
The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

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The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

Editor: Chatter in the entertainment industry

The years are not forgiving, but the spirit is eternal

Recently, when 88-year-old academician Zhong Nanshan attended the graduation ceremony of Guangzhou Medical University, he needed to be supported to walk because he was unwell, which quickly spread on the Internet. Many netizens saw that this hero, who once led the country in the fight against the epidemic in the new crown epidemic, is now full of gray hair and faltering, and they can't help but feel that the years are ruthless. Academician Zhong Nanshan, who became a symbol of national trust during the epidemic, is still insisting on the front line of medicine and contributing his strength to the cause of national health.

The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

In-depth research in Wuhan

At the most serious moment of the epidemic, Academician Zhong Nanshan resolutely went to Wuhan to investigate the epidemic on the front line and put forward scientific and effective prevention and control measures. At the risk of being infected, he personally visited the hospital to understand the actual situation and investigate the transmission route of the virus. He also communicates with frontline healthcare workers to understand their needs and difficulties, and provides them with professional guidance and psychological support. In the face of public panic, Academician Zhong explained the laws and preventive measures of the spread of the virus in concise and easy-to-understand language through the media platform, which greatly eased the tension in the society. He adhered to scientific prevention and control, opposed blind panic, advocated a rational response to the epidemic, and guided the people of the whole country in the right direction with his professional knowledge and experience.

The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

Promote vaccine research and development

Academician Zhong Nanshan not only contributed to the front line of epidemic prevention and control, but also actively participated in a number of scientific research work, committed to the research of the new coronavirus and the research and development of vaccines. He and his team are working around the clock to find effective treatments and prevention as quickly as possible. Despite his advanced age, he is still hands-on, frequently appearing in the lab and conference rooms to provide guidance and support to scientific research. His persistence and efforts have injected a strong impetus into the scientific research work in the fight against the epidemic. Under his leadership, the scientific research team has made many breakthroughs and made important contributions to the global epidemic prevention and control.

The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

A bridge for international exchange

Not only that, Academician Zhong Nanshan also participated in academic exchanges and cooperation at home and abroad, sharing China's experience and achievements in the fight against the new crown epidemic. He has repeatedly communicated with experts from the World Health Organization and other countries to promote global cooperation in epidemic prevention and control. Academician Zhong Nanshan's international vision and scientific attitude have enabled China's anti-epidemic experience to be disseminated around the world, providing valuable reference for other countries. His efforts have not only provided important support for China's epidemic prevention and control work, but also made important contributions to the global fight against the epidemic.

The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

Nurturing the next generation of medical professionals

Academician Zhong Nanshan's contribution is not only reflected during the pandemic, but also throughout his career, he has been committed to improving the level of respiratory medicine in China and promoting medical research and education. He has cultivated a large number of outstanding medical talents and laid a solid foundation for the development of China's medical industry. His scientific research achievements and clinical experience are not only well-known in China, but also highly praised internationally. With his profound knowledge and rich clinical experience, Academician Zhong Nanshan has become a role model and mentor for countless young doctors. His spirit and philosophy will be passed down from generation to generation, inspiring the younger generation to keep improving.

The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

A sad scene at the ceremony of Guangzhou Medical University

Heroes also grow old. Academician Zhong Nanshan at the graduation ceremony, although he was in good spirits, his steps were not as steady as before. This scene made countless netizens feel distressed. We can't help but ask, is this unparalleled medical champion really old? It is undoubtedly an unavoidable fact that the years do not forgive.

The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

The image of Academician Zhong Nanshan has always been synonymous with perseverance and firmness. The passage of time has forced the hero to face a gradual decline in his physical functions. At the ceremony, although he was still full of energy, his pace slowed down significantly, and he needed support to move forward steadily. Seeing this scene, many people couldn't help but sigh in their hearts: Zhong Nanshan back then has become so old now.

The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

Determination not to back down

Academician Zhong Nanshan did not shrink because of his age, but stood more firmly at the forefront of science and continued to pay attention to the country's health cause. He continues to participate in important academic activities, give professional opinions, and mentor the younger generation of medical practitioners. His existence is still the anchor in our hearts, guiding us on the road of medicine.

The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

During the new crown epidemic, Academician Zhong Nanshan worked day and night and put forward many valuable suggestions for epidemic prevention and control. His scientific spirit and professional attitude have not only been widely respected at home, but also won high praise internationally. Even in the face of physical aging, he still chooses to rise to the challenge and continue to contribute to the cause of public health.

The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

Zhong Nanshan's spiritual inheritance

Academician Zhong Nanshan's spirit and perseverance have inspired countless people. With his actions, he proved that the true hero does not succumb to the passage of time and does not retreat from the limitations of his body. Whether it is at the forefront of epidemic prevention and control, or in the deepest part of academic research, Academician Zhong Nanshan has always shown the demeanor of a medical worker with tenacity.

The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

In the face of such Zhong Nanshan, we should cherish his every contribution and remember his every contribution. The years may take away his health, but they can't take away his love and dedication to medicine. The spirit of Academician Zhong Nanshan will always inspire us to move forward and become an inexhaustible driving force for us to overcome difficulties. We should pay more attention to the health and living conditions of this old man, and send him our most sincere blessings and love.

The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

Zhong Nanshan's continued influence

Although Academician Zhong Nanshan is 88 years old, he still maintains his love and dedication to the medical career. He not only pays attention to the development and promotion of vaccines, but also devotes a lot of effort to the growth of the younger generation. Zhong Nanshan's objective and fair attitude on the vaccine issue has provided scientific and accurate information and provided a solid guarantee for public health. Whatever the situation, he has always been based on science to help us make the right decisions in the face of the pandemic.

The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

Scientific voices in the vaccine controversy

In the face of some netizens' doubts and attacks on Zhong Nanshan's vaccine issue, we can't help but ask: Did Academician Zhong Nanshan's suggestion on the vaccine issue really make many people victims? The answer is clearly no. The issue of vaccines is complex and multifaceted. As a medical expert, Academician Zhong's advice is based on scientific facts and a rigorous attitude. His contribution to the fight against the epidemic should not be erased by some unwarranted doubts and attacks. We need to look at all this with a more rational attitude and remember the great contributions made by Academician Zhong to the society and the people.

The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

Remembering the contributions of heroes

Looking back on the life of Academician Zhong Nanshan, he showed extraordinary courage and wisdom in both SARS and the new crown epidemic, and interpreted the true benevolence of doctors with his practical actions. We should look at his controversies and shortcomings on the vaccine issue with an objective and fair attitude, and we should remember his great contributions to society and the people. The years are not forgiving, but the spirit of Academician Zhong Nanshan lives on. Let's pay tribute to this medical champion and wish him happiness and health in his old age. We should also pay more attention to the health and living conditions of this old man, and send him our most sincere blessings and love.

The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

Through the life deeds of Academician Zhong Nanshan, we have seen the spirit and quality of a true doctor. Despite the ruthlessness of the years, Academician Zhong's spirit and contribution still shine brightly. When we face complex scientific issues such as vaccines, we should rely more on scientific voices and professional advice, rather than being swayed by unwarranted doubts and attacks. The respect for Academician Zhong Nanshan is not only his personal recognition, but also the reverence and belief in the scientific spirit.

The years are unforgiving, 88-year-old Zhong Nanshan is confirmed to be sick? But he erected a statue half a year ago

How should we view Academician Zhong Nanshan's suggestions and scientific contributions on the vaccine issue more rationally? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in the comment section.

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