
Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

author:Beiping Xiaoxi

Queen Elizabeth II's father George is actually the second, and she also has a cousin-in-law uncle Edward.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

According to the order of succession, after the death of the queen's grandfather, the king's seat should pass to her uncle, Prince Edward.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

In early 1936, the Queen's grandfather, George V, died, and Prince Edward had indeed succeeded to the throne and was crowned king, known as King Edward VIII.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Normally, if Edward VIII had been a king and had children, there would have been no queen, and the history of the British royal family would have been rewritten.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Lovely Ducward VIII did not follow the usual path, at that time England was in a difficult situation, after he became king, he did not study how to unite Congress and the people to overcome difficulties and revitalize the economy, the first thing was to marry his mistress for many years, Mrs. Simpson, an American married woman.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Mrs. Simpson is a woman who lingers in the upper class of American society, comes from a humble background, is still an illegitimate daughter, and has achieved a class leap through two marriages, looking for opportunities in the pile of men all day long.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Mrs. Simpson's first husband, an army officer, is said to have been violent against her, causing her to be infertile for life. After the divorce, he married a wealthy businessman, Mr. Simpson, from which the title Mrs. Simpson derived.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

When Edward VIII visited the United States, he met Mrs. Simpson at an event, and immediately developed a lover relationship. According to Mrs. Simpson, Edward VIII fell in love with her "with a glimpse of his inner loneliness."

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Before Mrs. Simpson, the single Edward VIII had trysts with several married noble ladies, and his hobby seemed to be married women.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

But the difference was that Mrs. Simpson stopped him. While Mrs. Simpson had not yet divorced, Edward VIII had decided to marry her.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

But Edward VIII was not stupid, he knew that with Mrs. Simpson's background and conditions, it was simply impossible to meet the demands of the royal family. Illegitimate daughters, married women, infertility, any of which are hard wounds, neither the parents nor the Congress will approve of him, the future king, marrying such a woman.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Therefore, Edward VIII waited until his father died and he himself became king before arranging for Mrs. Simpson to divorce and announce that he would marry her as queen.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Mrs. Simpson was overjoyed and arrogant when she learned that she would become Queen of England, and she attacked Bowes (the Queen's Mother) for being very rustic, not as fashionable as her, just a Scottish cook.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

In fact, Bowes's status is also very noble, her father is an earl, a Scottish nobleman, and Mrs. Simpson is simply unmatched. Edward VIII gave Mrs. Simpson the courage to look down on Bose, and before she became queen, she had already behaved remarkably.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Unexpectedly, Edward VIII's calculation fell through. He thought that as a king, he could cover the sky with one hand, but that was a big mistake. It doesn't take too many people, the opposition of the two people below, he has no rut. What's more, apart from these two people, the Congress and the people of the whole country are unanimously opposed.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Edward VIII's mother, Queen Mary, the embodiment of wisdom and courage. Regarding the eldest son Edward's desire to marry an American actor, Queen Mary has a clear and resolute attitude, there is nothing to discuss, and the possibility of this kind of thing happening is 0.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Prime Minister Baldwin, in agreement with the Queen Mother, gave Edward VIII two choices, either to break up with the American woman or to abdicate. Edward VIII voluntarily abdicated, broadcasting that he could not be king, but not Mrs. Simpson.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

This was Edward VIII's own choice, and there is nothing wrong with it. After his abdication, he took Mrs. Simpson to France, where he held a small wedding attended by only a few dozen people, mostly servants and retinues.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Edward VIII got his wish, but Mrs. Simpson was very disappointed, and the queen's dream was completely shattered, and she was so angry that she smashed the vase to pieces. But the whole world knows that Edward VIII abdicated because of her, and now he is not a king, and he can't marry [covering his face]

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

On the royal family's side, there is no trouble, you are not a king, you are too much of a person, and without Edward Butcher, you can't eat even hairy pigs. Queen Mary discussed with Parliament, and the second Prince George ascended to the throne, which was the queen's father, King George VI.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

If the story ends here, then after the queen succeeds to the throne, there is a high probability that she will not refuse Edward VIII to return to China, after all, she is an uncle, and there is no deep hatred. Besides, the relationship between the queen and the uncle when she was a child was still good.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Lovely Deward VIII and Mrs. Simpson did not live in France steadily, and a lot of things happened later, which was what made the queen completely chilled.

Write an autobiography and make a documentary to allude to the Queen's family

It is said that Edward VIII loves beauty and does not love the country, but in fact he is not, he loves the country and the beauty, and especially wants to be the king, but at that time, he didn't know what kind of axis he had committed, and he had to fight to the death with the council.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

The position of king was obviously given up by himself, and after his younger brother George VI became king, he felt sour in his heart. You say he regrets it, but he didn't say it anyway. You say he doesn't regret it, but what he did says something wrong.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

British media reported that at the instigation of Mrs. Simpson, the Duke of Windsor (after the abdication of Edward VIII, his younger brother George VI retained his title of Duke of Windsor) began to write autobiographies and make documentaries to make money.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

In these books and documentaries, when it comes to the British royal family, the two of them have a sour tone, and the two of them were kicked out, and the king was forced to give up. also alluded to the family of his younger brother George VI, who was ruthless and unjust to them after he became king.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

George VI was depressed, he himself stuttered, he had not been trained by kings, and he had no intention of being a king. It's the eldest brother's chaotic private life, and he has to marry a prodigal woman and throw the mess to him.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Some people say that George VI got cheap and good, and if he didn't want to be king, he could let it out, and he had two younger brothers under him. In fact, he did let it, but Queen Mary disagreed.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

First of all, according to the line of succession, George VI should inherit it. Secondly, Queen Mary is not very satisfied with her second son George VI, but she likes her granddaughter Princess Elizabeth very much, and believes that she is the next generation of heirs, and has been raised as a queen since she was a child.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

The queen was the first grandchild of his grandparents, George V, and the couple treated them as treasures and trained them themselves. So the queen has had the style of a king since she was a child, which is inseparable from her grandparents.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

The eldest son Edward VIII abdicated, and Queen Mary of course urged her second son to succeed to the throne, so that the beloved eldest granddaughter would naturally become the queen.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

King George VI couldn't push it out, so he ran to Queen Mary's bedroom and cried. I said that I would be an idle prince, you had to let me be the king, and the boss said that I robbed it, and you said that I was wronged or not [covering my face]

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

It was not for George VI to decide that Edward VIII was going abroad, it was a decision of Queen Mary and Parliament. Because of Edward VIII's tossing, Congress and the public have a lot of opinions, and they almost abolished the royal family, keeping them away from Britain to eliminate the influence, and it is also the protection of George VI's family.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

George VI was a kind man, he became a king, and he did not treat his brother badly, not only giving him the title of Duke of Windsor, but also giving him an annual allowance to support him, so that he could have no worries about food and clothing in France. He was even given the post of Governor of the Bahamas.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

The lovely couple did not appreciate it, saying that the position was an insult to them and "the work of looking at fools". Writing books and making documentaries, his dissatisfaction with George VI was exposed.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

The actions of Edward VIII and his wife caused a lot of psychological pressure on George VI, who was always anxious when he became king.

Coupled with the country's internal and external troubles, George VI spent all the time smoking in order to relieve stress, and later suffered from lung cancer and died in his 50s. This account was paid to both Queen Bowes and the Queen.

This is one of them.

After the death of George VI, he intended to usurp the throne

As a result of the hard work of the day and night, George VI died in his 50s. Fortunately, Queen Mary was still alive at that time, and she helped her beloved eldest granddaughter, Princess Elizabeth, become the queen.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

During George VI's serious illness, Mrs. Simpson contacted Edward VIII's friends to discuss a grand plan to return to England. intends to use the queen's young age as an excuse to return to China to be the regent, and to find a chance to be the king after taking back the power.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Compared to Edward VIII, Mrs. Simpson was more power-hungry. After she planned everything and told Edward VIII, Edward VIII didn't have the guts to do it. In fact, he is just a gentleman, and it is okay to hook up with married women, but it is not good to run the country at all.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

This is the legendary mud that can't support the wall, Mrs. Simpson calculates and calculates, the man she likes is useless, no matter how good the plan is, the queen dream still can't be realized.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Although the plan was not implemented, the matter was known to the royal family. Even the Queen's enthronement ceremony did not invite Edward VIII to attend, as if he did not exist.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

The only time Edward VIII returned to England from France to see his mother, Queen Mary, made a request to his mother that she would agree to give Mrs. Simpson a royal status and recognize her as the Duchess of Windsor.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Queen Mary said, that's impossible, and you don't want to come back in the future.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Queen Mary had never seen Mrs. Simpson, and was so bored with this woman that she hated the house and the house, and even wanted her son.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

The wise grandmother had already said that if Mrs. Simpson was not given the title and Edward VIII was not allowed to return home, how could the queen disobey the will of the old man?

This is the second one.

Collusion with Hitler, betrayal of the country

Compared with the last one, the first two reasons can be said to be sprinkled with water and drizzle.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Intending to collude with Hitler to regain power is too much!

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Mrs. Simpson still has the fantasy of being a queen, which is really scary enough.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did
Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

What were George VI and George VI doing while Edward VIII and Mrs. Simpson were having dinner with the Nazi chiefs?

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

At the risk of being killed by German bombs, they ran to the ruins to build the confidence of the British people, cheer them on, and defend Britain to the death.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

In public and private, it is impossible for the queen to forgive Edward VIII, even if he is her own uncle. It is even more impossible to forgive Mrs. Simpson, and it is already benevolent to let her live.

The end of the couple of Edward VIII

Edward VIII died in France, and after his death, the Queen agreed that Mrs. Simpson would transport her uncle's body back home.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

The Queen and Queen Mother Bowes were also not very kind to Mrs. Simpson.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

At this time, Mrs. Simpson has no thoughts at all, let alone being a queen or a queen, it is good to be able to live well.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Before Edward VIII died, the Queen visited him once. He made one last request to the appearance from the sickbed, still hoping to give Mrs. Simpson a name.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

The queen replied without even thinking about it, NO! It's absolutely impossible.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Some say the queen is ruthless, while others say that the queen's attitude towards Edward VIII is reasonable.

Why did the queen refuse to return to China before her uncle's death? Just look at the three things that love 8 and his family did

Who is right and who is wrong, the world has its own judgment [flash of inspiration]