
is also "blackened": Zhang Han I smiled, Hu Ge I endured, and she only relied on a smile

author:It's your Yakult

In film and television dramas, the inner transformation of the characters is often shown through various forms. In modern dramas, when a character is blackened, his words and eyes often become fierce and cold, and this transformation is often subtle and imperceptible. In ancient dramas, however, this transformation is more concrete, with elaborate makeup, costume colors, and evil eyes creating a strong visual contrast.

Li Qin: Princess Yuanchun in "The Legend of Chu Qiao".

is also "blackened": Zhang Han I smiled, Hu Ge I endured, and she only relied on a smile

Yuan Chungui is the princess of Dawei, and Princess Yuan Chun has only one wish in her life, so that Yan Xun likes herself, and she is desperate for this wish. In the early days, he had a simple and kind personality and liked Yan Xun. But after encountering his sweetheart's escape from marriage, treason, and being insulted by the Yanbei Army, his personality changed to sinister and black.

is also "blackened": Zhang Han I smiled, Hu Ge I endured, and she only relied on a smile
is also "blackened": Zhang Han I smiled, Hu Ge I endured, and she only relied on a smile

She went from a noble princess who was innocent and lovely, to experiencing sudden changes in her family and country, Yuan Chun is a tragic figure, her beloved was taken away, and she was humiliated again, she only has hatred in her heart, she is so beautiful before blackening, and bewitching after blackening, I have to say that Li Qin is really suitable for ancient costumes, and Chun'er's blackening is still amazing. What do you think?

Meng Ziyi: "Who is the hero" Lei Chun

is also "blackened": Zhang Han I smiled, Hu Ge I endured, and she only relied on a smile
is also "blackened": Zhang Han I smiled, Hu Ge I endured, and she only relied on a smile

The wonderful plot of "Who is the Hero" is in the second half, and the first blackened character is Lei Chun played by Meng Ziyi. Lei Chun was originally gentle and lovely, gentle and kind, but he was defiled by the wicked, and he also witnessed the man he loved killing his father, making her go black for revenge. Lei Chun, who originally couldn't see blood, also learned to kill people and became a cold-blooded beauty witch who kills people without blinking.

is also "blackened": Zhang Han I smiled, Hu Ge I endured, and she only relied on a smile

Mencius Yiman is suitable for playing this kind of role, his blackened eyes are very sensitive, tender like water turned into ruthless and domineering, and his eyes with tears are full of hatred. Fans of the drama love the blackened Lei Chun even more, beautiful and domineering!

Zhao Liying: "Flower Thousand Bone" Flower Thousand Bone

is also "blackened": Zhang Han I smiled, Hu Ge I endured, and she only relied on a smile

In "Hua Qiangu", a sadistic and sadistic blackening was staged, after Hua Qiangu was hurt by the person he loved the most, the demon god awakened and wore a red dress. Zhao Liying's acting skills are also very good, but her baby face is a little immature.

is also "blackened": Zhang Han I smiled, Hu Ge I endured, and she only relied on a smile

And this blackened makeup is also a bit indescribable, the large dark blue eyeshadow is very incompatible with Zhao Liying's baby face, and even a little disobedient. In fact, Hua Qiangu is not blackened, although he has become a demon god, he is still kind-hearted, and he has never done anything bad, but he has always been framed. In the end, he was misunderstood by the person he loved and died in the arms of his lover, which is really distressing.

Zhang Han: "The Legend of the Red Shadow of the Classic of Mountains and Seas" Red Feather

is also "blackened": Zhang Han I smiled, Hu Ge I endured, and she only relied on a smile

Zhang Han, an actor known for his accurate grasp of roles, has never stopped exploring in his pursuit of acting. Not only does he challenge himself in reality shows, but he also tries to broaden his artistic field through his musical works. From modern dramas to costume dramas to the big screen, Zhang Han has always been like a tough warrior, constantly proving his strength.

is also "blackened": Zhang Han I smiled, Hu Ge I endured, and she only relied on a smile
is also "blackened": Zhang Han I smiled, Hu Ge I endured, and she only relied on a smile

However, in "The Legend of the Red Shadow of the Classic of Mountains and Seas", his blackened appearance has sparked extensive discussion among the audience. The heavy eyeliner, greasy back, and brightly colored clothes seemed to be very different from his usual image, which was surprising. But this is also the embodiment of Zhang Han's self-challenge, he dares to break through the burden of idols and try different styles of roles.

Hu Ge: "Xuanyuan Sword" Yuwen Tuo

is also "blackened": Zhang Han I smiled, Hu Ge I endured, and she only relied on a smile

Hu Ge, an actor known as a "beautiful man in ancient costume", also encountered the challenge of blackening in "Xuanyuan Sword". Although he is not the main actor of the show, the audience's expectations for him are still high.

is also "blackened": Zhang Han I smiled, Hu Ge I endured, and she only relied on a smile

However, when seeing Hu Ge's blackened appearance in the later period, many viewers were surprised. The dark purple lipstick and black and white hairstyle are far from his usual image, and it is difficult to adapt. But that's also the charm of actors, who dare to challenge themselves and try different roles and looks.

Zhang Zifeng: "Detective Chinatown" Snow

is also "blackened": Zhang Han I smiled, Hu Ge I endured, and she only relied on a smile

Which clip of "Detective Chinatown" left a deep impression on you, I believe many people will say that Zhang Zifeng smiled weirdly.

is also "blackened": Zhang Han I smiled, Hu Ge I endured, and she only relied on a smile

At the beginning of the plot, Zhang Zifeng treated Qin Feng very enthusiastically, and the details were handled very well, on the surface, she was an innocent little girl, but in the last scene of the film, Zhang Zifeng's weird smile was left with endless suspense by the film, and this smile really infiltrated the audience.

In general, the actor's blackening style and performance in film and television dramas are all interpretations of the character's inner transformation. Whether it is a modern drama or an ancient drama, actors need to show the changes and development of their characters in different ways. The audience can feel the efforts and talents of the actors through these characters and shapes.

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