not impetuous, not inflated, maybe now is also a rising star.