
Shoot two and scatter! Guo Youcai banned singing "Promise", and Ding Xiaowen, who asked for the copyright fee, was dumbfounded!

author:Colorful clouds
Shoot two and scatter! Guo Youcai banned singing "Promise", and Ding Xiaowen, who asked for the copyright fee, was dumbfounded!

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The chaos of live broadcast has sparked heated discussions: the copyright dispute between Internet celebrity anchors and lyricists

Internet celebrity anchor Guo Youcai and famous lyricist Ding Xiaowen caused an uproar on the Internet because of the copyright fee of the song "Promise", pushing the copyright chaos that has existed in the live broadcast industry for a long time to the forefront

Shoot two and scatter! Guo Youcai banned singing "Promise", and Ding Xiaowen, who asked for the copyright fee, was dumbfounded!

The cause of the incident was that Ding Xiaowen found that Guo Youcai frequently sang the song "Promise" composed by himself during the live broadcast, so he asked him to pay the corresponding copyright fees, which seemed reasonable, but was strongly resisted by Guo Youcai's fans, who believed that Ding Xiaowen was deliberately "touching porcelain" and taking the opportunity to make money

When "feelings" meet "copyright": a song that sparks controversy

The song "Promise" with its sincere and simple lyrics, sang the hearts of countless ordinary workers, and was widely sung among the people, many netizens said that they did not know that they needed to pay copyright fees to sing this song in the past, and even in KTV and other places, this song can often be seen

Shoot two and scatter! Guo Youcai banned singing "Promise", and Ding Xiaowen, who asked for the copyright fee, was dumbfounded!

This can't help but cause people to think deeply: in the era of information explosion, people's access to information is becoming more and more convenient, but at the same time, it is easier to ignore the existence of copyright, and many people use other people's works for entertainment and pastime, but never realize that their actions may constitute infringement

The game between law and reason: how to balance copyright protection

From a legal point of view, Ding Xiaowen, as a lyricist, enjoys the copyright of the song "The Promise", and any unauthorized use constitutes infringement, but in practice, there is a delicate balance between copyright protection and use

Shoot two and scatter! Guo Youcai banned singing "Promise", and Ding Xiaowen, who asked for the copyright fee, was dumbfounded!

We should safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of creators, encourage originality, promote the prosperity and development of the cultural industry, and also take into account the public's demand for the reasonable use of cultural products, so as to avoid excessive copyright protection and hinder cultural dissemination

The hidden concern behind the Internet celebrity economy: the copyright chaos in the live broadcast industry needs to be rectified urgently

The copyright dispute between Guo Youcai and Ding Xiaowen has also exposed the copyright chaos that has existed in the live broadcast industry for a long time, and many anchors use unauthorized music, videos and other works in live broadcasts at will in order to attract traffic and increase popularity, but few people realize the importance of copyright issues

Shoot two and scatter! Guo Youcai banned singing "Promise", and Ding Xiaowen, who asked for the copyright fee, was dumbfounded!

In order to pursue short-term interests, some platforms turn a blind eye to the copyright infringement of anchors, or even acquiesce to their existence, resulting in an intensification of copyright chaos

The responsibility of the platform cannot be ignored: to build a healthy online copyright ecosystem

As a bridge between creators and users, livestreaming platforms play a vital role in copyright protection, and platforms should establish and improve copyright management systems, strengthen copyright education and management of anchors, and guide them to establish correct copyright awareness

Shoot two and scatter! Guo Youcai banned singing "Promise", and Ding Xiaowen, who asked for the copyright fee, was dumbfounded!

For example, platforms can cooperate with music platforms to provide anchors with genuine music libraries, or develop a copyright sharing mechanism to encourage anchors to use genuine music

Public participation is indispensable: building a shared copyright culture

Copyright protection is not only a legal issue, but also a social issue, in addition to the government departments to strengthen supervision and platforms to take responsibility, it is more necessary for the public to actively participate in creating a good social atmosphere for respecting and protecting copyright

Shoot two and scatter! Guo Youcai banned singing "Promise", and Ding Xiaowen, who asked for the copyright fee, was dumbfounded!

As ordinary users, we should establish copyright awareness, respect the fruits of the creators' labor, consciously resist piracy and infringement, and we can also actively participate in the popularization and publicity of copyright knowledge, so that more people can understand and respect copyright

From Cases to Governance: Exploring New Paths for Copyright Protection in the Internet Era

The copyright dispute between Guo Youcai and Ding Xiaowen is just a microcosm, which reflects the new challenges and problems faced by copyright protection in the Internet era, and to solve the copyright problem, it is necessary for the government, platforms, creators, users and other parties to work together to explore a new path of copyright protection that is in line with the development trend of the times

Shoot two and scatter! Guo Youcai banned singing "Promise", and Ding Xiaowen, who asked for the copyright fee, was dumbfounded!

In the future, we can learn from the advanced experience of foreign copyright protection, combined with China's national conditions, continuously improve copyright laws and regulations, strengthen copyright law enforcement, establish and improve copyright dispute resolution mechanisms, and escort the healthy development of the cultural industry

The Awakening of Copyright Awareness: From "I Want to Protect" to "I Want to Protect"

I believe that with the increasing attention of all sectors of society to copyright issues and the continuous improvement of public awareness of copyright, we will be able to build a more fair, just and transparent copyright ecological environment, so that the fruits of creators' labor can be duly respected and rewarded

Shoot two and scatter! Guo Youcai banned singing "Promise", and Ding Xiaowen, who asked for the copyright fee, was dumbfounded!

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