
The child brings his own "nasal medicine", which can pass the nose at home, and the baby rhinitis adenoidal hypertrophy can be quickly collected

author:Zhao Shuping, director of the Department of Pediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hello everyone, I'm Zhao Shuping.

Whether it is rhinitis or adenoid hypertrophy, the most uncomfortable thing for children is nasal congestion, especially nasal congestion as soon as they sleep, which will have a negative impact on the child's physical and mental development.

So how can you relieve nasal congestion? In fact, there is the right answer on the child's face.

Children bring their own "nasal medicine"

Around the nose, a triangle is formed, which is the "key area" for us to clear the nose.

The child brings his own "nasal medicine", which can pass the nose at home, and the baby rhinitis adenoidal hypertrophy can be quickly collected

Use the thumbs of both hands, with the center of the fingers facing up, press and hold the nasal points on both sides, to feel the soreness, and then towards the direction of the cheekbones, slowly and forcefully, push and pull a horizontal finger distance, and repeat the operation for 1 minute.

According to the feedback of parents in clinical practice, after the first two steps are completed, the child's nasal itching and nasal congestion will be relieved.

Keep a distance of 2cm from the skin, and feel warm without burning, once a day, for 10 minutes each time. If you are a child, it is best to find a professional to operate it to avoid injury.

Yintang acupoint can raise the sun and improve qi, solidify the surface and dispel wind.

Moxibustion is equivalent to covering the triangle with a protective film, which warms the nose and resists cold, and helps improve the symptoms of nasal discharge and sneezing. Adjuvant treatment of rhinitis, the effect is particularly good!

The child brings his own "nasal medicine", which can pass the nose at home, and the baby rhinitis adenoidal hypertrophy can be quickly collected

Why do you say auxiliary?

Because these external treatment methods can only alleviate the emergency and make the child more comfortable. Generally, our children's rhinitis has been relatively long, and if we want to completely remove the root of the disease, it is an essential step to systematically adjust the physique.

Not long ago, a parent almost dragged his child into adenoid hypertrophy because he relied too much on these external treatments.

The child was diagnosed with allergic rhinitis 1 year ago, during which the mother was afraid that the drug would not be good for the kidneys, so she kept searching for information and helping the child massage at home. As a result, the child's big nasal discharge has been running intermittently for a year, and it has never been completely good.

The current symptoms are sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose, itchy eyes, nasal congestion, ear pain, and grogginess, which will worsen after the sun sets.

I see that the child's eye bags are also more obvious, and the eye bags are slightly red. After eating a little, the stomach is distended, indigestible, the stool is dry, the tongue is red, and the tongue coating is thin and white.

In winter, the water is taken from the refrigerator, let alone in the summer, the ice cream has not been broken at all, and the child is completely cold.

The child brings his own "nasal medicine", which can pass the nose at home, and the baby rhinitis adenoidal hypertrophy can be quickly collected

The child's mother is very anxious because it is not just a problem of delaying learning now. The child has reached the time to have self-esteem, and he is called a slug by his classmates every day, and he has a special low self-esteem. Especially recently it was found that the child began to sleep with his mouth open, in case of developing an adenoid face...... I can't think about it.

I also have children at home, and I can understand my mother's worries very well, and comfort my mother: "The child does not have an adenoid face yet, and it is currently a problem of drinking outside the cold,"

Prescription –

Traditional Chinese medicine granules: Xiaoqinglong granules plus or minus (boiled ephedra, cinnamon branches, white peony, fine spice, dried ginger, boiled licorice, schisandra, banxia, xanthium, gypsum, bellflower, etc.)

Therapeutic Formula: Sour Plum Soup (Black Plum, Hawthorn, Licorice, Wheat Winter)

The child took the medicine for about 7 days, and the nasal symptoms were significantly relieved. After 14 doses of the prescription was adjusted according to the symptoms, the symptoms of rhinitis disappeared completely, and the snoring and breathing with the mouth open were gone.

The child brings his own "nasal medicine", which can pass the nose at home, and the baby rhinitis adenoidal hypertrophy can be quickly collected

My train of thought

Many of the children who have come to the clinic recently have similar symptoms to the children in the case: runny nose and unstoppable faucet; nasal congestion, most noticeable when lying down to sleep; Cough with a lot of thin, frothy phlegm.

This kind of rhinitis is called "cold outside and drink inside" in traditional Chinese medicine. The wind is cold outside, and the cold and wet water in the lungs is waiting for the opportunity to move. The nose is the orifice of the lungs and responds the most.

Therefore, the top priority is to get rid of these cold and wet water. Xiaoqinglong soup is a famous prescription for treating the cold outside and drinking inside, which can relieve the cold, warm the lungs and protect the spleen.

The child brings his own "nasal medicine", which can pass the nose at home, and the baby rhinitis adenoidal hypertrophy can be quickly collected

Summer is the time when nature and our yang energy is at its most vigorous, which can enhance the ability to resist diseases, and on the other hand, it helps to get rid of the diseases and evils of yin and cold, so as to achieve the purpose of regulating winter diseases.

Therefore, I usually instruct parents to give their children with rhinitis sour plum soup as a dietary therapy in the summer, and at the same time warm and replenish the kidney yang, which is very effective in helping the child recover his body and fight rhinitis.

(Non-professional readers should learn from and apply the prescriptions mentioned in this article under the guidance of TCM physicians, and do not try them blindly.) )


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