
Let's take a look at the noon news, a summary of the news that happened before 12 o'clock on June 30th!

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Let's take a look at the noon news, a summary of the news that happened before 12 o'clock on June 30th!

Let's take a look at the noon news, a summary of the news that happened before 12 o'clock on June 30th!

Today is June 30, 2024, and there is a summary of the news that happened at home and abroad today

1. On June 29, the Hunan Provincial Meteorological Observatory issued a red warning for heavy rain. From the evening of the 29th to the evening of the 30th, there will be heavy rain in central and northern Hunan provinces, heavy rains in some areas, and local heavy rains. Remind everyone to go out as little as possible, stay away from windows and doors when sheltering from rain, cut off the power supply immediately when outdoor water enters the house, and drive around areas with serious water accumulation, and pay attention to safety.

Let's take a look at the noon news, a summary of the news that happened before 12 o'clock on June 30th!

Editor's point of view: In the season of frequent meteorological warnings, safety awareness is particularly important. This rainstorm warning reminds us to always pay attention to weather changes, and also to improve emergency response capabilities. Especially when it is pouring rain, staying away from waterlogged areas, cutting off the power supply in time, and driving around are all basic common sense to protect yourself and your family. Communities and families should prepare for flood prevention in advance and work together to deal with natural disasters. How would you cope with a sudden rainstorm? Feel free to share your experience and suggestions in the comment section.

2. On the evening of June 29, the Chinese U18 women's basketball team defeated the South Korean team 79-61 in the semifinals of the Asian Cup in Shenzhen and entered the final. The Chinese team will compete for the championship with the previous champion Australian team on the evening of the 30th. In the game, Zhang Ziyu performed well, scoring 34 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists to help the Chinese team advance.

Let's take a look at the noon news, a summary of the news that happened before 12 o'clock on June 30th!

Editor's point of view: The Chinese U18 women's basketball team once again showed strong strength, especially Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance is amazing. In sports, every victory is inseparable from the team's efforts and individual fighting spirit. The young women's basketball team members used their sweat and struggle to interpret the true meaning of "hard work leads to hope". Let's cheer them on and hope they continue to perform well in the final and compete for the title! What do you think of this game? Leave a message to cheer for the Chinese women's basketball team!

3. On June 28, the National Track and Field Championship and the National Track and Field Grand Prix Finals opened in Rizhao, Shandong. Chinese women's sprinters such as Ge Manqi, Liang Xiaojing, Wei Yongli and others participated in individual competitions and confirmed that they would not participate in the relay event of the Paris Olympics. After failing to qualify for the Olympic Games, they have switched back to individual events and will compete in their respective national championships.

Let's take a look at the noon news, a summary of the news that happened before 12 o'clock on June 30th!

Editor's point of view: The cruelty of competitive sports lies in the fact that every achievement is earned with hard work and sweat. Although the top runners of the Chinese women's sprint team failed to qualify for the relay at the Paris Olympics, their hard work in the individual event is still worthy of admiration. Sportsmanship is not just about winning, it's about perseverance in the face of defeat. We look forward to their wonderful performances in the national championships and bring glory to them as individuals and as a team. How do you think athletes should deal with setbacks? Feel free to share your views.

4. On June 27, Bian Zhigang, deputy director of the China National Space Administration, said that the obstacle to China-US space cooperation lies in the "Wolf Clause" of the United States. He stressed that China is open to cooperation, but the U.S. side needs to remove obstacles. China's space industry will continue to be aimed at peaceful use, and it is fervently hoping to carry out cooperation on an equal footing and mutual benefit.

Let's take a look at the noon news, a summary of the news that happened before 12 o'clock on June 30th!


Editor's view: The future of China-US space cooperation is full of uncertainties, but peaceful use and win-win cooperation have always been the main theme. Deputy Director Bian Zhigang's remarks show China's sincerity in opening up and cooperating in the space industry, but the "Wolf Clause" of the United States has become a chasm. It is hoped that the two sides can find consensus and contribute to global scientific and technological progress and the peaceful use of space resources by mankind. How do you see the prospects for U.S.-China space cooperation? Welcome to discuss.

5. On June 29, Hunan was hit by a rare rainstorm, and the meteorological department issued a red rainstorm warning. Heavy rains caused muddy water disasters and flooded villages. At this critical moment, a female restaurant owner bravely guided the villagers to escape and buy precious time for everyone. Her heroic act quickly spread and was hotly discussed and praised by netizens, demonstrating the power of human solidarity and mutual assistance.

Let's take a look at the noon news, a summary of the news that happened before 12 o'clock on June 30th!

Editor's view: In a critical moment, the heroic behavior of the female owner of the restaurant shows the brilliance of humanity. She has interpreted what it means to be fearless and selfless with her actions, and has won the admiration and praise of countless people. This is not only a touching story, but also a responsibility that each of us should have in the face of disasters. I hope that this heroic spirit can inspire more people to unite and help each other to face difficulties together. Were you also touched by her deeds? Feel free to pay your respects in the comments section.

Sixth, the full month of the "5.28 New Deal", the Shenzhen property market showed a positive signal. On June 28, the sales of Zhonghai Shenwan Jiuxu, a top luxury house in Shenzhen Bay, reached 10.02 billion yuan within three hours of opening. The second-hand housing market picked up, with the number of second-hand housing contracts increasing by 26.2% from May 29 to June 27. Although the transaction volume has fallen recently, the new policy has promoted the heat of the property market.

Let's take a look at the noon news, a summary of the news that happened before 12 o'clock on June 30th!

Editor's view: Shenzhen's property market has ushered in new development opportunities after the "5.28 New Deal", and the hot sales of the luxury housing market reflect the recovery of market confidence. However, we should also pay attention to the movements of the second-hand housing market and changes in the overall transaction volume. The healthy development of the real estate market requires the guidance of policies and the rational return of the market. As a home buyer, what are your thoughts on the current property market? Feel free to share your views and experiences with home buyers.

7. On June 28, at the shareholders' meeting of Gree Electric Appliances, Dong Mingzhu questioned that Xiaomi air conditioners did not have core technology, and said that Gree would continue to reform its channels, and the ice washing business would become a new growth point. Gree's official response said that it would take legal measures to combat false reports. Although Gree's titanium business has reduced losses, it is still facing market competition pressure.

Let's take a look at the noon news, a summary of the news that happened before 12 o'clock on June 30th!

Editor's point of view: In today's increasingly fierce competition in the home appliance industry, the technical competition and market strategy between enterprises are particularly important. Dong Mingzhu's every conference has attracted people's attention, and this conference also shows us Gree's determination to continue to innovate and reform. As consumers, we look forward to seeing more products with excellent technology and excellent service. Which company are you more optimistic about in the future? Feel free to speak in the comment section.

8. On June 30, Beijing time, the knockout round of the European Cup will be contested. Germany defeated Denmark 2-0 and qualified; The defending champion Italy lost 0:2 to the Swiss team and missed the quarterfinals. Germany's Kai Havertz and Musiala scored a goal each, while Switzerland's Freuler and Vargas netted.

Let's take a look at the noon news, a summary of the news that happened before 12 o'clock on June 30th!

Editor's view: The vagaries of the football world make every game full of suspense and anticipation. Germany's victory showed the strength of the strong team, while Italy's defeat also lamented the brutality of competitive sports. Regardless of victory or defeat, the fighting spirit of the athletes deserves our respect and learning. We look forward to seeing more exciting matches in the coming competitions, and we hope you can share your thoughts on the competitions with us. Who do you think will win the championship? Welcome to the prediction!

9. South Korea's "water fasting" for weight loss is prevalent among teenagers. Many people lose weight by drinking only water, eating nutrients, and a small amount of table salt, and dizziness is more unbearable than hunger. South Korea's "appearance supremacism" has led to a surge in anorexia and teenagers with low self-esteem trying extreme weight loss methods.

Let's take a look at the noon news, a summary of the news that happened before 12 o'clock on June 30th!

Editor's view: The way young people pursue beauty should not come at the expense of health. Although the "water fasting" diet method seems to be effective, the hidden health risks behind it cannot be ignored. We need to strengthen health education and guide young people to establish a correct aesthetic and health outlook. Parents, schools and society should work together to create a healthy and positive environment for young people to grow up. What do you think of this way of losing weight? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

10. Ms. Deng of Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, found that her deceased husband had 130,000 deposits in the Agricultural Bank of China, but in 2022, she was told that the account had been cancelled and the deposits had been withdrawn. The bank said it was a staff error and was dealing with it. Ms. Deng tried to withdraw money several times without success, and the incident has not been resolved so far. The bank proposes to resolve the issue through judicial means.

Let's take a look at the noon news, a summary of the news that happened before 12 o'clock on June 30th!

Editor's view: As a financial institution, it is the basic responsibility of a bank to ensure the safety of customer funds. Ms. Tang's case not only sheds light on the mistakes of individual banks, but also raises public concerns about financial security. It is hoped that the bank can properly handle this matter and give the customer a satisfactory answer. At the same time, we should also enhance our legal awareness and seek legal solutions in a timely manner when we encounter similar situations. Have you ever encountered a similar problem? Feel free to share your experiences and suggestions.

Today's whisper

There are always ups and downs in life, but every challenge is an opportunity to grow. Stick to your beliefs and face them bravely, and difficulties will eventually be overcome. Every step of the way paves the way for the future. Remember, the sun always shines after the storm, and success belongs to those who don't give up easily.

Greet every day with a positive attitude, believe in yourself, no matter how difficult it is, you will eventually usher in your own brilliant moment. Today's efforts are tomorrow's hope, and life will be more exciting because of perseverance.

Let's take a look at the noon news, a summary of the news that happened before 12 o'clock on June 30th!

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