
Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

author:More than kites

Actor Zhu Yuchen is really miserable, if Wang Baoqiang was born in the countryside and has become a famous movie star today, he has experienced countless hardships and hardships, and Niu Ben, a national first-class actor and an old drama bone, became an orphan at the age of 6, and played a supporting role for a lifetime, and he can only live in a nursing home when he is old, which is very miserable, then Zhu Yuchen is another extreme tragedy.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

The love he felt was so great that his mother had a pathological doting on him, believing that she was the protector of her own son, and that she would never let him suffer a little for the rest of her life.

In general, if the son and the daughter-in-law quarrel, then out of consideration for the whole family, the mother-in-law should also protect the daughter-in-law, so that the daughter-in-law does not feel that the family is all on the opposite side of her, so that the whole family can only fall apart.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

But Zhu Yuchen is different, her mother is extremely protective of her calves, no matter who quarrels with her son, she will always stand by her son's side and will never change.

is because of such a mother, so when actress Jiang Yan falls in love with Zhu Yuchen, she always feels that she is not talking to him, but talking to their mother and son.

It's really tiring.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Zhu Yuchen's mother Zhu Xiangling does not only love her own children, but only loves her own son, and she can't even compare with her daughter, so Zhu Yuchen himself has a very bumpy love history, just the fan group knows, he has been in love three times, and these three loves all ended in breakups without exception.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Why is no one willing to stay with Zhu Yuchen? Ex-girlfriend Jiang Yan said that she was lucky to break up with Zhu Yuchen, the reason is very simple, because as long as anyone wants to get involved with Zhu Yuchen, he will inevitably be scrutinized by his mother, and then become an invisible hostility, which is really terrible.

You know, in fact, Zhu Yuchen's external conditions are very good, in the 2007 TV series "Struggle", which caused a boom in movie-watching, he played "Huazi" looks very chic, and at the same time looks a little handsome, very righteous, and does things informally.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Zhu Yuchen did not live up to the director's expectations, he successfully interpreted this role, and at the same time made himself popular all over the country.

Zhu Yuchen has become a star who is not big or small, coupled with his own conditions, it stands to reason that it is very simple to find a person of choice, but this matter is not simple for Zhu Yuchen at all, he himself has no shortage of luxury cars and mansions, and he is not short of money to spend, but he really doesn't know what he should do except listen to his mother.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Jiang Yan was also very distressed, how could she meet such a mother-in-law boy.

She was born in 1986, she is beautiful and gentle, and many boys like her, and Zhu Yuchen is no exception. In 2012, a TV series called "Don't Call Me Brother" became popular, and Zhu Yuchen and Jiang Yan also had tacit cooperation in it.

There are too many stories of love because of drama, and this time the two rubbed a spark of love during filming, and the two fell in love.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Of course, it is very challenging to fall in love with Zhu Yuchen, his girlfriend in college was the later famous movie star Tang Wei, when the two fell in love on campus, Zhu Yuchen even mustered up the courage to move outside the campus to live with Tang Wei.

This made him have to make more than a dozen phone calls to his mother every day, and his life was almost under the supervision of his mother, which was already the biggest rebellion in his life, but sure enough, her mother rushed over in a hurry and asked Zhu Yuchen what he wanted to do.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Mother Zhu Xiangling made Zhu Yuchen feel suffocated, it was because of his mother's abnormal care that he was isolated by his classmates even when he was in school, and when he was desperate, he even considered suicide for a while.

Of course, Zhu Yuchen did not commit suicide, but he himself has been on the verge of collapse, and Tang Wei immediately chose to break up because of Zhu Yuchen's somewhat strange family.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Later, Zhu Yuchen met Huo Siyan, he and Huo Siyan began to date, the two of them are like glue, and Zhu Yuchen seems to have come out of the shadow of being broken up.

Zhu Yuchen also knew that it was impossible to hide this matter from his mother, so when he told his mother Zhu Xiangling, his mother thought about it, just said a word and brought it back to meet.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

At that time, Zhu Yuchen was very happy, and immediately happily led Huo Siyan home to meet his mother. But immediately Zhu Yuchen found that the atmosphere began to become extremely weird, Zhu Xiangling didn't say anything herself, but treated Huo Siyan very politely, and even treated her like a child.

This made Huo Siyan feel very uncomfortable, so not long after, Huo Siyan felt that the living environment here was a little too depressing, so she still chose to break up in the end.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

Jiang Yan knew that her relationship with Zhu Yuchen must be difficult, but she was also very brave, in order to get the approval of Zhu Yuchen's mother, she began to take the initiative to cook and wash clothes for Zhu Yuchen.

This is very good, but Zhu Yuchen's mother is not satisfied, in her eyes, Jiang Yan actually does not meet the image of an ideal daughter-in-law at all, Zhu's mother even thinks that Jiang Yan is dressed very revealingly, in the traditional concept, this is an out-and-out indiscretion.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

But Jiang Yan really likes Zhu Yuchen, love can really help couples get married many times, and it can make people face all difficulties. The two parties attended the wedding of star Hu Jun in a high-profile manner in the second year, solemnly announcing that the two are currently in a relationship.

Zhu Yuchen himself felt that he had finally found the right person this time, and they would definitely be able to achieve positive results.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

But Zhu Yuchen was wrong, if he wanted to be the unbridled Monkey King, his mother would have to force himself to become a powerful Buddha. Mother just thinks that Jiang Yan is not a qualified daughter-in-law's choice no matter where she looks at it, and she is not dressed well, which is really annoying.

Of course, Jiang Yan would not be angry and sad because of such a trivial matter, what she was most sad about was that when Zhu Xiangling was prejudiced against herself, Zhu Yuchen, who was her boyfriend, didn't say a word and didn't defend her.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

This made Jiang Yan heartbroken, but now that she is not married, there is such a moth, her boyfriend doesn't care about herself, obviously this is the time when she needs to rely on the most, but Zhu Yuchen is like a piece of wood, and she doesn't do anything at all.

At that time, Jiang Yan also wanted to show her tolerance and open-mindedness, so she had been licking her wounds silently, and she believed that one day Zhu Yuchen would definitely see her sacrifice.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

But she didn't wait after all, her boyfriend was even used to excessive control and intervention in her life, if there was no mother to plan his future, Zhu Yuchen didn't even know what he should do and what direction he should struggle.

After a five-year relationship, the two parties finally decided to break up. But what she never expected was that Jiang Yan was very sad, but Zhu Yuchen felt extremely wronged. After Jiang Yan thought about it carefully, she finally understood where Zhu Yuchen's grievances were.

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

I felt that Zhu Yuchen was not good enough in the relationship between the two parties, and he never cared about himself, and he always ignored his mother's words, and he didn't even dare to refute them. But in Zhu Yuchen's own opinion, he has made ten times and a hundred times more efforts in love, and he is already extremely brave, but why don't others understand?

Jiang Yan: The most correct decision in my life is to choose to break up with Zhu Yuchen, a "mom treasure man".

This is really incomprehensible, Jiang Yan can only decide to break up with Zhu Yuchen, she likes art, often shares the food she makes and today's good mood on social media, and occasionally makes guest appearances in TV series, such as this year's gathering "South to North".

Jiang Yan likes this world, especially without Zhu Yuchen and his mother.

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